I have pretty good gear like CtA, Enigma & shimmering charms etc so I should be able to go most places safely/effectively. Maybe one of those weird red portal pits (?) in Act 5 has something workable?
Someone once posted a table of listed resistances on the creeps that can spawn in certain areas, in conjunction to some MFO I can't quite remember. I would like to see this list again!
Any help/tips appreciated.|||A Javazon's typical hangout spots are Chaos Sanctuary, WSK/Baal and Cows as far as I know. I'd take a look at cows, they should go down very easily on lower player settings.|||Enigma and coh, but no idea about resistances, alvls or google? Seems like a case of The D2 SPF FAQ & Rules ** READ BEFORE POSTING ** to me ^^|||Mine has Infinity and still uses a bow switch with Freezing Arrow and the synergy maxed. If you haven't used it before FA really is surprisingly good with decent gear.
If you don't go that route the cow-level is great, CS is okay-ish if you just jab the finger mages, some of the A5 caves can be viable (although most still have a chance to spawn LIs) and then there's shenk/pindle/eldritch of course.|||Thanks for tips. Sort of what I had in mind just wondering if there was something I missed.
@ nepeta: low post count/early join date =/= nooblar looking for attention. And it was CtA not CoH. I do have an idea about resistances, alvl and google, just thought it could be a nice topic (instead of routinely googleing) since I haven't seen a thread about obscure area level hunting with a pure lightbuild.|||These are the only act 4/5 areas (along with Pindle gardens) with no light immunes:
Kurast Bazaar (81) and beneath it Ruined Temple and Disused Fane (both 84)
Forgotten Reliquary (84) via Upper Kurast
The Pit of Acheron (82) via Arreat Plateau
Crystalline Passage (82)|||dont forget about pindle. he's not always LI and his minions never are. the shenk and eldrich are also decent to hit if not that high. the low life that most LIs have are what make me usually prefer even a weak bow to all out jav.|||Thanks hubb for a comprehensive answer regarding res/alvl. The Pit of Acheron is an interesting place and will be looked into, as well as A3 tombs.
@CDM: Thanks but been running those for too long!

Maybe should have chosen a different title on this thread, come to think of it. Obscure alvl hunting in general is very interesting. What builds can mash what places etc.. For example, trapsin and CE-mancer does very well in those less visited a2 tombs.|||How about the Act 5 Red Portals? My Javvy loves those areas.|||Solution #1: Wand of lower resist on switch (Baal spawns Lvl3). See Ugla's Fury build guide and 99er write-up.
Solution #2: LF/FA Hybrid "Fishyzon". See NF build guide.
Solution #3: Bolster your physical attack. Might merc, LoH, Demon Limb for AR, hurty stick on switch, use Jab on left click, increase IAS.
Pure jav w/ infinity is arguably the strongest char in game, but build can be tweeked to run most areas effectively.
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