RL: work, then my son has his championship baseball game tonight

D2: nope
OVG: cave story...still...|||Been a while since I properly posted in a daily, and this seems like a good one to do so. Well wishes go to Virgi! *grumble* *grumble* no one gives love to the basement cat. And he likes it that way! Hum bug.
RL: Passing the day by until I get off work, then we're driving up to North Texas for a semi-family reunion over the weekend. We haven't seen my wife's side of the family since just after our wedding, over 3 years ago. Hoping I come back in one piece.
D2: Still progressing my Windy for the SPF challenge. Slower than I'm used to, but that's alright. Just made it to A3 Norm this morning, right before work. On a side note there, MountainDew found my first perfect Nagel off of quest killing Andy a couple of days ago. I was quite happy with that. Too bad he is untwinked; otherwise it would go straight to my MF sorc right away.
OVG: Heard some about FFXIII today, and it makes me miss FF7. And FF3. Can't wait to get our internet back up at home and get FF3 for the Wii. I might actually play on the Wii then.|||Virgi?!??!!?! You will be missed!
RL: Rain! Rain! RAAIINN!!!! Thinking about moving to Austria.
d2: Hopefully some MP with Handorman
OVG: Just the game of Life.|||virgait is leaving?|||You misspelled "riddance".

RL: Two days off in a row. How luxurious.
DII: Levelling up PvP characters is my new least favourite thing in DII. On the plus side, yet another Gul dropped, meaning I have enough runes Mal-Ohm range to cube a Lo and forge my first self-made Grief.
OVG: getting drunk and watching my housemate's girlfriend play Commander Keen is about as close as I get to other games.|||Why's Virgait leaving? I've not been too active here lately but I've lurked around enough to know that he blended right in.. Sad to see you go

D2: Just Baaling. To the exclusion of everything else.
RL: Luckily I have a couple days off now so that I actually can do baals.
OVG: Uh, what?|||It's all explained in this thread.
My son lost his championship game

But its all right, they had a great season and a lot of fun

And now I adjourn to the mountains for camping

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