Is there a rule on the SPF on getting items from dead HC characters, I did not see anything about it in the rules.
Post 9.
Stripping gear from Hardore characters
Looting dead HC characters if done during MP by a party character.
Not Allowed
Looting dead HC characters with any muling program.|||I am pretty sure looting dead HC characters is forbidden by the rules. Gomule didn't adopt this feature to reflect the stance of the SPF on the matter.
Iiirc, there is a way to rescue the items when you play MP and allow looting of your corpse by other players. There are some .dlls allowing you to run multiple D2 instances on one system in order to MP with yourself. These are allowed here and were used for HF rushes in earlier versions.|||I am still a bit confused about this
Accepted Gameplay RulesIt is essential that you understand this before MP/trading.
Open Bnet
Third party programs
Editors, Trainers, Drop Mods, Map "enhancements"
Game mods (rune word mod, red rune mod, colour rune mod)
Muling and Reporting Utilities (ATMA, GoMule, Flavie, Trenshaws Version
D2 variants (Median, Eastern Sun, Hell Unleashed)
Hardcore/Softcore Transfer
Stripping gear from dead HC characters
Ingame commands (/playersx, /nopickup, /fps)
Command line commands (-w, -ns, -seed, -act5)
Bugged Items
Ubers & DClone Mods in Single Player
Does this mean it IS accepted? I looked at this earlier, I'm sure -act5 is not accepted, however, I thought RWM was accepted.|||I'm sure Thyiad would be in a better position to explain what she meant. However, I believe what is just below the link is a preview (or the headers) of what you can find in the link. Not that all of that stuff is accepted.|||Coju said it.
Stripping gear from your dead HC char also kind of defeats the purpose of playing HC IMO.|||Those are just a list of things of things you should know about before MP/trading. All you need to know is quoted in coju's post.|||Quote:
Coju said it.
Stripping gear from your dead HC char also kind of defeats the purpose of playing HC IMO.
You still lose the character.
HC chars can be looted while in MP, and your items returned to you by a friend. After which, you can put them on a new HC char. Doesn't that also defeat the purpose of HC?
It seems to me to be schizophrenic to say "well, MP HC chars can save their lost items but not SP, you're screwed and those are the rules" but at the same time, allow stash trading for SP chars, and even allow ATMA itself as a bottomless stash. Makes no sense at all, really.
That said, that is my own firm opinion, but I have no intention of defying the SP HC looting restriction until such time as it is lifted.|||Quote:
HC chars can be looted while in MP, and your items returned to you by a friend. After which, you can put them on a new HC char. Doesn't that also defeat the purpose of HC?
I thought about this my self - and the short answer is: yes, I think it does. I think that since hardcore is supposed to be as "realistic" as possible either nobody or anybody should be allowed to loot your corpse - not just the ones you allow.
This is all my personal opinion though.
It's a tough dilemma and that's why we've got the rules

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