Level 75 Barbarian
1.09 Frenzy Barb
Maxed Frenzy
Maxed BO
Maxed Sword Mastery
2 berserk
2 shout
2 nat res
1 point in prereqs
no gear/charms
Str - 165
Dex - 145
Vit - 135
Nrg - 10
Life - 702
Mana - 80
With gear/charms/cries
Str - 190
Dex - 181
Vit - 145
Nrg - 20
Life - 1887
Mana - 282
Resists: 75/43/47/-5
AR: 5129
Def: 4210
LCS Damage w/o Might merc: 779-1790 & 748-1715
LCS Damage w/ might merc: 1063-2515 & 1018-2405
CCBoQ and CCB for swords
Dual Echoing swords on switch for cries
Magic Barb helm
Duriel's Shell
String of Ears
Rare boots Imp Slippers
Raven Frost and Cathan's Seal
Mahim-Oak Curio
Cruel Colossus Blade of Quickness
One-Hand Damage: 98 to 250
Two-Hand Damage: 224 to 440
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Dexterity: 110
Required Strength: 189
Required Level: 63
Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 30
Fingerprint: 0x66b04ec9
+280% Enhanced Damage
40% Increased Attack Speed
Socketed (3: 0 used)
Cruel Colossus Blade
One-Hand Damage: 93 to 238
Two-Hand Damage: 212 to 418
Durability: 50 of 50
Required Dexterity: 110
Required Strength: 189
Required Level: 63
Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 30
Fingerprint: 0xb5960dd5
+261% Enhanced Damage
Socketed (3: 0 used)
Slayer's Jawbone Visor of the Fox
Defense: 57
Durability: 25 of 25
(Barbarian Only)
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 25
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 60
Fingerprint: 0xfee95c0c
+8 to Life
+1 to Barbarian Skill Levels
+1 to Frenzy (Barbarian Only)
+2 to Shout (Barbarian Only)
Duriel's Shell
Defense: 591
Durability: 150 of 150
Required Strength: 65
Required Level: 41
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x85e1280a
+15 to Strength
+190% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +20%
Lightning Resist +20%
Cold Resist +50%
Poison Resist +20%
+100 Maximum Durability
Cannot Be Frozen
+1 to Defense (1.25 per Character Level)
+1 to Life (1 per Character Level)
String of Ears
Demonhide Sash
Defense: 106
Durability: 22 of 22
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 29
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 90
Fingerprint: 0x563429d1
+154% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 11
Damage Reduced by 14%
7% Life stolen per hit
+10 Maximum Durability
Laying of Hands
Bramble Mitts
Defense: 83
Durability: 12 of 12
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 63
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 90
Fingerprint: 0xf0d215c9
+25 Defense
Fire Resist +50%
20% Increased Attack Speed
350% Damage to Demons
10% Chance to cast Level 3 Holy Bolt on striking
Imp Slippers
Sharkskin Boots
Defense: 71
Durability: 14 of 14
Required Strength: 47
Required Level: 29
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x38384037
+3 to Dexterity
+74% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist +35%
Lightning Resist +40%
30% Faster Run/Walk
14% Chance to cast Level 5 Nova when struck
Merc Gear:
Eth Vamp Gaze
Spirit Shroud
Meat Scraper
Vampire Gaze
Grim Helm
Defense: 380
Durability: 21 of 21
Required Strength: 48
Required Level: 41
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x6f87b463
+100% Enhanced Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 11
Damage Reduced by 17%
Adds 6-22 cold damage over 4 seconds
6% Life stolen per hit
7% Mana stolen per hit
15% Slower Stamina Drain
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)
The Spirit Shroud
Ghost Armor
Defense: 297
Durability: 14 of 20
Required Strength: 38
Required Level: 28
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0xbad165d2
+150% Enhanced Defense
Magic Damage Reduced by 9
Replenish Life +10
+1 to All Skill Levels
Cannot Be Frozen
The Meat Scraper
Lochaber Axe
Two-Hand Damage: 19 to 161
Durability: 43 of 50
Required Strength: 80
Required Level: 41
Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x5ca54d71
+174% Enhanced Damage
10% Life stolen per hit
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
30% Increased Attack Speed
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+3 to Masteries Skills (Barbarian Only)
Well this isn't my first mat/pat ever, but it is my first SP one. I've beaten hell a number of times but usually with the help of someone online since I used to be a bnet player. I've never completed a character in single player because of computer crashes and a lack of backing up, going back to bnet, or lost my drive and started other games. But this time was different. I wanted to time travel and I wanted to work through an idea I had a while back. I liked playing in 1.09 and it was the patch I started in. I missed the non-runeword awesomeness that was before these times. The other part was to work through with a theme for this project. I wanted to make a construction worker based barb that only used hammers and wore gear that made sense for a construction worker. Hard hats, leather gloves, leather boots or steel toed boots, leather work belt, etc. The going was very slow at first because I was going bare knuckles until I could find a hammer to use. Elemental damage charms helped out a ton. Eventually I decided against staying this course because I wanted to start gearing up and mfing for other characters.
So I stayed with the maces idea for a little while and switched over to a strength axe for the CB and an aldur's rhythm for quite some time while running NM mephy. When a fleshrender dropped I switched that out for the strength axe. It was near equal CB and much better damage. I ran Meph in NM on p8 until I got stuck on experience gains at level 63. The exp bar still moved on each run but it was hardly a pixel of growth. So I powered through A4 with ease and levelled up to 70 on A5 alone. My might merc caught up with me from his 50 something level really quickly. The damage boost helped but was nothing too extravagant with my low damage items. I made it to the ancients and had left things on p8, boy was that a bad idea. I got it handed to me right off the bat. If it wouldn't have taken a thousand hits to drop their ridiculous HP at p8 I would've probably made it. Either way, once I switched back to p1 I was fine. Took out Baal waves at p8, switched to p1 on the final wave, then back to p3 for Baal.
Hell went well too for the most part. The PI ghosts in Arcane gave me a run for my money. That and I was rushing through things a little too fast. I ended up getting swarmed, then the blood lords would firewall/ball me, and with no leech from those PI's I was cake. So I slowed down, used my Zerk, and was good to go. I had been banking stat points and skill points for about 15 levels and could not decide what to work on next. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to max out a mastery before I found my endgame weapons so I kept banking them. Once I made it to A3 I started looking for some elite swords in the shops and wasn't having luck. So I took on Mephy and did a few runs with him. Ended up with a pretty decent map on my second or third roll and stuck with it. Thankfully I got my LoH gloves on my third Meph run and slapped those on for some huge damage bonus against Meph and the fire res I was lacking. My light res was lacking too, especially against those LE and MSLE's, so I checked my stash for any rare boots I had put away and switched my aldur's boots out for the imp slippers listed above. That took my fire res up almost all the way and brought my light res into the positives.
After a few meph runs I decided to push on and see how A4 went that way I could get into A5 for the huge experience boost. My maces weren't cutting it any more though. So I went to shopping and found two colossus blades. I was looking for champ swords, colossus blades, or colossus swords and the CB's were the first thing to show. I went through two in game stashes worth of chippies to get my first roll, the CCBoQ. Oh man, that was one exciting moment. Went through another two stashes and that was all the chippies I had left for the second CB. I got a few fool's mods but the damage was nothing near what I wanted. So I did some chippie running and another stash later ended up with the CCB. Even with the mid roll I'm pretty happy. I put all my saved stat points into strength and dug up a couple +str gc's, put all my skills into sword mastery and the damage change was about three times more than before. And with the critical strike bug in mastery for 1.09 I am always hitting for double that listed damage. Say hello to a 5k max hitter frenzy barb

My best finds have probably been the Eth Gaze, the CCBoQ, and FOUR Raven Claws! Even though the CCBoQ was rolled with the chippies... I still want to work on getting a CCB of Evisceration for the extra 50 max damage. Other noteworthy items are a few titan's, a couple bartucs, and some of the basic sorc gear: peasant crown, viper, suicide branch, and frosties.
Future plans for him are to run Mephy until I get the gear I need for my sorc: occy n shako, and the stuff I need for my zon: Buriza, t-gods, gore riders. Other than that it will be running the Countess for runes and runeword bases. Then Pindle and his gang for horking and getting those last high end elites. I'm really hoping for the one and only Windforce someday or a schaeffers for a pally. Lastly some cows for the jewels I need to fill my cruel blades and for some skill gc's and other sc's.
Next project: Work on bringing my FO/?? sorc up through 1.09 and my Medusazon or multi/LF zon depending on what gear I can find. The sorc is geared up with decent items to make it throug NM, she's stuck at level 20 though. Waiting to put on her Peasant crown, Skin, Frosties/trangs/magefist (depending on build), suicide branch, wall of the eyeless, and waterwalks. I'm thinking of making her an FO/Lightning or CL sorc. The original plan was to load her up with fcr and make her a fo/nova sorc but the two skills don't seem as complementary as FO and something using more +skills than +fcr. Even though I did like having a nova sorc back in the day... Only time will tell. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with my playing so that I can post another pat/mat soon. Thanks for reading if you could bare through all of that.|||very nice writeup, and interesting to start off with the first char in 1.09!
And boy, that, CCBoQ. Wow. Seriously. Wow.
Nicely done hero

And, um.... GIEB CCBoQ!!!111oneoneone - holy Toledo, that is NICE!
Make sure to get screenies of any Gul or Vex that the Countess drops! Given your luck with chippie rolling, I expect her to drop the Vex before the Lum for your Smoke.
@martinkingss: Starting your SP career with a 1.09 Frenzy Barb makes perfect sense to me! It demonstrates a keen intelligence and visionary thinking on cheerupemokid10's part.|||I ran through everything on P1, just because I wanted to get it done. Man those ancients were ridiculous though! I had to fill up all my slots with the fat purples to get it done. The swords made all the difference in the world. It was incredible how much the monsters fell after seeing the new frenzying in action.
I can only hope for the Vex from her. Might even think about doing some LK runs, which I've never done, to see if I can get anything accomplished there as far as runes go. Not sure if I want to really put myself through that mindless running but it may be worth it if I could make a Silence bow.|||Running Countess will get you into some nice items as well, and is way less mindless, so that's my suggestion over LK. Plus you can find nice racks on the way for some good RW bases. Don't expect that Vex to be easy to come by, but I can tell you from experience that she CAN drop it. I never made a Silence bow, though (though I did have a 6os Crusader Bow for it) since that Vex is MUCH more valuable as half of the required Ohm for 1.10s CtA. But if you're going to stay in 1.09 a while, it would be fun to see how effective a Silence bow can be.
I know about the gap in difficulty between the rest of the game and the Ancients - it took me a little while and a lot of questions to get past them, and they were the reason I didn't get a Pat before quitting the game back in the day. I learned it's all about tactics - now I don't find them nearly as difficult - my Javazon didn't have any trouble at all (though I did reroll once since one of them spawned PI the first time).|||The way the rest of A5 was going I went in there all gung-ho thinking it was going to be a breeze. How that blew up in my face. Even with 2k life and 3.5k def I was still getting taken out all too fast. Once I was hit and cursed the damage I took was through the roof, even after hitting them with battle cry. I am usually pretty stingy with potting and I just had to give in and use up those stashed fat purples. As long as I went after the WW'er first and got him out of the way I was okay. But if he got to me his WW cut me down fast.
I don't expect to see a vex or any other super runes any time soon. If I did see a vex drop I would probably be pretty weary to use it on a silence in 1.09. Even if it would challenge a WF or Buriza with the mods it has and decent damage I would probably have to save it for something that I could transfer forwards.
I did get another RC to drop, so that makes for five of those bad boys! I just may have to make a sorc in 1.13 to see just how powerful that beast really is.
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