OVG: My friend somehow found me a fix for my broken DVD drive, so I can now play all my DVD-based games again, including the ones I've never played before, including Dead Space 2, Dead Rising 2, Bioshock 2, Homefront, Mass Effect 2, The Witcher 2 and Medal of Honor, as well as good ol' SWAT 4. I bought Atom Zombie Smasher (two hours before it went on sale), Terraria and HOARD on Steam, and I need to continue whoring myself out for these Steam tickets in the summer competition. HOARD is a lot more limited than the demo had me believe. Terraria is good, but suffers from some horrendous 2D building glitches, and texture confusion.|||RL: Back's been killing me here past couple of days... May have to actually go to the Doctor to try and get some relief. Ran with my puppy this morning. She didn't do too good today.
D2: Sure I'll play some.
OVG: Not 'til weekend. Little Big Planet. Reminds me of the Hitchhikers' Guide.|||Maybe if the daily wasn't made on the previous day, I would actually see it and post in it

RL: Son has a baseball game tonight, so He'll be wiping the floor with some 8 year olds later. Work, was okay, i managed to not get stung by a bee, which was good, since there were about 200+ flying all around me.
D2: randomly challenged sorc. Also got prepared for the MFO.
OVG: Just say no to OVG!
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