1. When a Gheed's Fortune drops and you already have one, make a town portal so you can get back to it, then head to town.
2. Take a waypoint or walk outside town to somewhere with monsters that can kill you.
3. Open your inventory and pick up your Gheed's Fortune but do not drop it or replace it in your inventory. Just leave it dangling on your mouse pointer.
4. Die. Do not retrieve your corpse. Your Gheed's Fortune is saved on the corpse.
5. Return to your town portal and pick up the new Gheed's Fortune.
6. Save and exit.
7. Mule off the new Gheed's Fortune from your inventory.
8. Make a new game and retrieve your corpse with your old Gheed's Fortune.
If you look at your character in GoMule while you have both charms, you won't see the second one displayed on the "Corpse" tab in the "Cursor" slot. That's where it is, but it doesn't seem to display properly. Don't panic. It's there.
This is a commonly used technique on Battle.net for Gheed's Fortune or the Annihilus and Hellfire Torch. It works just as well on single player.
Advantages: no hotmuling
Disadvantages: you lose experience; tricky the first time|||Also Disadvantages: does not work on HC.
Nice post btw, I did not know this worked|||How about an appropriate name for it, like "deathmuling?"|||a common practice on battle net for muling extras of the other unique charms. works great.|||I played Bnet for a loooong time and never heard of it. Very interesting. I can't say I would ever use it in SP, as Hotmuling is just so much easier, but interesting still.|||Damn Jcakes! Ruining my joke like that. I was going to post: "I tried this, but I got the deeds screen. RIP my lvl xx Blizz sorc and near-perfect LK map."

Interesting idea, but I wouldn't do it, even if I played SC. Just seems too much of a hastle for a Gheeds, unless you happen to find a near-perfect one. On B.net, I might to get the Anni/Torch, although my only b.net char is stuck because after getting rushed through NM, I entered Hell, and the only games I see now are Hell Baal bots.|||That's... actually pretty clever. So it just stays on your corpse's mouse or can you retrieve your corpse and have two of them?|||Quote:
That's... actually pretty clever. So it just stays on your corpse's mouse or can you retrieve your corpse and have two of them?
It stays on the corpse's mouse. You can't actually have two in your inventory. Even if you retrieve your corpse after picking up the second charm, the first one will remain on the corpse -- similarly to what happens if you don't meet the requirements for your gear or accidentally pick up an item before retrieving your corpse.
This is most frequently used by large scale Annihilus hunters. When you're pulling in upwards of 40 a day, that's a lot of accounts and characters to manage. If you can cut it in half by keeping two on each mule, that's a big savings.
I'm leaning toward hotmuling my next one, but it just sounds so dodgy.|||Quote:
On B.net, I might to get the Anni/Torch, although my only b.net char is stuck because after getting rushed through NM, I entered Hell, and the only games I see now are Hell Baal bots.
have to create your own nm games and just run baal or whatever till you are lvl;d enough, or just join the hell baal games with human players and leech xp. (thats what i do)|||Or make a "scout" character that is still in Normal or Nightmare mode to look for games. Works best if you can multiclient. Note that you can copy/paste the game name, which can help you join quickly enough before it fills up.
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