I'm sure you've seen my name in the dailies, and if you haven't then something must be wrong

As the dailies returns to normal, many people have asked for the possibility to start an off topic thread, where we could discuss personal issues and problems for people frequently visiting the SPF. Problems with life in general, love issues and the like. I know this is not exactly related to Diablo, but several people have appreciated the thoughts and experiences I and others have shared in here, and we feel the need for a thread dedicated to this topic.
We are here to help out, and will try our best to understand your troubles and help you out. For references, you can contact both Nacaa and MethodOne (and I do hope you guys will continue to provide updates).
Anyone can join in. Anyone who would like to share their personal thoughts, opinions and real life experiences. This was meant for the entire forum and not just for a small group (so you married people, this is where you can talk

Standard SPF rules apply to this thread and I would ask you to follow these rules to make this thread last forever. First and foremost remember this one, as it is otherwise easily forgotten:
- No useless spam. This is not a spam thread and should not be used for chitchat better suited to ICQ or AIM.
This was your host, the bacon of hope, speaking. Now start feeling�
And by the way. This is not just meant as a place to share your problems. You are also more than welcome to let us know about a great day or if something wonderful has happened (so you married people, this is where you can brag about your newborn child

Thanks to AlterEgo and DougTheHead2 for making this possible,
RoninDOG, Nacaa, oapwm, MethodOne for the talks we've had in the dailies,
and amalthea for providing girlish viewpoints.
(My apologies if I've left out your name�)|||Ahhh, the feel of a good OT daily once more...well I suppose its not daily but great nonetheless.
Thanks AE and DougTheHead2.....

Now lets get down to business....MethodOne are you mad? I gotta say that Im not liking the direction this is heading. Let oapwm have the email you sent me to see what his opinion on the matter is. I sure he will agree with what I am about to say. My thoughts are this:
1. A girl always breaks up with you for one reason - she doesnt like you anymore. If she says anything else at all probably its a lie. Its good to hear that it wasnt for the dubious reasons we originally had suspected but she did what she did.
2. While it is nice to have her back (into you that is) being friendly and sociable with her is in a sense showing her that you have condoned what she has done. She will now think hey I can dump my bf, hook up with another guy (btw hook up, since we are pretty much adults in here is probably not just a peck on the cheek), and then when I have had my fun I can go back to him anytime I want and he will always take me back.
3. Doing this will feel great because you have her, what youve been missing, but you will basically be allowing her to walk all over you....in the worst way possible. This was another reason why I said no contact....basically because if she comes back most good men wont have the nerve to send them away. Not to mention it helps the purging process while at the same time hurting them for your lack of attention.
4. Now she will do it again when shes "tired" and wants to "try something new" and she knows you will just take her back after shes had her fill.
5. No good M8.
@oapwm, sign on we need your thoughts.
@Rizzo, nice work again bud looking to hear your opinion.
@nacaa, well miss you in the conversations bud. hope to see you soon.
Anyone else?
-roninDOG|||I need a girlfriend! So i can post my problems on these forums. I feel so left out

Tips on getting a woman?|||Quote:
I need a girlfriend! So i can post my problems on these forums. I feel so left out

Tips on getting a woman?
As I said earlier, this is not only about girl problems. You can talk about your life, good things and bad things, what you'd like us to hear.
Are you happy Silo? Deep down are you really happy?? Hehe

It is the saddest part, actually, that Nacaa left yesterday before he saw the birth of an idea he helped create. He will be back, and we have to have this thread in the hundreds (of pages).
Well, back to the in-laws, who are visiting this whole week, cramping my D2 style.... sigh....

Today has been a very boring day with school and all but I did make a swiss roll in Food Tec. so it's all cool.
Time to start on my Charged Boltress.|||Heya folks, small update from me this time, no 6 pages of scrolling this time, I promise.
Me and my ex sorted a few things out, we're all square with how we feel, and with what happened surrounding our splitting up and such, and I feel a much better person for it.
Anyways, the people that helped me sort through the mess, you know who you are, and I wanna thank you all even if it was just for listening to a lovesick muppet like me

Everyone, keep on smiling..
*hands out the cookies*
Edit: Oi, ronin, I appreciate what you're saying and all, but it aint like I'm back together with the girl, we're just friends, and that's all it'll ever be, she doesn't want me back, and I can deal with that, but it doesn't mean I have to treat her like a ghost. Like I said, this is a small town, I can't even go shopping without seeing her at least once, it's for the best if we at least remain on talking terms, and that's all it is.
I respect your opinion on the matter, you know that, all I'm asking is that you please respect mine, whether you like it or not.
Now, can we just have a few :buddies: and smile some?

Even though I only met Sam and Andrew on saturday, I guess we kinda got on ok, I even found myself enjoying the wandering about town and chatting with folks, meeting old friends in passing, talking to some old work colleagues(sp?), all in all I think I've made some progress.. even managed to have a laugh with the guy that's been installing the radiators around the house today.
Hell, when the guy from the benefits office called this morning, he seemed happy, willing to help, and was very apologetic for how I'd been treated by the previous people who dealt with my claim, even though it was nothing to do with him. Gave me the hope that there really are a few decent people left in the world. It suprised me even more when I finally twigged that it was an american accent he had, not for the fact that he was so nice, but for the fact that the british people I've had to deal with, were all complete *censored* about everything..
Says something about the country you live in when the other people that live there are only out to look after themselves, and it takes someone from halfway around the world to actually apologise for all the mishaps when it's absolutely nothing to do with him.
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