So here I am now in my room, on my laptop, moaning to you bunch of hairy good for nothing paladins and generally brooding. One positive, they don't actually monitor your 'activities' online, they just monitor what actual websites you use.
My bed is probably a prop from a childline advert, my window can't be opened beyond an inch or something, and to top it all off I have a shower but I'm not allowed a bath.
Main lights go out at 11, although I'm allowed to use my bedside lamp should I wish to read a book from the library, which they failed to show me, even upon request.
D2: Not tonight, Thyiad will have to sit in the rogue camp until tomorrow, as frankly I wish to spend the rest of my night working out how the Hell I get out of this place. I imagine it's not possible without permission, but who asks for permission these days?
OVG: There is a PS2 in the games room. Yey! There are people in the games room. Nay!|||Quote:
I wish to spend the rest of my night working out how the Hell I get out of this place. I imagine it's not possible without permission, but who asks for permission these days?
It sounds like you are not enjoying 'summer camp' as much as your family had hoped. If you wish to leave 'summer camp' early, you will first need to arrange a 'ride home.' Since a 'ride home' may take a while to arrange, you should probably engange in some 'summer camp activities' in the meantime. Recommended 'summer camp activities' include 'cartography,' 'scavenger hunts,' 'tracking,' and 'hunting.' By engaging in the aforementioned 'summer camp activities,' your 'ride home' should arrive in no time. Of course, if the 'camp counselors' obseve your prowess at 'summer camp activities,' they may try to cancel your 'ride home,' so try to stay under their radar if you really want to leave.
RL: Managed to sunburn most of the front of my body yesterday, so I am in a minor amount of pain today. Nonetheless, I intend to do the same to my back later, as I feel the need to even things out. Scandinavian skin was definitely not meant for tanning, yet I insist on torturing myself by enduring it anyway, all for the sake of looking sexy.
D2: I finally started playing with my Classic WW Barb again as of late. Progress is quite slow, but the allure of epic Classic rares keeps me going.
OVG: I could play something else, but, having taken several months just to renew my interest in Classic, I would prefer to retain focus.|||Quote:
You do realise that by kicking and screaming all the way you are not fooling anyone into thinking you are sane? Just saying... If they expect fake politeness, be fake polite. Also, if you try to focus on "what's good about x" instead of "what's bad about x" you might enjoy x a lot more. x being pretty much anything. Like your stay in the looney bin.|||Quote:
You do realise that by kicking and screaming all the way you are not fooling anyone into thinking you are sane? Just saying... If they expect fake politeness, be fake polite.
Although, how long have those who have been faking it been there?
Lo, I've never been in the situation I've been in, but trying to act like your normal self as possible, by not being fake, may get you out of there sooner.
Just say'n.
From what I've read before, it sounds like you've been to camp before. I am truly sorry for having to return. I also hope that your parents (from what I remember) sending you there for the 'threat of harming yourself' is just a misunderstandment.
Hope you're able to get out soon. Hope Thrasher isn't as big as you led me to believe she is: Picking you up and all!
RL: Friends birthday party tonight. Then work. Clothes in the wash for said work.
D2: Want to push my zon through hell. All of my characters seem to be stuck in act 3 of various difficulties. It used to be act 2 I couldn't stand. Act 3 has took that lead though. Another thing keeping me from making the final pull is wanting to make some sort of melee char.
OVG: May do a little Demon's Souls. MGS4 is in the ps3 though, may do that.|||"and they say we'll have some fun if it stops rainin' "

RL: back from weekend in the mountain, it was ok and wheater was awesome (for the end of february).
D2: back after a long time break, but nothing serious. I should play moar poker anyways. Started untwinked HC bone nec just coz it feels fun, and am about to try something out (i hope i can make it in time)|||Freedom is priceless, mine will not be taken away.
I got to go because they're turning everything off soon. Have a good day at work or school or whatever guys

And yes I was sober. So I'm debating doing what the hospital said - stay off work - or do what I usually do and go in and not drop them in it.
Was supposed to go to Coventry on Wednesday to pick up my glasses. I'm not sure if I will be able to make that drive now. Sigh.
D2: No, I'm too annoyed with myself to play.
OVG: No. See above.
Excuse me while I go bang my head against a wall.
Virgait, best wishes mate and I'm with NF on the fake polite idea. Difficult as it is. Anyone whose been in customer service at some point will know how hard it is to be nice to complete idiots.|||i'm nice to complete idiots every day. then i go back and plot their demise. which i never actually do.
anything to do with RL, d2, OVG: nope, working instead. i love work. workie workie workie. my mates from the army rocked up today to get awesome steak to take back to base to have an awesome bbq lunch. i hate them|||Sorry to hear all this mate. Glad to see that you didn't leave for real though

RL: I'm currently sitting on a net cafe on the way home fro y first day at work. Haven't got internet in the apartment yet. However, everything is pretty great atm. I'm an intern at Siemens in N�rnberg now. My apartment is great - 300 meters from my workplace. The other danish interns are awesome - we went out thursday, friday and saturday and had a blast. Aaand I'm picking up on the German language much faster than I expected.
D2: Probably. Haven#t got a internet conection nor a TV yet. So there's not uch else to do than to read or play computer

OVG: Maybe a bit of cave story (thanks kegs!)|||Quote:
Difficult as it is. Anyone whose been in customer service at some point will know how hard it is to be nice to complete idiots.
Testify! Sorry to hear that Virgait. Skipjack's post was one of the funniest I've ever read here, and good faux-advice to boot. When I had my last and worst bout of clinical depression, it took me a very long time to see the positives in the lamest things (as per NF's advice), but when I did, I haven't had a relapse since.
RL: Sunday was horribly lame. Let's talk about Monday. Today is my first day off in ten days. It's been a wonderful day, food shopping, chores (because chores can be fun) haircut, and later today we're going for my postponed birthday meal.
OVG: Trying to like Dead Horde, which was a birthday gift on Steam from Pijus, but it's a terribly basic and unpolished game. Also trying to set new high scores on Nation Red, but my friends aren't up to my skill level, if I do say so myself. Vanilla Oblivion is going well, I'm still enjoying it - I'm level 5 after some side quests, and just about to start the main questline.
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