This is the place, where elite runners among SPF players belong.
Anyone has a personal project that involves rerunning some monster/area for items? Good, add yourself to the table.
Post your progress, brag about the items you have found, rant about the items you have not found yet, discuss the strategies, this thread should be all about that.
Some rules:
1) Don't start a new project unless you realize how hard/time consuming it will be. If you start your project here, try to complete it.
2) Don't include projects like runs for Experience (that's what "Quest for lvl 99" thread is) or for different items (like the Grail thread) or Septavirate - like projects.
3) You have to specify what kind of run you want to do and what is your primary item you hunt for. Completing your project means either completing the specified number of runs or finding the item.
4) You can do your runs while participating in another tourney (like MFO or Pindlethon) or a project on another forum.
5) You can't use any dupes, hacks or cheats like maphack/dropmod. Only mods acceptable are those accepted here on SPF - RRM and RWM mods.
6) Anything under 1K is not elite. The minimal number of runs has to be 1000 runs. That leaves Hellforge runs out. Hellforge running is a questionable tactic anyway.
7) When starting your project, please give us a short intro of project, what character you will be using, what is your average time and strategy.
8) You have to count the runs and report about your progress from time to time (update Progress table). Counting can be done by pencil and paper or we have some runcounter programs made by SPF members:
jjscud's savecounter - works great for Pindle runs
Kefir-Tribe's runcounter - some statistics included, but you have to click manually after each run.
I would rather not use counting by experience gain, it can be unreliable sometimes.
My own project is "25K Ancient Tunnels" runs, I hope to get the Tyrael's Might and complete the grail then. Character is a lvl95 Blizzsorc Hecathe, the participant of many MF tourneys. She has around 480 MF at this time. I kill only bosspacks on my way to sparkly chest (guarding by at least 1 bosspack allways). I don't kill regular monsters, they can't drop Tyrael's Might anyway. P1 mostly, the average time is around 70 seconds, average number of bosspacks killed is 5. I had an idea of starting the project like this for some time, so when I have started my MFO runs 2 weeks ago, I counted them. Because of that I am starting at 2480 runs. I will also pick up all elite sets and uniques (aka MFO qualifiers), so I can provide some interesting statistics about drops later. I am 1.11b vanilla selffound BTW.
Progress table:
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)|||hmm i might try ancient tunnels or pits not decided yet going to have a look and perfect a charcter and let you know. Items i would be looking for would be stormlash/tyreals (any really rare tc 87
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might

Will add my character to the table tomorrow i think i will go with 10k runs(im too lazy

I really hope someone tries a 5k run of everything(meph/pindle/baal/pits/ancient tunnels) i may consider this i remember lone_wolf started it but hardly ever hear from him anymore

Progress table:
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
Vang 20k Pindleskin 2150 IK Armor CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice
He were go

One more edit: Great links to the save counters, I was going off exp, and having to go a little higher than normal, so this will now give exact information from now on. Thanks to the gentlemen that made them as well|||I'll give this a go since I'm running him anyway. Put me down for 1k Hell Meph runs. I will be using my level 79 Blizz/Wall Sorc Findmesomething. She's working with 4 perfect topaz armor, 3 perfect topaz mask, 40% chance guards, with a blade of ali baba (just found yesterday) and rhyme shield on switch
edit: I forgot to mention that I run him on /players 1 and the average run takes about 2 minutes including selling my previous stuff. And a few extra seconds now to right down what run I'm on. :smiley:
edit 2: Also forgot to mention I'm 1.11b vanilla, self-found
Progress table:
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)|||Progress table:
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
mwints 1k Hell Meph 0 Just starting HOZ, Occy, etc
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
Vang 20K Pindleskin 2150 IK Armor CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice
Sint 10K Baal 0 - Tyrael's Might
mwints 1K Hell Meph 0 Just starting HOZ, Occy, etc
My goal is to find Tyrael's Might, because it will likely be my last item needed to complete my grail by then (I need quite a few right now.. but hey).
I'm running with my level 97 sorc, going trough the WSK (got a half decent map, but not going to improve it because I meet bosspacks on my way down), killing the bosspacks in WSKII, WSKIII and the Throne, clear out the baal-dropzone, kill the monsters there and kill baal. Average time per run 4 to 10 minutes. Going to 10K means I'll level my sorc to 99 and hopefully stock on craftable/rollable items, gems and runes to fill my needs. I won't make the 10k in the near future based on the following presumption:
10k runs on an average of 6 min per run (let's hope so) = 60.000 minutes = 1000 hours. At an average of 10 hours per week dedicated to this project, that's about 2 years to complete the goal. Oh well, at least there's no pressure right?
PS. I updated the table with the highest goal to the top (based on the number of runs).|||Code:
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
hepcat 25K Pindle 6572 Stormlash Death's Web
Vang 20K Pindleskin 2150 IK Armor CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice
Sint 10K Baal 0 - Tyrael's Might
mwints 1K Hell Meph 0 Just starting HOZ, Occy, etc
I'm going to pick up where I left off during the MFO. I'm running a pure blizzsorc, lvl 94, wearing about
600 MF now. I will run Pindle to 25K or a Death's Web, whichever comes first. I would like to leave the option
open to continue until I get the Death's Web....basically "Death's Web or keep running"! Best finds so far...
Stormlash. Good luck all
EDIT: Avg time per run on p/7 (gotta get some xp here!) ~26-27s....p/1~24s
these are guesstimates but sound about right|||Code:
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
Vang 20K Pindleskin 2150 Griz's Caddy CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice
Sint 10K Baal 0 - Tyrael's Might
mwints 1K Hell Meph 0 Just starting HOZ, Occy, etc
Ok, used Atma to figure that Griz's Caddy is a 1 in 19k drop compared to IK armors 1 in 7.5k drop, so based on that statistic and my own finds of 3 Caddys compared to 8 or so sacred armors.|||Code:
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
Vang 20K Pindleskin 2150 Griz's Caddy CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice
Sint 10K Baal 0 - Tyrael's Might
mwints 1K Hell Meph 0 Just starting HOZ, Occy, etc
nepeta 1K Hell Council 0 - A good rune
Just for the heck of it, might keep the spirits up, I could do with a little encouragement

Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
hepcat 25K Pindle 6572 Stormlash Death's Web
Vang 20K Pindleskin 2150 Griz's Caddy CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice
Sint 10K Baal 0 - Tyrael's Might
mwints 1K Hell Meph 0 Just starting HOZ, Occy, etc
nepeta 1K Hell Council 0 - A good rune
Just for the heck of it, might keep the spirits up, I could do with a little encouragement

I am really curious about your results (Hell council)...
And I readd hepcat|||Code:
Forumname project runs done best finds target item(s)
Hrus 25K Tunnels 2480 Dkforce Spawn Tyrael's Might
hepcat 25K Pindle 6572 Stormlash Death's Web
Vang 20K Pindleskin 2150 Griz's Caddy CoA, Stormlash, Exe.Justice
Sint 10K Baal 0 - Tyrael's Might
mwints 1K Hell Meph 0 Just starting HOZ, Occy, etc
nepeta 1K Hell Council 0 - A good rune
DX 20K Pindle 0 Just starting Grailitems
I'm jumping in on this doing good 'ol pindle with my blizzysorc, will doing players8 run with around 500% MF.
Will check out the runcalculators now
Edit: MF is 626%
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