Named after one of the primary antagonists of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan.
Strength: 58 (149)
Dexterity: 164 (188)
Vitality: 258 (301)
Energy: 25 (52)
Life: ~1.200 (~1.900 with Battle Orders); 75% block
Resists: 75 all (stacked)
Skills: classical Fishymancer with 20 in Golem Mastery
Weapon/Shield: Arm of King Leoric (14@ resists jewel)/Homunculus (P. Diamond)
Switch: 'Call to Arms' Flail/Lidless Wall (hardly ever used)
Helm: Harlequin's Crest (Um)
Armor: 'Enigma' Light Plate
Belt: Verdungo's Hearty cord
Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claw
Boots: Marrowwalk
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings: 2 Stones of Jordan
Inventory: 1 Summoning Skiller, resists and some life.
Act 2 Might. He was wearing Fortitude Dusk Shroud, Ral'd Andariel's Face (Um'd Vamp Gaze before that) and Insight Eth Giant Tresher. He gives me the firsts corpses quite fast and didn't have a lot of problems surviving.
Iron Golem was made of an IK Maul.
Notable Founds: nothing really stuning. Hel/Lem from Hellforges and a Lildless Wall from NM Meph.
Normal and Nightmare were played at /p8. Hell at /p3 except Act Bosses and Ancients.
One of the best untwinked builds out there, a bit slow full-twinked compared to other builds. Maybe the safest character I've ever played. I didn't died once and can't remember any near death experience. There are no hard moments with a fishy just slow ones. Teleport charges from Spellsteel were very helpful in narrow spaces until I could get my Enigma, specially at the expected places: maggot lair and arcane sanctum.
Amp Damage rocks. Dim Vision rocks. Attract rocks. Decrep rocks. But too many good skills means too many shortcuts!
Plans for the future
Don't know yet. Probably retirement.|||Nice helm! Never knew Necro's could get such a high blocking head!
Amp Damage rocks. Dim Vision rocks. Attract rocks. Decrep rocks. But too many good skills means too many shortcuts!
Yeah. All are great skills, and with a few clicks of a button, the entire screen can be blinded, amped, are attacking each other and not you!
Congrats on the Pat. Don't tell the 'cro you're going to retire him. He'll turn over in his grave!|||Congrats!
Jeez, though, that is one decked out fishymancer...|||Thank you, guys!
Lol, coju!|||I'm planning to remake a fishy with supreme gear myself, and I'm quite undecided about gear. Beast or CtA? Should I turn bear and fight alongside the troops, or just wait for the corpse? Should I try and get Pride on the moron, or will Infinity be better for skellies to hit stuff? And what to do about FCR? For a build that works naked, it can become darn confusing when twinked...
How did you like teleporting around with a minion stack? That sounds like it should be cool.
Grate on the Pat!
--Greebo|||Just my opinion, since a kind of fishy is what I used to play quite extensively.
Speaking about the perfect geared necro:
+3 summoning + MF ammy
main: beast / spirit
switch: leorics / homon
CTA in inventory (kinda a pain I know, but since we are talking epic geared...)
arach mesh
SoJ / BK
Trangs (I used chancies just for some MF)
Marrow (I used war travs same reason)
I also go with Insight merc.
3-4 summoner GCs + fill out some resist with charms
The thing about skellies, and why I keep the leoric / homonculous on switch and not mainhand is that the skellies stay alive, at whatever level you summoned them, If you summon them with the perfect setup you'll have something like 41-44 or someplace around there skelly/skelly master, then you can put all your charms into stash, have level 30 skellie skill, and switch off to beast/spirit for even better skellies, they will stay at the lvl 41 or so that you summoned them at. (not to mention the CTC on leorics is god awful annoying)
FCR really doesn't matter all that much except for tele, which is actually quite safe when you have 30 some odd skellies right on top of you when you tele, and since it's not really that great a build for MF runs due to having to raise an army every game, it ends up being not a big deal at all.
I used to have this exact build, I kept a HoTo in my inventory too and basically I did ubers, uber rushes, and it was incredibly simple. I am 100% sure this gear setup could thrash through the game, nonstop on /p8 never even using /p1 for anything at all.|||Thanks, mate!
Beast or CtA? [...]Should I try and get Pride on the moron, or will Infinity be better for skellies to hit stuff?
I did a bit on research on twinked fishymancers myself. Beast (just to get fana) and Infinity tend to be the most usual choices. If you ask me, I think it really doesn't matter. Fishymancer kills fast with decent gear in open spaces, and slows down in closed one. Using high-end RW like Pride or Beast won't change it as much as you may think.
what to do about FCR? How did you like teleporting around with a minion stack? That sounds like it should be cool.
If I were rebuilding the char, I would use a FCR switch instead of the CtA. Wizardspike+Spirit or something like that. I haven't check the FCR breakpoints, but I should try to get a decent one.
It isn't as cool as you think, tough. Yes, menomage is right, you are protected when you tele, but minions tend to get stuck at the point of teleportation. If you want them moving you have to run in and out of that spot. And it sucks.
I ended tele just to reposition them to avoid choke points like doors or narrow corridors. Or you know, to bypass stuff in the maggot lair/arcane sanctum.|||Grats on the Pat! Nice gear and I second what you say about curses. I'm still learning (with my Assassin, though) my new hotkeys allocated in the QAZ rows and now placing prebuffs to F1-5. The transition wasn't painless but is working out pretty well.
I'm planning to remake a fishy with supreme gear myself, and I'm quite undecided about gear. Beast or CtA? Should I turn bear and fight alongside the troops, or just wait for the corpse? Should I try and get Pride on the moron, or will Infinity be better for skellies to hit stuff? And what to do about FCR? For a build that works naked, it can become darn confusing when twinked...
How did you like teleporting around with a minion stack? That sounds like it should be cool.
I could share my experience and mention some things that didn't occur to me immediately back in the time when I was planning my Fishymancer. I'll start with 'Pride'.
No matter how many times I've looked into it, Pride has always been a bad idea for a reason or another. Your mercenary is capable of dishing out quite easily (Fortitude+1.07 Insight+Guillaume's) twice as much damage as the skeleton pack. I would say, even without excel, that the damage lost from mercenary side can't be compensated by the aura affecting the skeletons. So mercenary 'Pride' is a no.
How about Iron Golem 'Pride' then? I would say a well equipped Fishymancer with Enigma is able to keep his IG alive pretty much everywhere with little effort. If keeping a mercenary of a Sorceress alive is doable, keeping IG alive is a piece of cake. Chaos Sanctuary may be an exception to this. I remember losing a few IG's there but it's been so long I can't tell why I really lost them. Pretty sure Big D's Fire Storm was the killer, though. Well, Fishymancer sucks in CS anyway, people should just use Hammerdins there. If you don't believe me, watch Corrupted's video of Noble doing CS and Shrine Shopping.
So, why is 'Pride' IG a bad idea. Because it blinds the target the Golem hits, even against Baal's waves in the throne room with 1pt IG. I'm not aware of the mechanism IG actually blinds his foes, but whether it depends on my own clvl or IG's slvl, he's still able to blind the toughest of monsters. Blind of course overrides Amplify Damage which effectively triples your damage input against the standard monsters with physical resist of 50%. IG isn't able to inflict blind on bosses, so running Meph for example would work. But since Fishymancers are area clearers, I feel that the mod Hit Blinds Target, be it on your mercenary's weapon or on your IG's mod arsenal, cripples your flow of the game and your damage output.
I've never made 'Pride' so I can't talk from actual experience, but anyone can try the cheap man's 'Pride'; Woestave. If you like the effects of Woestave, 'Pride' will just add the aura and a little more damage. I won't go talking about corpse shatter at all because it's really a minor con I would gladly accept if there wasn't that cursed mod HBT I've been talking about.
Wielding it yourself? I'm using 'Beast' and 'Spirit' with my Necro and switching to a polearm would cost me the following:
*35% FCR
*55% FHR
*35% Light/Cold/Poison Res
*100 mana before BO
*some magic absorb
*a few frames from attack speed of skeletons and merc. The skeleton attack speed increase is really marginal.
*crappy blocking

*if I ever get an 'Infinity' for my merc, a nice axe with decent amount of CB to whack Baal's ugly face at a decent speed
EDIT: Fanaticism shaves off a frame from merc FPA with 0% and 15% IAS and -30 WSM weapon, ie. from 7,5 to 6,5 FPA or from 7,0 to 6,0. With 20% IAS and -30 WSM weapon FPA gets a boost from 7 to 5,5 FPA. Just thought I would share since I found these from my excel sheet. The weapon in these examples is Insight Thresher and the IAS comes from helmet or helmet sockets
I would gain:
*About 20 stat points
*From 252 to 192 ED% to party members
I'll keep my current setup.
Then some other things. I haven't got Infinity so I can't tell how great it is, but some things I'm looking forward to try if/when I get it some day:
*Trying other helmets for merc. Guillaume's may just be the best helmet for Fishy's merc, but at least trying some new stuff and crunching some numbers would be refreshing. He's pretty much stuck with the Guillaume's at the moment because I feel CB is so important.
*Making Beast IG (maybe). I've been using Blackbog's Sharps to create IGs (50% slow). If you ask me why not just Clay Golem, I answer: because I want see in what kind of circumstances they die. I need this information so that I have the knowledge to keep an IG alive permanently when he's created out of a RW that costs a HR. This option would then give me the liberty to use what ever weapon I wanted.
*If I lack the courage or change my plans, I'll be making Insight IG and keep wielding the Beast myself.
*Due to the above, I don't have the slowing effect of Gumby or Iggy anymore, which is a must in Baal and CS runs. This means that my merc or myself have to slow down the worst opponents. Thanks to Conviction aura hitting becomes possible for myself, too, without the use of CtA's Battle Cry. I don't know what's the magic number for slow% to render Baal harmless so this needs more planning to do. Cleglaw's Pincers and Arachnid could be enough. If not, a dagger in bag is probably needed.
To your question, Beast or CtA. I went with both. I summon with beta CtA and necro head Splendor and teleport/play with Beast and Spirit. I went for 75% FCR (Arachnid, Spirit, Golemlord's Circlet of the Magus). I don't use AotKL for summoning because it's a hassle and the gain isn't that remarkable.
Telestomping in my opinion is the blast

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