I'm currently playing Sacred: Underworld (v2.28) - Diablo needs a lil rest (a couple weeks, I think) after, like, 8 years of game experience.
The reason for me to post a Sacred related thread here on SPF is the fact that I couldn't find answers to certain gameplay and mechanics related questions on Sacred Wiki (and stopped trying to find there anything else), and I'm quite sure that I can get the knowledge I'm seeking for here.
So what I need here is some basic mechanics knowledge.
I'd be really grateful for melee/ranged/magic attacks damage formulae explained the way a long-term diablo player could understand (and keep in mind that this diablo player knows almost nothing about Sacred). I'm also interested in skills recharge speed formulae.
Also, what is the difference between difficulty levels? Do I get any resistances penalties? How sharp is immunes problem on higher difficulty levels? (can I finish the game successfully with larger part of my damage coming from, say, fire spells?)
Do resistances have any cap?
Currently, I'm playing a Dwarf (lvl 25 atm). I'm pumping heavily Strength, Dwarven Knowledge, Constitution and Weapon Lore (translations might be not 100% correct as I'm playing not English version). I'm going to max Flamethrower, War Cry, Greed and (probably) Assault since Flamethrower is quite close-ranged spell. Any ideas or advices? (except for "get the hell outa here you renegade!")|||Yeah, I just started playing Sacred 2, and the community is a little dead. It's too bad too, the game has a lot more depth than I thought it would. The forums at Dark Matters and the official forums have some good info, but it's hard to tell what may have changed in patches since all the posts are older.|||The first thing you need to learn about sacred is that maxing skills is pretty much always bad and leaving them at 1 is win. Basically the idea is to be able to continually use skills and that is almost always only possible if you don't level them much or at all. Mechanics are quite a bit different from D2. There are a couple decent guides around but I don't have any links as I found sacred to not be worth more than one play through. Same for sacred 2.|||Quote:
I found sacred to not be worth more than one play through.
yeah, the main quest sucks hard and is very irritating - looks like a giant Act II to me (go there, run here, talk to him, then escort her to somwhere...).
But I want to finish both campaighns at least on "Bronze" difficulty to get acquainted to the storyline.
Tell me, Nightfish, did you go further than Bronze or Silver? What was your char's level when you stopped playing?|||Eh. Good question. I think I went to silver asap. I don't believe you have to do the campaigns all the way to advance. In sacred 1 I had a seraphim in the highest difficulty, iirc. But I didn't finish that one as the game was just so boring. I have some issues with the basic concepts and the way stories and quests are done is just horrible. Not to mention that it lacks the challenging fights that D2 offers with the right boss packs. So, overall, a hearty "meh" from me.|||Today I've completed the Ancaria campagn (Bronze).
The main quest left lots of WTFs in my head.
The main Evil Guy lacks charm and style and falls down after a couple hits (pretty much like Horazon, meh). The demon he released didn't impress me either.
And to kill these guys I was running around all over the Ankaria (note that Dwarvers cannot ride horses)? WTF?!
And besides, the main quest made me feel like an idiot. The Main Evil Guy (Saddam? Shahid? Shalom? I don't even remember his name) turned out to have been travelling by my side all the way, and moreover, I brought all he needed for his ceremonies to him!
And with all this fuss the plot takes place on, like, 15% of the map available to player? (According to what I see when I press 'M' hotkey). This is ridiculous.
I really, really hope that the Underworld campaign will be better.
After I finish it (on bronze, so that I could complete it faster should it appear to be as boring as the Ancaria campaign), I'll go and play some multiplayer on higher difficulty settings, where you can get access to pretty much all locations via portals. Pretty much like in Diablo.
...oh wait. I'll better play Diablo instead (it's a pity, though, that there a re no Dragons in Sanctuary /except for TO/).|||Quote:
Today I've completed the Ancaria campagn (Bronze).
The main quest left lots of WTFs in my head.
The main Evil Guy lacks charm and style and falls down after a couple hits (pretty much like Horazon, meh). The demon he released didn't impress me either.
And to kill these guys I was running around all over the Ankaria (note that Dwarvers cannot ride horses)? WTF?!
And besides, the main quest made me feel like an idiot. The Main Evil Guy (Saddam? Shahid? Shalom? I don't even remember his name) turned out to have been travelling by my side all the way, and moreover, I brought all he needed for his ceremonies to him!
And with all this fuss the plot takes place on, like, 15% of the map available to player? (According to what I see when I press 'M' hotkey). This is ridiculous.
I really, really hope that the Underworld campaign will be better.
After I finish it (on bronze, so that I could complete it faster should it appear to be as boring as the Ancaria campaign), I'll go and play some multiplayer on higher difficulty settings, where you can get access to pretty much all locations via portals. Pretty much like in Diablo.
...oh wait. I'll better play Diablo instead (it's a pity, though, that there a re no Dragons in Sanctuary /except for TO/).
This pretty much sums up my opinoins of Sacred. BTW, dwarfs can't ride horses due to their short legs not reaching the stirrups.
If you're still looking for a break from D2, but still with that D2 feel, may I recommend Divine Divinity (have a look on gog.com for it). If nothing else - apart from the stupid name - it has a truly excellent soundtrack.|||Quote:
And besides, the main quest made me feel like an idiot. The Main Evil Guy (Saddam? Shahid? Shalom? I don't even remember his name) turned out to have been travelling by my side all the way, and moreover, I brought all he needed for his ceremonies to him!
I admit the whole betrayal thing was kinda cheap, but if you take a careful look, some of the best RPGs suffer from this too. Mean you spend the entire game looking for something only to feed it to your major enemy. In better case, your entire effort only proves to be completely irrelevant..
I haven't played that many games, but my favorites Wizardry8 and NWN are both "guilty", and the story behind D2 act5 fares no better. Apparently, while many get slain challenging the Ancients, a guy name Nihlathak knows some backdoor. Guess if you had killed and looted him for his trashtalk right away, you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble

And with all this fuss the plot takes place on, like, 15% of the map available to player? (According to what I see when I press 'M' hotkey). This is ridiculous.
Actually, I like this particular aspect combined with the fact the campaign often leads you back to familiar places. There is of course always trouble to keep those areas challenging for future visits, and each RPG solves this differently. The "instantly triggered undead infestation" solution in Sacred could have been implemented better, not to mention it's highly overused in this genre.
But all and all, I quite enjoyed the campaign itself. It was more those "inovations" of the game system, lack of challenge and of variety in skills (they pretty much always do the same regardless of class), which made me abandon Sacred upon completion.
Also, what is the difference between difficulty levels? Do I get any resistances penalties? How sharp is immunes problem on higher difficulty levels? (can I finish the game successfully with larger part of my damage coming from, say, fire spells?)
Do resistances have any cap?
There is no cap in resistances and neither are immunities iirc, the system works differently than in D2. Also, there are no actual "builds" as per NF's post.
I really, really hope that the Underworld campaign will be better.
Don't. It was dumbed down so that act2 merc could handle it, the monster variety was reduced to a few types of insects, the only challenging ones being those who can immobilize you. The final fight sucks once again with the main boss being a cheap copy of big D. There are like three interesting areas total in the whole Underworld campaign.
I'm positive I made a more detailed

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