So I need to know how the synergies to dire wolf work. As far as I've figured out Grizzly gives damage while Spirit Wolf gives def+AR - and that's about it. I have no idea how much the synergies add and that is my main question. Any other knowledge about the wolves are also appreciatet

Can any body shed some light on this subject for me?|||There are formula for each of the summon's stats at the Amazon Basin's wiki pages for all of the skills. They shouldn't be too hard to figure out if you use common sense (SSW.lvl = summon spirit wolf level, for example) and will also tell you exactly what influences what. You could also use a skill calc to add and remove skills so you can get a good idea of the values involved. Just keep in mind that the skills aren't technically synergies of one another in that +skills are taken into account... you could call them passive bonuses.
Generally, the summons have a base hp/damage/whatever value depending on that summon's level, and then gets (like you noticed) +% Defense and AR from SW, +% Life from DW and +% Damage from Grizz.|||Found a "druid pet calc" and it was very helpful. Thank you!

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