Atm I've maxed blizzard and am using just cold. Soon I will need to re-spec so that I can deal with cold immunes.
I have been considering making a Mete-orb sorc using the guide below.
Do you think this is the most appropriate build for a solo MF sorc?
Also I'm struggling on wether to take high dex + good blocking sheild or just pump health? Atm I have pumped health but I feel pretty weak tbh.
Any help is appreciated,
Ta|||The easiest is probably to stay a pure cold sorc. Run NM Mephisto (and NM Countess) until you've got decent gear (Tal's ammy, occy, Spirit, etc.) Then you should be able to clear A1H and most of A2H until you get to the Ancient Tunnels. Stop here. Run AT until your eyes bleed and you should have all the lewt gear you've ever dreamed of.|||Hi Steveh, not busy enough with the Random Tourny?
Some heavily twinked and expensive builds aside, there is no Sorc build that can solo every common MF area in the game efficiently. You either have dual builds like Meteorb that can solo everything but aren't all that fast compared to pure builds or you have pure builds that are great for some areas but awful for others. So it kinda depends on whether you want to make her Guardian or if you're ok with staying somewhere in the middle of H doing MF runs to infinity and beyond.
For Guardian: Respec to Meteorb and run only as much as you need to get some items you want. NM and H Andariel, H Countess and the chests in Lower Kurast are prob the best targets for you. Once a Guardian you can respec again to a pure build and use her for MF runs.
For MF: Basically what sevenOD said. Pure Blizzard is best against Mephisto and Ancient Tunnels. Chests in LK of course. Very decent for Cows. With these targets you can get any item in the game. Once you have your 2 Bers from LK for Infinity you can respec to pure Lightning and start with Baal runs. One year later she'll be Level 99 and you'll be insane.

Vit on the other hand is only worth it if you wanna use a low block shield that is so good that it's worth it to sacrifice blocking. That mostly means Spirit Monarch. Problem for untwinked is that it comes very late in the game if at all.|||Thanks for the advice Mutton

Yeah got a bit bored of my Assasin, so went back to my MF sorc. It's the only two characters I have since re-starting so I'm completely un-twinked.
Atm I'm not too fussed about guardian so I think I will stay blizzard (although I hate that spell!) and hit some of those targets.
I have discovered that I have excellent maps for NM countess (tower is within 1 screen of the WP) CCl2 also about 2 teleports from level 3. and Level 3 Durance is one teleport away from level 2 WP =) So i'm making good progress running these 3 for the moment... not entirely sure what I'm looking for but am steadily building some rune / unique and set stashes, if anything it will still be good for twinking some characters I may push for guardian.
One thing I have noticed since placing the sorc again is just how safe my Assassin is! Even though she has crap gear, COS + Mind Blast + Fade + SW + Merc I didn't appreciate how easy going that was! I really wish my sorc had CoS lol. Anyhow... might get back on the random torny later in the week. - You working on any other chars apart from random torny atm?|||I'm hardly an authority, and I just lost a mostly untwinked sorc, so... grain of salt, but...
If you restrict yourself to the first three acts or so (up to Meph) the thing I find most common and dangerous is archer packs with bad mods.
I don't know that sorceresses are any less safe than Assasins if you don't mess up- but it is a lot easier to mess up with them and in HC one slip is enough. I think my next HC sorc will eventually go Dex- you give up quite a lot by doing that, but max block is very nice against archers.
If I were fully twinked and wanted to run all areas as an HC sorc I might consider going Vit and using a Spirit. Vit is useful against everything, and block is only useful against some things.
I've also always found AT safer than the Pit, with good resists. Pit L1 is OK, but Pit L2 can be murder if you get archer boss packs with the wrong combination of mods.|||Block on a sorc is amazing, it's all easy as hell to get.|||Quote:
Also I'm struggling on wether to take high dex + good blocking sheild or just pump health? Atm I have pumped health but I feel pretty weak tbh.
Upgrade a Visceratuant. That has around 72% base chance to block on a sorc. Win? Easy to get, too, if you run Meph. I've done a bit of mathcrafting on the dex vs blocking issue if you need help deciding. The post is... around. Bottom line is that it's better to have block if you can do so without gimping your hp too much. Which you can if you get a half decent shield.
As far as the build goes, don't go blizzard if you hate it. Meteorb is perfectly serviceable. For MFing in general, especially in HC, it's a good idea to not pick something you hate. You tend to get bored / annoyed and then sloppy and then dead.|||I Guardianed my Meteorber about 2 weeks ago (haven't found the time to write up a thread yet). She was level 85, with max block using a Rhyme'd Heater (sometimes a Rhyme'd Tower Shield for the extra block, or a 2x PDiamond Moser's for Max resists, until going ahead and using a Smoke), and about 650 base life pool.
Fun and versatile, with plenty of damage, and used an HF merc and Static backup for anything she couldn't kill. Of course, I also ran NM Meph plenty to get gear to tackle everything up to Hell Meph, then parked there using Meteor until getting plenty to take on the rest of Hell (Harley, Occy & Mara's being the main upgrades from Hell Meph for end game gear).
Since beating down Baal, she acquired the essences to respec, and is now a pure Blizz running Hell Meph until she gets the three Tal Rasha's pieces she's looking for, or reaches level 89 (already made it to lvl 88 doing AT and Hell Meph runs since Guardian).
+1 to NF about the dangers of getting bored/annoyed resulting in getting dead.
Max block > than Vit, IMHO.|||Quote:
The post is... around.
Around here
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