1) What 3 classes should we choose?
2) Which builds?
3) Should we bother we things like merc and gambling?
4) Should we complete every quest and try to get to a higher level or forget about levelling and just skip as much as possible?
Thanks!!|||1 & 2) 3 Fishymancers. Seriously. Think about it.
3) Yes and No.
4) Skip as much as possible and do some Baal Runs.|||so all 3 of us should be necros??|||1. Are you twinking with items along the way? Some builds will rip through the game twinked, but will be weak as heck without decent items. Depending on which, here's a good guide on effective MP teams.
2. Through the end of NM, Act 2 Mercs with a decent polearm will be decent killers and will speed up the proceedings. Once you hit Hell difficulty, though, you'll need good gear for him, otherwise you'll spend too much time resurrecting him. Gambling is probably a less efficient use of your time.
3. If you're trying to beat the game as quickly as possible, I would just focus on quests with a direct benefit.
Act 1: You can skip The Forgotten Tower, yea the Countess drops a rune but it's going to be a very low rune and you don't need to finish this quest to advance in the game. Every other quest is useful/necessary.
Act 2: All of the quests are useful/necessary
Act 3: Blade of the Old Religion is 50/50, in normal the rare ring you get from Ormus is going to be a piece of crap, in the higher diff levels you MIGHT get something decent but it's pretty rare. Every other quest is useful/necessary
Act 4: All of the quests are useful/necessary
Act 5: Rescue on Mount Arreat I'd skip, the runes you get aren't particularly useful. Prison of Ice is useful for the resist scroll, but it can take a long detour to rescue Anya. I'd also skip Betrayal of Harrogath, don't need to do it, the naming reward is useless. Rest are useful/necessary.|||I would vote for more complementary builds.
What is your goal? To have enjoyable playstyle with everyone contributing, or to race through the game as quickly as possible? HC or SC?
For a HC ladder reset with the object to be as quick as possible to defeat Baal, a typical plan is BO barb, sorc to tele and hammerdin for leveling the lot of them in Baal runs. Having a second sorc in the wings is a good plan if the sorc gets killed doing blind FCR teles racing through the game. But that may not be what you are aiming for. The barb mainly stands around BOing, the hammerdin stands around a fair amount too.
For complementary play, you could have a Conviction Avenger, a single-tree sorc, and a necro (say a skelemancer) with at least a point in lower resist, but that weighs heavily toward the sorc doing much of the killing. More balance might be something like a fanatic zealot, a barb and a bowazon or javazon.|||Thanks for all the help so far guys. Im sorry I haven't given more details for what we're trying to do.
We will only be playing normal.
Our goal is to simply beat Baal as we haven't ever done so.
We are not doing this hardcore.
We have a limited time to play hence why we're trying to figure out what's the quickest way.
We will only be playing normal.
Our goal is to simply beat Baal as we haven't ever done so.
We are not doing this hardcore.
We have a limited time to play hence why we're trying to figure out what's the quickest way.
Are you playing twinked, and if so, do you have a reasonable base of items to draw from? In that case you will absolutely want at least one sorc to tele through for you. Nightfish once finished HC in something like 3:20 playing solo with a twinked blizz sorc, and I have gotten to the Hellforge in Hell in not all that much more than that playing twinked SC.
I kind of think a fairly fast three person party might be three lightning sorcs, if you coordinated well, and had three Infinity's, but that is well beyond reasonable gear. Though, come to think of it, subbing in a blizz sorc for one position might be better. The advantage there would be no messing around with shuttling people around with portals, combined with very fast killing speed. This is all assuming that you really mean "fastest," given lots of good gear.
I don't play MP though, so I am blue-skying here.|||if i understnad him correctly he will only play normal difficulty and untwinked.
i�d use:
one holy fire zealerdin and respec him to frostezealot ~ lvl 18-22 or tesladin ~ lvl 24-26
one static sorceress, first few points probably in warmth
one shockwave bear druid with oak sage
the sorc will reduce the hp of everything to a sliver, the paladin will finish everything off with the aura and the druid will stun things and provide a huge life boost earlier than a barb could
the paladin could also have one point in all the single res auras for appropriate situations
for more than normal, i�d probably switch the druid for a barb and respec later to hdin, blizzard & singer/frenzy hybrid|||Quote:
if i understnad him correctly he will only play normal difficulty and untwinked.
I thought he was talking the whole game (Hell included.) For just Normal, untwinked, it seems like three assassins would be hard to beat. BoS would be better than tele overall, I think.
To steal an old meme: 1) buy lantern 2) run forward 3) kill Baal.|||Quote:
I thought he was talking the whole game (Hell included.) For just Normal, untwinked, it seems like three assassins would be hard to beat. BoS would be better than tele overall, I think.
To steal an old meme: 1) buy lantern 2) run forward 3) kill Baal.
Can you explain your three assassins strategy? Do we each go for a different spec?
And what is a lantern?

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