D2: Forums have now been blocked from work so I now only get to post here on occasion, I guess that means the EMB won't be getting as big a work out. Although I am sure that rax, kegster and thespamdog will keep it up in my absence. I am working up the guts to push my second hardcore character through to guardian, I think I might look at it this weekend.
Anyway after that wall of text I am off to read, night guys and gals.|||Gotta say after all the delays I'm not as psyched for this book anymore. Since then a lot of new - and imho better - authors have taken the field. I feel this series is quite overhyped, much like the lord of the rings. Not saying it's not good, but it's not the second coming of jesus many people make it out to be. At least not to me.|||I haven't started reading the series yet, but I plan to soon. I've just got into fantasy books (strange I know, after being so addicted to Diablo II all these years), Nightfish, can you recommend any authors?
RL: Rearranged the flat, boy that took some effort. Looking forward to a nice dinner later. Did a bit of a tidy and found some old games. Finally got around to starting series seven of The Office.
OVG: Been into Borderlands over the weekend, I thought I didn't like the game, but I guess things change. Maybe it's been so long since I last tried it I've forgotten my gripes, and it looks better than I remember, maybe a driver update or something. Also got back into The Sims and its expansions, which makes me curious about The Sims 3 after watching a couple LPs about it.|||RL: Woke up at 12.30, watched the tour all day, just ate a burger and later I'm going to play some monopoly and trivial pursuit with my friends. Probably going to get drunk as well. Summer's awesome.
D2: Started a new HC char.|||RL: Woke up at 9:43 and decided I should get up as I had a psych appointment at 11:15 and I missed my last one. Woke up again at 11:48.
D2: Had a NDE with my frost zealot xD My Mum came and started yelling at me about something, just as I hit the right seal in CS... *rejuv* x5
OVG: *giggle*|||RL: 3 weeks and 2 days until vacation. Not that I'm counting or anything... It's raining today so I have tried to make some progress on my MFO...
D2: well, I am down to roughly 5.30 minutes for a run (AT with a skelliemancer...) which to me is acceptable. I have 244 in MF and playing at p1 which has given me exactly NOTHING!!! frustrating. At least I am gaining experience which will help me to reach lvl 91 in a while.|||Quote:
Nightfish, can you recommend any authors?
Why yes, I can.

If you want some "high fantasy" is the term, I believe, I'd go with Brandon Sanderson's "Mistborn" trilogy. Actually anything by Sanderson is plain awesome. This guy fleshes out worlds he uses *once* way beyond what people flesh out their universe that they roll with for dozens of books. I can't fully explain his awesome without this taking ages, so take my word for it or go read at least one of his books.
If you want something a little more fast paced, I'd go with anything by Jim Butcher. He's probably my favorite author. "Codex Alera" and "Dresden Files" are the things to type into amazon here. I have to admit, I was sceptical about the Dresden Files but I picked up the first one anyway because "Hey, it's 5$". Two weeks later I had read all 13 of them. Yes. One book per day. Then I was sceptical about the codex alera because it seemed like something totally different and I was like "can he pull this off?". He can.
Finally, there's Patrick Rothfuss who's getting some well deserved spotlight recently. "The Name of the Wind" and "The Wise Man's Fear" are the two books he has out in his trilogy at the moment.
To a lesser degree, I can recommend Joe Abercrombie. Initially, I liked him a lot more than I did as time went by. I'd have to spoil the books to explain why.
Honorable mention as biggest disappointment goes to Piers Anthony for his "Incarnations of Immortality" thing. How you **** up a concept as awesome as this, I do not know. Part of it is because I hate his writing style. It took me a while to put my finger on it, but then I finally got it: He comes across as very condescending - using lots of unnecessarily complicated words and stilted dialogue, which is rarely appropriate for the characters in question. A hooker does not use words an english professor would have to look up. They just don't. To me, it was the equivalent of watching an entire movie shot in shakey cam. Yes, I can do that and if I try really, really hard I can sorta get what's going on. But it's not how I want to spend my time.
One thing to put this into context, what I like now might not be ideal to get started in fantasy. Much like extreme variants of heavy metal are not the place to start listening to music that's a bit harder than what's played on the radio. Works for some, but not for all. Anyway I started reading fantasy books almost two decades ago with David Eddings, which is an okay place to start if you're not even in your teens. Read some Wheel of Time (again, mostly based on "omg you must read this") It took me over 10 books to come to my senses and be like "zomg, nothing is happening! I could have told all this **** in 2 books!"), Raymond Feist, R.A. Salvatore rehashing his one idea over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Also read Robin Hobb's books. They're okay. Brent Weeks, also okay, not great. Also read the big book of "Amber". Which was... weird.|||Dark Magician trilogy is good, Belgariads are my favourite series ever. It's split into two groups of about 6 books in each, same characters, but one when the main character is growing up, and one when he's older

Dark Magician trilogy is good, Belgariads are my favourite series ever. It's split into two groups of about 6 books in each, same characters, but one when the main character is growing up, and one when he's older

I wouldn't really say they're good as that they're good places to *start* reading fantasy. They're really simplistic, especially the Eddings Books. Every person is basically defined by the country he is from. I forget all the names, but some countries are evil, one country is just merchants and spies, one is robin hoods, one is knights, one is vikings, one is farmers etc. It's a neat place to start for kids because that makes it easy to follow, but this is one of the things that doesn't age very well. Or rather, that you outgrow more than other things. At least I did. And of course things tend to go a little too smoothly for the protagonists in the Eddings books, and also the Raymond Feist books. That's one of the things I appreciate about the Game of Thrones. Everyone is fair game for death.
Who dies in Edding's books? Even in the one where they said right at the outset that one of their "fellowship of the whatever our mainquest is" that one of them would not survive? Well, they had one new guy with them who was mute. Yea, took me all of 5 seconds to call that one.|||RL: Had a tough day at work today - glad to be finished and heading back home. Just found out that my football club have signed a new winger and furthermore he's quite a tidy player.
D2: Maybe some MP tonight with Wicked, to continue where we left off on Monday.
OVG: Completed all the Cie'th stone missions on FF13, with a 5* rating. I was not looking forward to the last few, including the Doomherald. In fact, they were quite reasonable.
Just got to defeat some Long Gui's, grab some Dark Matter's and complete the equipment upgrading. It sounds sad, but I am in touching distance of my first platinum trophy and I don't think I'll get a better chance.
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