I started out using Concentrate using uniques and bonesnap maul as my best friend.
When I got a long bit into hell I switched into WW and IK set wich worked pretty good then I switched to Double Swing using Grief+Crescent Moon
and now I am using 2x Grief PB and Frezny Thanks to Noobstorm that gave it to me in his givaway thread big thanks!
This hero like to run Travincal, Pindle, Diablo, Baal, and sometimes Mephisto and The Pit.
Best finds
Runes: 2xSur 2xLo 1x Ohm
Items: Stormlash
Stats, Skills, Merc and Inventory
Inventory and Merc with Chilling Armor active he have 12k+ without it
Warcries and stats
Combat Skills
Combat Masteries
Weapons: 2x Greif PBs. Swap Heart of Oak and Echoin weap for a total of +6 to warcries
Head: Areat's Face ptopz 24mf
Body: Chains of Honor Scarab Husk 25mf
Belt: Nosferatu's Coil < Going to switch for String of Ears when I get new respec token
Gloves: Chance Guards 40mf
Boots: War Traveler 34 mf
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
Rings: Raven Frost & rare dual leech
Charms: MF SCs 21x 144mf, Gheeds 40 mf
TotalMF: 307
Eth The Reaper's Toll
Eth Fortidute Helforge Plate
What helmet should I get for my merc maybe Crown of Ages?
What to do about my 5,9k AR, SHould I switch highlords for Metalgrid?
Get a Cham for my Helmet and using Angilic Wings+Halo? Switch some mf charms for ar charms
Get some kind of weapon with mana leech to be able to switch the dual leech for angelic?s
or should I leave it at 5,9k?
And what else can I make to improve this char please leave some feedback =)|||Nice baba!
I cannot answer any of your questions: Out of my pay-grade

Gl with the runs!|||thanks I appreciate it|||Angelics combo solves, and metalgrid + sweet AR/other mods GC has great potential. Also Grief has -25%TD and ITD so LCS will tell lies to you.
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