Ok, really, with 1.13b, runes were made much more common. A "runeword grail" has been tossed around for some time but never as something that could seriously be accomplished. Now I believe it is a possibility and could hold the interest of those that are missing the feeling of finding just one high rune.
On to the formalities.
Self found or traded.
I'm creating a self found table but if someone wants to add a traded table down the road, that's fine. I know many have not kept as close track of traded runes up until now and that this may mean a full restart (at collecting runewords) for some, but I don't think that's unreasonable given the new rune drop rates. (And for the record, I do understand the pain here, my enigma, Infinity, and Beast all include traded runes, most of them minor ones). As for the base items, after some discussion with several people, the goal here is mostly related to the runes so traded base items are acceptable.*
What's in a Runeword Grail?
78 Runewords. That's 24 from 1.09, 24 from 1.10, 23 from 1.10 RWM, and 7 from 1.11. These match what is reported in flavie and I'll include a full list below.
Anything else?
Please include the highest version you use for this. Forum accepted mods (FAM) only.
Beyond that, lets call this open for comments for the moment. If there are any good suggestions (even something most like but I don't) lets get them added quickly so we all get started on the same foot.
I'll have the table up in a minute, please be patient.
|||Self-found Table:
1.09 Runewords
Ancients' Pledge Ral-Ort-Tal
Black Thul-Io-Nef
Fury Jah-Gul-Eth
Holy Thunder Eth-Ral-Ort-Tal
Honor Amn-El-Ith-Tir-Sol
King's Grace Amn-Ral-Thul
Leaf Tir-Ral
Lionheart Hel-Lum-Fal
Lore Ort-Sol
Malice Ith-El-Eth
Melody Shael-Ko-Nef
Memory Lum-Io-Sol-Eth
Nadir Nef-Tir
Radiance Nef-Sol-Ith
Rhyme Shael-Eth
Silence Dol-Eld-Hel-Ist-Tir-Vex
Smoke Nef-Lum
Stealth Tal-Eth
Steel Tir-El
Strength Amn-Tir
Venom Tal-Dol-Mal
Wealth Lem-Ko-Tir
White Dol-Io
Zephyr Ort-Eth
1.10 Runewords
Chains of Honor Dol-Um-Ber-Ist
Bramble Ral-Ohm-Sur-Eth
Breath of the Dying Vex-Hel-El-Eld-Zod-Eth
Call to Arms Amn-Ral-Mal-Ist-Ohm
Crescent Moon Shael-Um-Tir
Delirium Lem-Ist-Io
Doom Hel-Ohm-Um-Lo-Cham
Enigma Jah-Ith-Ber
Stone Shael-Um-Pul-Lum
Eternity Amn-Ber-Ist-Sol-Sur
Exile Vex-Ohm-Ist-Dol
Famine Fal-Ohm-Ort-Jah
Hand of Justice Sur-Cham-Amn-Lo
Heart of the Oak Ko-Vex-Pul-Thul
Kingslayer Mal-Um-Gul-Fal
Passion Dol-Ort-Eld-Lem
Gloom Fal-Um-Pul
Sanctuary Ko-Ko-Mal
Chaos Fal-Ohm-Um
Beast Ber-Tir-Um-Mal-Lum
Duress Shael-Um-Thul
Prudence Mal-Tir
Splendor Eth-Lum
Wind Sur-El
RWM Runewords
Brand Jah-Lo-Mal-Gul
Death Hel-El-Vex-Ort-Gul
Destruction Vex-Lo-Ber-Jah-Ko
Dragon Sur-Lo-Sol
Dream Io-Jah-Pul
Edge Tir-Tal-Amn
Faith Ohm-Jah-Lem-Eld
Fortitude El-Sol-Dol-Lo
Grief Eth-Tir-Lo-Mal-Ral
Harmony Tir-Ith-Sol-Ko
Ice Amn-Sheal-Jah-Lo
Infinity Ber-Mal-Ber-Ist
Insight Ral-Tir-Tal-Sol
Last Wish Jah-Mal-Jah-Sur-Jah-Ber
Lawbringer Amn-Lem-Ko
Oath Shael-Pul-Mal-Lum
Obedience Hel-Ko-Thul-Eth-Fal
Phoenix Vex-Vex-Lo-Jah
Pride Cham-Sur-Io-Lo
Rift Hel-Ko-Lem-Gul
Spirit Tal-Thul-Ort-Amn
Voice of Reason Lem-Ko-El-Eld
Wrath Pul-Lum-Ber-Mal
1.11 Runewords
Bone Sol-Um-Um
Enlightenment Pul-Ral-Sol
Myth Hel-Amn-Nef
Peace Shael-Thul-Amn
Principle Ral-Gul-Eld
Rain Ort-Mal-Ith
Treachery Shael-Thul-Lem
Player Version 1.09 1.10 RWM 1.11 Total
jjscud 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
Personally, I'm starting over for the runeword grail. I've never been too concerned about self found runes so I can only be certain that a very few runewords are solely from self found runes.
On second thought, I've had too much for too long, I'm doing a full restart.|||I'm a Vex short of being able to make everything but Fury in 1.09, but Fury is pretty much unattainable in SP 1.09 - otherwise I would have suggested a sub-grail for each patch.
I would suggest specifying in which patch runewords were made - so for each user, show patches played and runewords made in that patch - give credit to those who made words pre-1.13.
I'll start off with what I've made so far in 1.09. All runes are self-found, of course, and these are just runewords I've made for use - I haven't made any just for the saking of making a runeword. I'm gonna have a hard time making Venom.
Any restrictions on how you found the runes? HF rushing admitted or not? I ask bceause I plan to add Crescent Moon (which I can make without HF rushing) and Call to Arms (which I will need to HF rush to make) to my list in 1.10s. My runes have come from quest drops (Pul highest), HF drops (Um highest), and Countess (Ist highest) / Mephisto (Um highest) running in 1.09.
Any screenshots encouraged here?
I've made:
Honor (Knout) Amn-El-Ith-Tir-Sol
King's Grace (Tusk Sword) Amn-Ral-Thul
Lionheart (Iron Fleece) Hel-Lum-Fal
Melody (Grand Matron Bow) Shael-Ko-Nef
Rhyme (Heater) Shael-Eth
Smoke (Iron Fleece) Nef-Lum
Strength (Partizan) Amn-Tir
Player Version 1.09 1.10 RWM 1.11 Total|||New goals =)
jjscud 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
RobbyD 1.09 7 0 0 0 7
Player Version 1.09 1.10 RWM 1.11 Total|||Should I include the runewords that I already have or only the runewords that I'll make after signing in will count|||Quote:
jjscud 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
RobbyD 1.09 7 0 0 0 7
Marvel 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
Should I include the runewords that I already have or only the runewords that I'll make after signing in will count
Runewords that you already have are fine as long as you have not traded for the runes.
Before two days ago they were much more difficult to complete, ignoring that would be silly imho.|||Code:
Player Version 1.09 1.10 RWM 1.11 Total
jjscud 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
RobbyD 1.09 7 0 0 0 7
Marvel 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
mir 1.12 20 10 0 3 33
Should I post the runewords names?|||OT: what about the 1.07 runewords? Do they still work? Were some removed in 1.09? If not, there are several additions to be made to the list, I think. Armageddon, Authority, The Beast, Beauty, Blood, Bone, Bound by Duty, Broken Promise, Chance, Chaos, Darkness, Daylight, and Deception. There's a full list here.
Argh. Yep. I'm a n00b. Most of the 1.07s were removed in 1.10 or 1.11 or 1.09 or somewhere. Oh well. It's too bad too, because a couple called for a Zod and provided some strange mods: Authority, 3os Helms, Zod Gul Um, +100% Def, +5 Resist All, +1 all skills, +20 Strength. Woo! Totally worth a Zod, methinks.

Player Version 1.09 1.10 RWM 1.11 Total
jjscud 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
RobbyD 1.09 7 0 0 0 7
Marvel 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
mir 1.12 20 10 0 3 33
Jcakes 1.13b 0 0 0 0 0
Sounds like fun. How do we want to handle items that have multiple item types (I.E Fortitude Weapon vs. Fortitude Armour) It would be interesting if these sub-types were included somehow, although it is probably difficult to do.
Edit: should we also include vanilla/fam in the table?|||I'm in on this, however I started again for 1.13b keeping all my 1.12a stashes/gear and characters backed up and seperate.
So once my currently lvl 27 Amazon is a little bit stronger, I will make a post of her finds and begin my attempts at this grail, already she has found more runes than I've seen on any of my previous chars on a single run through. She was finding runes in act 1 normal from regular monsters and that is something I don't recall ever seeing before (not to say it wasn't possible).
Best of luck to everyone here


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