A “budget” barb and a very expensive lady. A classic tale: The man earning the dough - the woman spending it

Young Eiger was fighting his way through the Blood Moor and the Cold Plains. At a cemetery nearby he encountered a fearsome demon, the notorious Blood Raven. Thanks to his huge strength and big polearm Blood Raven quicky laid slain on the ground along with her undead army. Eiger was tired after the encounter so retreated to the rogue camp. At the camp he talked to the rouge leader, Kashya, who introduced him to the young rouge Abhaya and thing soon heated up. Especially Eiger’s big polearm impressed Abhaya (hmm!?) and he realised that he would have to continue to wield this kind of weapon if he wanted to keep Abhaya happy.
Abhaya also told him that he must be careful and protect himself at all times. She suggested that he could learn the skill Concetrate a very powerful attack which would improve his defense at the same time.
Through the rest of Sanctuary Eiger went through different polearms to match his growing strength and skill: Dimoak’s Hew, Soul Harvest and The Battlebranch.
In Harrogath he met the barbarian captain Qual-Kehk which told him about the huge power of runes and rune words. He told tales about barbarian wielding weapons such as Breath of the Dying and Doom. These barbarians could demolish entire armies all by them self. Qual-Kehk also told the tale of an armor which could boost the barbarian’s damage so much that he would not have to fear even the Ancients. Eiger looked forward to get his hands on such weapons and armor but for now he was looking forward to wield Pierre Tombale’s Couant when he got wise enough.
The Ancients and Baal bowed easily and thus the couple returned to the rouge camp for another journey through Sanctuary. Abhaya had also heard Qual-Kehk talking about rune words and she went to Kashya to ask her if rogues could use similar rune words to reach almightyness. Kashya told her that very skillful rogues could use bows so fearsome that even the Prime Evils feared them more than anything. Especially a legendary bow called Faith was feared throughout Sanctuary. Kashya also told her about a magical tiara which could leave enemies confused and make them even easier targets for the rogue to kill. To make the rogue godly she would also need a strong body armor. Kashya suggested that she should get Chains of Honor. This ancient armor would boost all her abilities even further.
Abhaya soon became obsessed with these rune words and Eiger realised that he had to succumb to her needs. He also realised that his would not be able to get the items for both Abhaya and himself. He had to go on a budget if he where to keep Abhaya happy. While Abhaya was resting in the rouge camp he returned to Harrogath to talk to Qual-Kehk again. He told Qual-Kehk about his problem and Qual-Kehk came up with a solution. Even if it was not as brutal as Breath of the Dying the weapon Obedience was still very lethal and much easier on Eiger’s wallet. Eiger asked about a weapon called The Reaper’s Toll but Qual-Kehk told him that this was a weapon for mercenaries not for true barbarians. For a body armor Qual-Kehk suggested Duress.
The second journey through Sanctuary was uneventful. The couple grew strong and stronger and the foes seemed weaker and weaker. Just before they reached the Chaos Sanctuary they were ready to wear all their hard earned items. The three seal bosses and Diablo trembled when they saw the fearsome couple and they all four soon lay slain and they could continue to Harrogath.
When Eiger returned to Harrogath he was still broke, so instead of just making a couple of HotOs, he went on a shopping spree. Within an hour he had bought two matching Echoing war swords. Abhaya was not happy that Eiger should carry such sharp pointy sticks around, but Eiger assured her that they were bought for enhancing their safety for their third and most dangerous journey through Sanctuary.
Just as the Eiger turned 74 Baal bowed and Abhaya and Eiger could return to the rouge camp once again.
They started their third journey through Sanctuary with seven virtual companions, just like they have done before. This time however their foes had grown significantly stronger. They still did not pose a huge threat to them, but they took ages to slay. Especially packs of Fallen backed by shamans. Everything went fine until they reached the Dark Tower in the Black Marsh. They had just set foot on the fifth level when they got swarmed by a blood clan boss and a devil kin boss. The blood clan boss was even immune to physical damage (on top of his native fire immunity) and thus a dangerous foe for the two. Eiger tried every war cry he knew but he could not get a foothold. Soon they were completely surrounded and the path to the previous level blocked. Outnumbered and surrounded they met their destiny in the Countess’ stronghold.
After some R&R in the rouge camp they returned - dead set on avenging this. This time however they only brought four virtual companions with them. With significantly weaker monsters they quickly killed the Countess and got their revenge.
They soon got to Lut Gholein again and they continued to lay death and waste to all the enemies near by. Soon Radament, Coldworm and Fangskin lay dead and they proceeded to the Arcane Sanctuary. Here they encountered a new and extremely annoyning enemy; the physical immune mana draining ghost. Not a dangerous enemy at all but extremely annoying - and they took ages to kill. Eiger could usually get one Beserk off before his blue bulb was depleted. After searching two branches without finding the Summoner Eiger lost his patience. He returned to Lut Gholein to rest. Soon he resumed the quest for the Summoner. This time without any virtual companions. Soon they had found a killed the Summoner and they travelled to the Canyon of the Magi. Eiger resummoned the four virtual companions and went in to Tal Rashas tomb. With lots of skeletons, unravellers and ghouls it was slow going but they found Duriel. He was totally defenseless and Eiger beat him to a pulp to avenge all the grief they had suffered.
Where Lut Gholein was a long winding and frustrating experience Kurast Docks was the opposite. They cruised through the jungle and Kurast City. Soon the council lay dead and they started their search for Mephisto. As they entered the third level of the Durance Bremm Sparkfist had a surprise for them: conviction. Bathed in meteors and hydra fire Eigers life bulb bounced dangerously up and down. In the end Bremm bowed and the rest of the Durance was quickly cleared. Mephisto dropped a wand with 75 Lower Resist (2) charges which was quite nice.
The journey from the Pandemonium Fortress to the Chaos Sanctuary was quite uneventful. Gloams in the Plains of Despair did not prove a challenge for them. The only time Eiger needed to use some skill were in the Chaos Sanctuary when fighting Lord de Seis. Abhaya did not stay around for long and thus the nice speed boost from Fanatism was gone as well. He lured the DKs away from LdS and disposed them. Then it was time to face LdS himself. He had now switched to a holy freeze aura. This combined with decrepify made EIger exceptionally slow. Luckily LdS is not much a threat on his own and Eiger could soon pick Abhaya up at the fortress and they continued to kill Diablo which best drop was an essence.
They cruised through the barbarian highlands, but as soon as they went underground troubles began. Thanks to a lapse in concentration tomb vipers got the better of them in Nihlathaks place. Lots of ghosts in the Crystalline Pasage. Ghosts, vipers and moon lords made the Glacial Trail a nightmare for the couple. A pack of extra fast moon lords and extra fast pit vipers avenged Nihlathak quicker than Eiger could say “HOWL!”. At last they reached the Frozen Tundra and the hunt for the Ancients started. They found them on the summit of Mount Arreat. All three of them spawned extra strong but they posed no major challenge anyway.
Gloams and soul killers in the ToD made way for very cautious progress. Baals minions was quickly disposed of. Only Achmel was tricky - swinging a big polearm under decrep is rather dangerous. Baal acted as punchbag for a couple of minutes and then it was all over.
Maxed BO, Concentrate, Shout, Masteries.
Warcries and other one point wonders.
Rest goes in to Beserk.
Giant Thresher
Two Hand Damage: 188 - 535
Durability: 55 of 55
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 151
Required Dexterity: 112
Fingerprint: 0x913bdbe4
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
30% Chance to cast level 21 Enchant when you Kill an Enemy
+40% Faster Hit Recovery
370% Enhanced Damage
-25% Target Defense
Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames)
-25% to Enemy Fire Resistance
40% Chance of Crushing Blow
+252 Defense
+10 to Strength
+10 to Dexterity
All Resistances +30
Requirements -20%
Arreat’s (40% ED)
Gore Rider
Nos Coil
Raven (213/19)
Rare (83 AR 3LL 3ML ++)
2x Echoing war swords
CoH (AP)
Delirium (Tiara)
Faith (1/12) (Diamond Bow)
+58 Max damage
+398 AR
+92 Life
Name: Eiger
Class: Barbarian
Experience: 1237778587
Level: 86
Strength: 225/270
Dexterity: 80/130
Vitality: 200/200
Energy: 10/10
HP: 985/1077
Mana: 95/135
Stamina: 352/372
Defense: 20/1823
AR: 385/27909
Fire: 155/115/55
Cold: 135/95/35
Lightning: 140/100/40
Poison: 127/87/27
MF: 13
Block: 16
GF: 0
FR/W: 30
FHR: 110
IAS: 50
Mal Rune
Required Level: 49
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: Prevent Monster Heal
Armor: Magic Damage Reduced by 7
Shields: Magic Damage Reduced by 7
Gul Rune
Required Level: 53
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Weapons: 20% Bonus to Attack Rating
Armor: +5% to Maximum Poison Resist
Shields: +5% to Maximum Poison Resist
Akaran Targe
Defense: 111
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 11 of 20
Required Level: 26
Required Strength: 44
Fingerprint: 0xd947aa03
Item Level: 71
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +45
Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x29e2f291
Item Level: 83
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0xce959546
Item Level: 83
Version: Expansion 1.10+
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Steel Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0xcedd6a8b
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+31 to Attack Rating
Iron Small Charm of Balance
Small Charm
Required Level: 31
Fingerprint: 0x5752c68a
Item Level: 82
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5% Faster Hit Recovery
+23 to Attack Rating
Expert's Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x412e40cf
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
Fortuitous Amulet of Luck
Required Level: 19
Fingerprint: 0x215f12ee
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
38% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Pelta Lunata
Defense: 39
Chance to Block: 20
Durability: 9 of 20
Required Level: 2
Required Strength: 12
Fingerprint: 0x3dca5f69
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+40% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense
+2 to Strength
+10 to Vitality
+10 to Energy
+8 Maximum Durability
The Redeemer
Mighty Scepter
One Hand Damage: 144 - 187
Durability: 38 of 50
Required Level: 72
Required Strength: 50
Required Dexterity: 26
Fingerprint: 0x6a1dafcd
Item Level: 84
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Paladin Skill Levels
261% Enhanced Damage
Damage +70
-33% Target Defense
+200% Damage to Demons
+150% Damage to Undead
+2 to Holy Bolt (Paladin Only)
+4 to Redemption (Paladin Only)
+3 to Light Radius
Requirements -60%
-Sorry for the lack of screenshots, my screen capture program went blank on me and my in-game screenshot function does not work. Anybody have a solution?
-Even with a build this safe and quite powerful too I still managed to get Eiger killed once in nightmare! Pesky vipers in Nihl’s place. Now I know why I do not play HC!

-Eiger’s greatest danger is my impatience.
-Delirium on a merc is borderline cheesy.
-I (still) hate barbs! I had more fun writing this pat thread then playing the git.
Thanks for reading!|||TLDR.
grats on the nice pat. i have a conc barb at the end of normal i'm playing atm|||Nice writeup

Congrats on the Pat and for the Gul as well!|||I would hate barbs too, If i ever played that build (or any one-hit-skill-build for that matter). REally nice itamz on the rogue though, and quite the write-up

- Better formatting results in better readability; the wall of text starting with "They started their third journey" and ending with "for a couple of minutes and then it was all over" is tough to swallow, graphically. I only read it after I copied it to MS Word and reformatted it to my liking.
- That's my personal view only: too much stuff about the actual RP aspect of D2, for me. It's like... I know I'm supposed to care about the story, but let's be honest, this game is not about that

Anyone using an A1 Rogue gets like a bajillion of bonus points in my book. What are your opinions about using 'Delirium' on her? From my experience, saying that she gets hit rarely is a major understatement. Was it like, "if she gets in trouble, she'll bail herself out"? I don't imagine it triggered much. Rogue's AI is bloody amazing in comparison to A2 Morons.
Nice to know there's someone out there who bothers to shop for Echoing swords instead of using the "cheaper" 'HotO'+'CtA'

Grats on the Pat! Well done.
--Greebo|||Hi Greebo,
Thanks for your comments. I agree with you that the formatting could have been better but I was on my way on holiday so it was done in a hurry.
The A1 rogue rules supreme at least with a high level of BO. She is just way more agile than the desert warriors.
Anyone using an A1 Rogue gets like a bajillion of bonus points in my book. What are your opinions about using 'Delirium' on her? From my experience, saying that she gets hit rarely is a major understatement. Was it like, "if she gets in trouble, she'll bail herself out"? I don't imagine it triggered much. Rogue's AI is bloody amazing in comparison to A2 Morons.
If you mean the 1% CtC Delirium then it triggered maybe a dozen times mostly in act 5 where mlvls are highest compared to clvl.
Are you actually picking up all the magic amulets that drop? I could never bring myself to do it.
For the time being I am picking up most amulets. I need a Burning/Apprentice for my 200 FCR fire sorc project.|||Quote:
-Sorry for the lack of screenshots, my screen capture program went blank on me and my in-game screenshot function does not work. Anybody have a solution?
How does your in-game screenshot function not work?
Note that since you're using RWM, the screenshots end up in the "Runewords" folder.
Congratulations on the patriarch, I'm not a huge fan of barbarians with a single target attack either.
Also, Obedience is crazy powerful for its cost.|||Grats on the Patriach and best of luck with your new characters!
C'mon, give HC a shot!

How does your in-game screenshot function not work?
Note that since you're using RWM, the screenshots end up in the "Runewords" folder.
Ah that is the explanation. Thanks!! I must have looked in any other folder. Could have searched for .jpg but that would have been too easy, wouldn't it?
Found a couple of screenshots I have taken in-game, updated original post to reflect.|||Quote:
If you mean the 1% CtC Delirium then it triggered maybe a dozen times mostly in act 5 where mlvls are highest compared to clvl.
No, actually from my experience A1 Rogue's don't get hit almost any. Which is clearly a different experience than you had. Maybe because the one time I used one, I was playing with Valk, so the Rogue wasn't getting the heat. I will check it out sometime, consider 'Delirium' on A1 Rogue as an option. Interesting.
For the time being I am picking up most amulets. I need a Burning/Apprentice for my 200 FCR fire sorc project.
Yeah, I remember some 2-3 years ago I did some math, and it was quicker to run council for gold with a beefed up GB Barb (that was pre-1.13) and later gamble than to pick up magic amulets. But kudos for perseverance. Wouldn't you be better off with a 2/15 crafted amulet though? I think it is a better option, unless you want to wear Griffon's for some weird reason (the only way to get the extra 5% you need to compliment 'Spirit's' 35%).
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