Echoing Horned Helm of the Wolf
Defense: 28
Durability: 42 of 45
(Barbarian Only)
Required Strength: 45
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x2f88a6ce
+18 to Life
+38 to Mana
+3 to War Cry (Barbarian Only)
+2 to Spear Mastery (Barbarian Only)
+3 to Warcry Skills (Barbarian Only)
Socketed (1: 1 used)
I'm not exactly a normal guy. I like Singer as one of the most favorite builds in D2, which, you know, is not a normal thing. My previous guy, CryBaby was a lot of fun. Ever since I wondered just how far can I push the damage. Then one day, Pyro posted this pelt in the IFT and I just knew I had to do this. Damage-wise, the result turned out to be 2,070-2,116, which is pretty neat. Screenie:

Pyrohemia, Level 83 Barbarian
Str 30/ 92
Dex 20/ 58
Vit 157/157
Ene 303/303 (Seriously)
Life 2,033
Mana 1,898
(after Battle Orders)
Resistances: 75/59/75/59
LCS highlights:
War Cry Damage: 1,978-2,024 (avg. 2,001)
(stuns for 10 seconds, 58 mana / cast)
Howl: Enemy runs for 166 yards / 48 seconds
Taunt: Target Damage -95%
Battle Cry: Defense -140%
Damage -70%
lasts 120 sec
120% FCR (8 frames on main switch)
75% FCR (9 frames on 'Lawbringer' switch)
8% PDR
6.4k Defense
10% FHR [8 frames @ 7%]
War Cry 20 [49] + synergies 60
Battle Orders 8+ [34]
Battle Cry, Shout, Find Item 1 [27]
Iron Skin, Natural Resistances 1 [13]
Comments on Stats & Skills
At skill level 49, War Cry goes through mana like crazy. And Barbarians don't have warmth to help with the recovery. Even with Magefists and level 17 Meditation aura from merc's 'Insight', blue bulb was problematic when I was at about 1,100 mana. So I though 'What the hell, why not?', respeced to 2k Life and dumped the rest into Energy. First time for everything. He became much more fun at that point. Note that between BO, 2x 'HotO', 2x SoJ every point in Energy was worth over 3 points of mana. Which is quite a feat for a Barb...
Weapons: double 'Heart of the Oak' (@30/@39) in Flails
Switch: 'Lawbringer' + 'Spirit' Crystal Swords
Head: Magic Pelt (+6 War Cry, 38 Life, 18 Mana)
Armor: 'Enigma' Breast Plate
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Magefists
Boots: Rare (30FRW, 10FHR, 33LR, 32FR, 5MF)
Amulet: Echoing Amulet of Perfection (+3 Warcries, 17 Dex)
Rings: 2x Stone of Jordan
Charms: 8x Sounding GC (one with 12 Life); 8x SC (132 Mana, 14 Life, 10 MF, 3 FRW)
Comments on Gear
The idea was to get as much +skills as possible while maintaining 105 FCR. The rest was oriented towards as much mana as possible. Between Natural Resistance and double 'HotO' I was covered with resistances, the rare boots drove the relevant resists to the max.
A2 Prayer
'Insight' in eth 1.07 eth Thresher
Vamp Gaze 'Um'
I actually rerolled the 'Insight' so that I had a high damage roll on a level 17 meditation stick for this guy. Seriously, he's such a mana hog.
Difficulty: 5/10
Fun: 9/10
Future: no
Journey and Comments
I started normal with a big hammer, which got replaced with Ravenclaw which lasted till I could get War Cry at 30. I started using it straight away, though till level 42 it was slow going. But once I equipped skillers it got much better. Mana was an issue the whole way, until I decided to limit myself to 2k Life and dump the rest of stat point in Energy. That helped a lot. Around 1,600 mana seems to be a reasonable amount to shoot for with a high-end Singer.
This guy deals out over 6k physical damage per second to multiple monsters in his vicinity. That's a lot on /p1. Quite a bit of fun.
Teleporting is the best way to achieve good results with War Cry. There's just a significant difference between how well Leap and Teleport work with War Cry. Leap will push away the enemies and they have take a step close so that they are affected. Teleport places you in such a spot, that the enemies are immediately taking damage from War Cry.
Now, for the Undead monsters (which includes most PI's) the chosen solution was Sanctuary aura from the 'Lawbringer' on the switch. I mean, my main switch (double 'Heart of the Oak') was +6 all skills already, so no prebuff for this guy.
Another nice thing about 'Lawbringer' on the switch was that I had the option of using CtC Decrep when I wanted. Battle Cry took down enemy defense to zero. I then proceeded to hit stuff with my measly 275 AR (which is cool, if you're a nerd like me). Once Decrep triggered, I could kill the monster. Of course I didn't do it all the time, but when I felt like it only.
There are times when War Cry is just such a fun skill. Swarming monsters like Battlemaid Sarina are just freakin fun with it. You just stand there, get swarmed and stuff gets stunned and dies. Or being surrounded by Frenzytaurs is just... boring. Or the same with Lister and his buddies. Or when stuff decides to die simultaneously.
Anyway, Hell's Forge was a Gul, which is neat. What followed was a fairly safe if longish fight with the ancients. Both Korlic and Madawc turned out to be Stone Skin, which made it quite a pain. I ended up triggering Decrep on both to make it quicker.
I died once somewhere in the Ice Caves to a nasty pack of snakes and stupidity. I mean, I could have just cast Howl and it'd take care of the problem, but instead I tried to teleport to such a spot to stun them all. Silly Greebo. In general, Taunt at this level is awesome skill for "disabling" monsters and Howl is just ridiculous. I'm not sure about that, but it sure seems like the radius of effect on Howl increases at higher levels. Anyway, Howl is a great crowd control skill. Frozen River was witches, gloams and something if I remember correctly. I would just teleport, howl, kill what I felt like killing and teleport further. Safest character for such areas.
I used Find Item on most of the bodies (except the few times when I forgot), hoping to find a decent rune somewhere in Hell, but no luck. Highest I got was a Ko, I think. Well, a Gul from the Hellforge, so can't complain, I guess.
Overall, a fun character. Thanks for reading,
--Greebo|||Nice! Never knew you could get a level 51 skill! I bet that constant chanting got stuck in your head even after you got through playing d2!|||Way to go Greebo!
I love him! As you may remember, Singer is my absolute favorite build. I am trying to remember my Max damage I got on Bnet was but I'm not sure if it was that high or not, it was a few years ago.
That is an awesome hat too, it stinks you can't get any fcr on it, but your setup works very well.
Did you see my last pat thread about my Singer? I'll find it if you didn't (I think it was while you were out) I'd be interested to hear your thoughts since you like singers as I do.|||love singers. you guys are odd.
that sound

Good job!|||Nicely done! That synergized level 51 War Cry is a lot of damage, wow! And that barb hat is quite nice!
58 mana per cast / 8 frames /cast = 174 mana per second is quite a big draw, comparable to a good old fashioned Nova sorc...
My 200FCR Enigma singer Iahke had big mana problems- he didn't have Insight or the energy investment or a big BO, but he did have big MPK rings from 1.07. And he drank blues a lot!
Did you have problems with mana burn? I remember mana burn ranged attackers being quite an annoyance.|||I wonder how much difference an Echoing amulet of the Apprentice would have made, allowing you to switch gloves to Frostburn for more mana. Obviously it's not so easy to find one of those, but in theory it might have helped. Maybe 25% regeneration is better anyway.
I played a singer several years ago (must have been 1.09, since there was no such thing as HotO and dual Wizardspikes was the way to go) and loved it. Not the most powerful build around but not the weakest either and just plain fun to play, especially if you have your sounds turned on.
Howl: Enemy runs for 166 yards / 48 seconds
I have a minor quibble with Blizzard calling 166 yards in 48 seconds a "run." More of a stroll or a mosey.|||That's some nasty helm you got there!!!
I just started barb and I wanted to make singer but your equipment is so powerful.
I'm dropping from singer for now and making conc barb. Singer will be my next project
Great work!|||Quote:
Nice! Never knew you could get a level 51 skill! I bet that constant chanting got stuck in your head even after you got through playing d2!
Two more skillers and two beta-BKWB would give level 55 with a skill shrine. Don't think more than that is possible. The chanting is OK in my book. I find Fist of Heavens much more annoying.
Way to go Greebo! I love him! As you may remember, Singer is my absolute favorite build. I am trying to remember my Max damage I got on Bnet was but I'm not sure if it was that high or not, it was a few years ago.
Thanks! I'm curious how much damage you got on I imagine with Anni/Torch you can get a bit more.
That is an awesome hat too, it stinks you can't get any fcr on it, but your setup works very well.
Well, I didn't really need more FCR. You can go two ways: 200 FCR, or 105 FCR. Now, if you want to use 'Enigma', you cannot achieve 200 without using Wizardspikes/Suicide Branches. And once you settle for 105 FCR, double 'HotOs' with Arachnid Mesh give a 100 already. Amulet or gloves is a decent spot for the extra 5%.
Did you see my last pat thread about my Singer? I'll find it if you didn't (I think it was while you were out) I'd be interested to hear your thoughts since you like singers as I do.
Nah, I missed it and read it now. GG on 800MF War Cry barb. 800-ish damage is a bit low in my book, but it certainly works. You must love singers more than I do if you're MFing with one. Nice!
love singers. you guys are odd. that sound

Yes we are. Thanks!
Lvl 51 War Cry. Looks awesome! I'll definitely try something similar someday.
Good job!
Certainly recommended. Thanks!
Nicely done! That synergized level 51 War Cry is a lot of damage, wow! And that barb hat is quite nice!
Thanks! Pyro gets props for the helm. First time I had a skill level above 50, so cool.
58 mana per cast / 8 frames /cast = 174 mana per second is quite a big draw, comparable to a good old fashioned Nova sorc...
Yeah, the mana usage is insane. I mean, it's the first time I invested any points in Energy ever, and on a Barb of all classes. But once I got over about 1.6k mana, it was fine (with 'Insight')
My 200FCR Enigma singer Iahke had big mana problems- he didn't have Insight or the energy investment or a big BO, but he did have big MPK rings from 1.07. And he drank blues a lot!
I do have two 1.07 MPK rings, and I did try it out at some point, but I found it lacking. Even 50 MPK is not enough with this guy. At least it's not enough to substitute the Meditation aura. So in the end I went with SoJ for extra damage.
Did you have problems with mana burn? I remember mana burn ranged attackers being quite an annoyance.
Yeah, sometimes. I'd just drink Rejuvs then. Nice thing about a singer is that you can get Find Potion, which gives you as many Full Rejuvs as you can possibly want. Besides, if ranged attackers were annoying, I just Howled. It cleared the entire screen.
I wonder how much difference an Echoing amulet of the Apprentice would have made, allowing you to switch gloves to Frostburn for more mana. Obviously it's not so easy to find one of those, but in theory it might have helped. Maybe 25% regeneration is better anyway.
Well, it's an interesting idea and I haven't even thought about it. Thing is: Flails require 35 Dex. And it was cool to be able to equip them without having to spend any points in Dex. I tried to trade for Echoing Amulet of Apprentice, but no one had it... I know for a fact that the extra 25% helped. When I rerolled my moron's stick to level 17 meditation from level 16, I noticed the difference.
I played a singer several years ago (must have been 1.09, since there was no such thing as HotO and dual Wizardspikes was the way to go) and loved it. Not the most powerful build around but not the weakest either and just plain fun to play, especially if you have your sounds turned on.
I agree, it's very fun.
I have a minor quibble with Blizzard calling 166 yards in 48 seconds a "run." More of a stroll or a mosey.
Well, it's 11.3km/h, or 8.5 minutes per mile. It's somewhat of a run. Certainly faster than a walk.
That's some nasty helm you got there!!!
I just started barb and I wanted to make singer but your equipment is so powerful.
I'm dropping from singer for now and making conc barb. Singer will be my next project
Great work!
Well, Pyrohemia is the proud owner of the helm. And I am very grateful for the loan.
The equipment doesn't need to be that powerful for a singer to be fun. Certainly, I recommend it as a project.
I appreciate all the comments.
--Greebo|||Energy? lol noob

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