Have been doing some research on the best places to MF. All the guides I have found are old and I don't know if they are still relevant. Are these places all worthwhile for good drops?
Also are they worth running on Nightmare as well as hell?
Countess, pits, summoner, council, meph, diablo, eldritch, shenk, nilithak, baal
Also, when killing Nilthak does the portal not close?
Many thanks,|||Yes, all those are good targets to run.
In nm i would only run meph and countess if playing untwinked.|||countess - lower runes
pits/lvl 85 areas - hard to find high lvl items
council - runes and charms
meph - quantity of green and golds. easy to run with a sorc
eldtrich, shenk and pindle - all easy to hit especially pindle. can drop most of the items in the game and are very quick to run.
baal/diablo - more epic targets for when you have most of the gear meph can drop.
The portal closes when you get the halls of pain/naught WP not when you kill nili. he's hardcore scary now so lots of people don't even do his quest.
In NM i'd probably only do meph and baal and thats purely to get the gear to make it to hell meph.|||You only need to run NM and Hell Meph to get all the basic equipment. Then I would do LK Runs to get some HR and then go Pindle/area85 to get the rest.|||Quote:
You only need to run NM and Hell Meph to get all the basic equipment. Then I would do LK Runs to get some HR and then go Pindle/area85 to get the rest.
Sorry mate, what is 'HR' ?
Cheers for the help guys, I'm currently playing untwinked in a torny (LS trapper) where I can only where Magic or Set items (apart from jewellery) lol. In NM Act 5, not sure if I have the power to effectively run Meph, might give it a few goes.
eldtrich, shenk and pindle worth running in NM?
What about NM Andy? I heard she has good drops too?|||Skip LK imo, with the drop rates as they are, lvl85 areas and A5su are the better targets.|||I wouldn't bother with shenk, pindle etc in nm. And nm andy is great for hunting sojs.
Also, LK is really great with charms, jewels and such. I would run it solely for those.|||is that just for the treasure chests? worth it in NM?|||HR stands for High Rune. And no, no area85 will give you a greater ratio HR/hour than LK. And you will get a lot of good charms and maybe a couple of nice jewels.Take a look at my 1k LK runs to know what to expect.
Yes, you just pop de 3 superchest near the campfire. You want a map with 2 campfires near the WP. It is faster if you tele back to the WP and go to Act IV before save& exite. And no, it is not worh to run LK in NM.|||thanks, Baltha why did you do p7 rather than p8?
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