RL: Not bad.

D2: Nope.|||Quote:
[highlight]Happy birthday F_E[/highlight}

Mod Fail!!!!!
I would edit your post, but that seems to be your job

Happy Birthday FE!
RL: Baseball and work, like every other day this week

D2: still no...I'm starting to get worried here.
OVG: Finished cave story playthrough, and found out they have modded versions of cave story 0_o This is likely why the lack of D2.
/hides|||Happy Birthday Fast Eddie.
RL: Work at the moment, need to do some stuff in the garden tonight.
D2: Just finished levelling a WW Barb (BvB) to 92 in Trav. Some crafting tonight I think, I may need to do some Andy & Meph runs for more essences too.|||Happy birthday mate!

RL: far to much work. tired now.
d2: most likely no
OVG: right out, like the number 5|||Happy B-day FastE
RL: Nothing much. Maybe a bit of work in the yard if it stays dry. I really should. Other than that a bit of browsing on the web, reading a bit, maybe watch a movie later tonight, and not to forget...
D2: Yes, more Baalrunzz. Progress is great the last few days. Drops however is a different matter. Getting 99 somewhat within reach is good for motivation. Big difference from when you are struggeling to even get a single white pixel on your exp bar.
OVG: Maybe CivIII if i get tired of D2, but i doubt it.|||Happy B'day F.Eddie! Have a good one.
RL: Work, and planning for a last minute trip to the snow in 2 days. Kinda stressed cause I don't even know what I need or have, and I have one more arvo to do it.
D2: Nil.
OVG: Been giving Elite+ from my childhood a go. But not a lot of time this evening, so none today.|||Just realised I said Happy Birthday and then stopped :P
RL: My psych gave me homework. HOMEWORK! Are you serious? xD
D2: I played a tiny bit... Kinda caught up in Fifa just now. Pre-ordering D3 on Saturday

OVG: Fifa :P|||RL: A spot of Laundry after the fitness walk. Planning on an afternoon matinee of T3 later this afternoon, followed by Chinese take out for lunch. Hot and Sour Soup FTW

D2: Some moar 1.09 I would imagine, possible some Travs or Baals with the Auradin. Even though he's running Trav at /players 5 it seems like the XP bar hasn't moved nigh a micrometre in several fortnights. wtf, Diablos

I hope all of your days were just as sublime.
In OVG news, vanilla Oblivion is going well. During a Skype call with TheReadMenace he loaded up Morrowind for the first time ever, which prompted me to dust it off as well. I'm still trying to force myself to like it but I just can't. It just doesn't gel with me.
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