Anyway, goodbye, you were crap apparently, but 168 years of crap is better than nothing

I don't recognize the label it's sometimes given of investigative reporting (although bear in mind I have no knowledge of the publication prior to Murdoch's ownership).
Murdoch's NotW campaigning stances always seemed to be focused on purient or headline grabbing subjects rather than any real interest in the subject.
While I think one less tabloid is a good thing, I do feel sorry for the guys losing their jobs when it seems most of them weren't part of the phone hacking behaviour. The people in charge at the time should have gone. If they did know, they were reprehensible and if they didn't know, they bloody should have.
I sincerely hope it scuppers Murdoch's business deals in the future; he has FAR too much contol over the media and some unpleasantly cosy relationships with politicians.|||The person who was in charge to some degree during the hacking, is 'leading' the groups investigation xD|||Not anymore.|||Quote:
I sincerely hope it scuppers Murdoch's business deals in the future; he has FAR too much contol over the media and some unpleasantly cosy relationships with politicians.
Exactly. There's a man who needs to know how much is enough.
Aside from ad hominem attacks, it shows how far our media's desparation to sell, sell, sell has come. All the terrible things that go on in the world and as close as many people come to knowing about it is football and celebrity gossip. It is intensely sad.
I gave up with the media about 2 months ago: I've had enough. It now seems to be increasingly fabricated and fake, and if it isn't about the crookedness or mendacity of politicians, it's about the impending financial or environmental collapse. I just don't want to know, there's nothing I can do about any of it, and so I get any important news from a couple of forums.|||Quote:
Exactly. There's a man who needs to know how much is enough.
Aside from ad hominem attacks, it shows how far our media's desparation to sell, sell, sell has come. All the terrible things that go on in the world and as close as many people come to knowing about it is football and celebrity gossip. It is intensely sad.
I gave up with the media about 2 months ago: I've had enough. It now seems to be increasingly fabricated and fake, and if it isn't about the crookedness or mendacity of politicians, it's about the impending financial or environmental collapse. I just don't want to know, there's nothing I can do about any of it, and so I get any important news from a couple of forums.
I get most of mine from the SPF

I get most of mine from the SPF

You just come here because you like getting pwned by Thy. Don't pretend it's not true.
Also so you can ask everyone if you can haz their babies.|||you can haz my babies! *starts pulling babies out of a sack*|||Actually corax, I think there's a raffle for that now. Just .... wow.|||But you still need a woman, so the sack idea isn't all bad.
That's pretty weird, Thy. Not sure how I really feel about it.
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