PvP week has started. Even tho we never had full games, it was fun all the time, duels were fairly even, and even nubs like me managed to get some kills

When games were to put up, we already had problems deciding hosts. Probably half hour or more was spent on organizing things, and in the end janooo couldn't play cause of too high ping. Really shame, but hope we will catch you in mid days, or whenever you are available.
When we settled on scrcrw's host we brought our characters � max entered with Yyrkoon; bone nec (I still say it's weird name

After a while I swapped to my Fury/Rabies druid Joanna (the fun starts here) and I got nice opportunity to test my eth Tomby. Testing went good and I'm happy with it. Max soon swapped his nec for Trinity � the speedlander assassin (Ghost with kicks) and we had some duels. Most of them went in favor of scrcrw's bowie, but after he went afk, SQU demolished us pretty badly. Soon I swapped for Kyuubey � my BvC barb and even scored some wins with him. I was pretty fun dueling Instagib, as bowazons are class I just can't stand. Managing to get couple ears means that I'm improving. Pyro came in game one more time with same char and we all had some pretty even FFAs. After Pyro quit max changed for Ultraviolet � W/S trapper. She proved pretty tough to kill with physical dmg and even managed to outtank my barb head on.
All time we had pleasant chats, trolling around and good duels. One particular funny scene... brought to you by SQU. OMG syndrome? (no animals were hurt during making of this movie) Nice to know you can fraps those things. Perhaps we could bring videos of real duels instead of ingame trolling, but this was even better at the moment

Day one 10/10. We still need more players and more characters, so if you found this read pleasant, if you wanted to be part of this PvP season, just join other days and show us what you have.
Players and characters:
Steven Q Urkel - HaXOr-RayPatean (auradin)
scrcrw - Instagib (bowazon)
janooo - Insane (sword BvC/Travincal barb?)
Pyrohemia - Loopy (infinity/ES charged boltress)
Maxicek - YYrkoon (bone necromancer)
Maxicek - Trinity (speedlander assassin)
Maxicek - Ultraviolet (W/S trapper)
frozzzen - Vivien (maxblock firesorc)
frozzzen - Joanna (fury/rabies druid)
frozzzen - Kyuubey (BvC barb)
|||Nice job frozzz! Looks like fun.
Sorry I missed it. My connection has been dead all day. scrcrw may recall last night he was about to test my hosting, but I had to reset my router, and it never came back online.

Hopefully I'll get involved tonight, but I might have to wake up really early.

PvP for me is (I imagine) kinda like a 12th century peasant would feel being stuck in the middle of modern NYC. You keep turning your head around constantly because of all the sensory stimulation is like nothing you've seen before, there's more going on around then you've ever experienced, you confuse a guy on the billboard with someone real and you talk to him (decoy) and invariably you end up being hit by a big bus.
May I just take this opportunity to thank the pour soul who got stuck with me in 2v2v2. In my defense, most of the time in real life I actually know what's going on, unlike in those duels.
Am I to understand that there are people who actually follow what's going on there? Sheesh...
--Greebo|||Last night I played three characters. I started with The_Kurgan. I think there is a link in the Pat thread to why I chose the Bone Helm. Anyway, I like it. Ping wasn't good so I spent a lot of time WWing place, not teleporting when I wanted to etc. So I pulled out the old PvP excuse of "Bad Ping" and changed character.
I switched to my Bowazon, Atalanta. Complete with my dismal roll Faith which I am still annayed about. She fared much better, but it was difficult going with some fast ES Sorcs zipping around. I can only resist one element with my shield switch, so I had to choose fire over cold most of the time. I was going to change her for the team duels, but as Pyro pointed out the Bowazon is the Queen of Teams, so I stuck with her. Teams as usual was great fun, some good duels in my estimatin going about 50/50.
I made the final switch to Yyrkoon, my bonemancer. Despite the fact he has not one single life skiller, he is still a strong build. We did 2v2v2, I paired with Pyro's charger, TrophyHunter. Pyro cleaned out the first round with four clean kills in very quick sucession. He then proceeded to get fried in every round after. For those wanting to know where Yyrkoon's name comes from, it is referenced here.)
All good fun, looking forward to more tonight.
@Greebo: First time I ever played PvP it was one big chaotic adrenaline rush. I does get less confusing with practice. Well, except for 2v2v2 which always seems to be carnage. We should do some 1v1s, it is easier to get into that way. Hope you enjoyed it and we see more of you this week.

May I just take this opportunity to thank the pour soul who got stuck with me in 2v2v2. In my defense, most of the time in real life I actually know what's going on, unlike in those duels.
Hey, I'm no better then you in this thing, probably worse cuse you lasted longer than me on the battlefield (I'm referring to the round when it was you vs the fire sorc) so I should say those words not you…

I felt that the teams were balanced and we weren't in a disadvantage because it was you first PvP game so no bad feelings here, join next time too.
I started the game yesterday with my trapper, Aidan, but got bored with her quickly and switched to my other chars: Erica_Fade & Khorrun (ghost and BvC). That turned out to be a complete disaster (not a single kill) for which I blame all the sorcs and ranged chars that were present on the moore…
Conclusion: need more practice with those chars.
Teams were fun as usual and I prefer that part much more then FFA because my teammates can cover over my mistakes.
Looking forward for today games|||Yup, the Blood Moor was thoroughly covered with ears.

Started with a few matches earlier, and the evening saw 3+ hours of duels. I'm not even going to try to list out who all was there, as I will inevitably miss a few & I believe we decided that we would all post w/ synopsis of chars (an impressive list... there was at least one of each class knocking about at one point or another). All in all, a good time... I don't believe we ever had a full 8, but it was pretty close a few times & it was consistently fun. Hope to see some more of you out & about later this evening

As host, I only played my (frequently cursed at) FB/ES/maxblock sorc, Astra. Maybe today I can play with another char... if I can ever get a few extra respec Tokens, anyway.|||mir, ghosts and bvcs are usually awesome against casters, but you need very good ping. When you play across the ocean teleport + whirlwind is generally unusable. My ping was pretty good yesterday (varying from 70 to 140) but I found my bvc still unplayable. I think you will have much more success in a game hosted in Europe.

Yesterday I played 6 characters: Loopy, an ES charged boltress; FluffyKitten, a BvC; Electra, ES/Orb; Seigyoku, Bowazon; BearChest, FuzzyDodger; and TrophyHunter, Charger.
The first set of 2v2v2 duels that I played with TrophyHunter all of my charges worked perfectly and all of my attacks hit so I quickly killed off all four opposing players. After that success I died every further round without a single further kill.
BearChest was fun like usual. In the first duel which was a 3v3 my two parteners died and I was left trying to whack away at Max's bowazon while eating continuous attacks from three players. It was funny watching how long it took three concerted attacks to reduce my life bulb while I am standing there whiffing every swing. Fuzzydodgers are tanks.
Looking forwards to more duels today.|||Last night I was hosting, so stuck with one character. I decided to use The_Kurgan in a vain hope to improve my useless skills dueliing with just about any other character than assassins. As he is a BvA he has a bit of flexibility for various opponents. I had patches of playing quite well, especially at the beginning. Lots of casters again made things tricky in FFAs. I think I managed to get a kill of just about everyone at some point or other, except Astra. If anyone remembers my performance with Bane in the last PvP week, this is improvement indeed.|||The past 2 days of dueling has been quite fun

Didn't play too long yesterday but good FFA duels as usual from the time I did participate. I played Zareta a little better this time managing to survive a round and getting a few more kills then i usually do

Looking forward to more dueling soon.
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