I was thinking:
Fishyzon, but I dont have titans and I really really want to make Kijya's Gunslinger, so I thought I would save making Amazon until I have the gear for Gunslinger. Seems really fun.
No sorc...Boring

Pallies? Only hammerdin? Melee chars untwinked are generally really difficult achieving high AR and damage.
Barb...? I was thinking Zerk barb but meh.

Trapper.....Used to have one but its kinda boring you just trap trap and trap :S
Windy.....is windy strong? I know nadoes are strong and can do well in Hell Chaos, but cmon, what about archer packs? windies need to get close to attack and close normally means no good :P What about werewolf? Maybe not since I will need high AR and damage like mentioned above.
Lastly....necros? I know explosionmancer is nice, and I might use it, but is there any suggestions people?
Thank you people!

EDIT: Maybe I prefer something....fun? as long as it can keep me going and not get bored ^_^|||Quote:
Lastly....necros? I know explosionmancer is nice, and I might use it
You said it.
Anyways, hi

First try in HC?
And I would suggest a frost zealot (don't tell Virgait)

I just made a trapper in HC, and it's alright. To keep it fresh I like to alert big crowds, then CoS them, Mind blast them, and throw shock webs on top of my traps. Keeps things interesting trying to keep my merc, and shadow master alive as well. I've been wondering though is it fcr or atk that increases the rate at which you place traps?
IAS last time I checked|||Frost Zealot and Exploding Summoner (known around here as a Fishymancer) are two builds that you can't go wrong with. Powerful, safe, and viable with cheap gear.|||THank you guys, need more input

But the frost zealot, dont you need decent gear and damage and ar? How to achieve those untwinked?
EDIT: To be honest I would like a build capable of hell chaos....but it is pretty hard or maybe impossible,..huh.?
I know Gunslinger by Kijya is nice for that but you need really decent gear for it..|||Since the frost zealot's (and fire or lightning zealot) damage is elemental you don't need a very high damage weapon. AR will be boosted from zeal and if that isn't enough you can allways use angelics if you find them. IAS is also very important but since you don't have to be to concerned about damage it isn't very hard to find a suitable weapon. There is a lot of cheap runeword options.
I find Chaos Sanctuary pretty neet with corpse explosion. The explosionmancer or fishymancer would be a good option here IMO. Zealers can do the job too though.
Are you planning on playing HC?
Edit: However, personally I think fishymancers are quite boring.|||wind druid. with +skills a 1 point grizzly is a massive tank. and with synergised cyclone armour elemental attacks are nothing.
oh and it's a druid. thus automatically awesome
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