My level 78 necromancer just bit the dust. I'm 0 for 2 in my quest to make my first Guardian. My question now is: what happens to his ATMA stash? Can I still use items in his stash to help out my other characters? Can I trade those items in the SPF?
Thanks.|||You can use any items in the stashes. Just can't use atma to mule items off his corpse. Those all bite the dust with him. Better luck with the next try, patience my friend!|||You can use items that you muled off of your character into ATMA "stashes" before he died. But I sense some ambiguity in the above posts with the word "stash" and "stashes".
You cannot use items that were in your characters in game "stash" at the time he died. Nor can you use items him or his merc were carrying at the time he died.
-hps|||Thanks for clearing that up. Looking back that was a poor choice of wording.
On a side note, long time no see sauce man.|||Quote:
What happens to a HC char's stash after he dies?
It goes to Valhalla to aid the hero in the afterlife.|||Quote:
Hi, all. I'm new to the SPF and Diablo 2 in general.
My level 78 necromancer just bit the dust. I'm 0 for 2 in my quest to make my first Guardian. My question now is: what happens to his ATMA stash? Can I still use items in his stash to help out my other characters? Can I trade those items in the SPF?
Condolences. I just lost a character to a combination of stupidity and wine. I'm just getting started in HC, but am not planning on playing untwinked (though that character was pretty much untiwinked, aside frm a gemmed bow or two.)
It is losing the items that really hurts- I know from playing SC that I can get a sorc to Hell in a few hours if I have reasonable gear. But I cannot necessarily get the gear lost on a sorc back in a few hours.
I started playing HC recently because I like feeling like there is something at stake. If I could loot dead HC characters it would defeat that purpose- characters matter much less than items, IMHO. I am quite annoyed that I lost Vipermagi, Lidless, and a Gull on my character, and Crown of thieves and an Insight on my merc (I have no 4os polearms in my HC stash, and I didn't manage to get an Insight for this character until I had finished NM- I eventually ran the Flayer Jungle to find a base.)
I was tempted to take the Vipermagi from Ivivrin's corpse (the wine speaking, no doubt.) I don't trade and I don't MP, so I wouldn't be betraying any trust by doing so. But if I had done that... well, I might as well have taken everything of value from Ivivrin and her merc, and once you start down that road you might as well not be playing HC anyway.
One thing that I think helps in losing a character is making sure that you make a reasonable profit on characters. Vipermagi was certainly the HC item I valued most (Gull a close second.) but I found it with this character, so it can't be counted on the loss side of the balance sheet.
On the other hand I also found a lot of very useful low-level sets items (full Sigon's, full Irathas, Angelic, etc,) two bonesnaps (so I can now make a melee character who uses one normal and one upped, which is enough to get pretty far with some builds,) and a Homunculous, which will be useful if I can ever bring myself to play another Summonmancer. And a lot of charms, though of course I lost all my best charms for a sorc with Ivivrin. I also found a few good bases for weapon Spirit, which will be nice when twinking.
I like to play fast and loose, and I like to drink (copious amounts of) wine when I play, so it is natural that I will lose characters. I could lose less by playing more conservatively, and not playing high-level characters when drinking wine. But where would the fun be in that?
If you don't trade and don't MP on these forums you can loot characters, if you wish (or at least that's how I understand the rules- I am not an authority on them, and I am not your attorney, so please don't take this as legal advice.) But I'd like to suggest that there is a better reason to not loot corpses than forum rules. You might as well play SC if you are going to do that. It hurts when you lose your best stuff, but it is precisely that that makes (twinked- untwinked is a different ballgame) HC worth playing.
Ivivrin is dead. Long live Ivrian.|||Seriously balanders: TLDR

If you don't trade and don't MP on these forums you can loot characters, if you wish (or at least that's how I understand the rules- I am not an authority on them, and I am not your attorney, so please don't take this as legal advice.) But I'd like to suggest that there is a better reason to not loot corpses than forum rules. You might as well play SC if you are going to do that. It hurts when you lose your best stuff, but it is precisely that that makes (twinked- untwinked is a different ballgame) HC worth playing.
Concerning this you should read the last two posts of this thread.|||Quote:
Seriously balanders: TLDR

Long post for a short point.

On a side note, long time no see sauce man.
Yes, it has indeed been a long time! Glad to see you're still kicking around this old hat!
One thing that I think helps in losing a character is making sure that you make a reasonable profit on characters.
The wine helps too!

Long post for a short point.

I have noticed that people who still feel passion for the game tend to write longer posts. It's the people who's passion has shriveled up into a hard blackened hunk of rock that just waltz in, post cold hard facts without any feelings in 2 sentences and then wonder off to calculate run times & stacked resistances, etc. (our first 2 posts are excellent examples of this). So yeah, let him post his long posts, he's having fun! And he has a good point too.
Also, people that have had a few glasses of wine tend to ramble more!

p.s. I tried hard to come up with something on topic to add to this post, but I couldn't find anything useful to add. Sorry Thyiad, I hope you will forgive this slight derailing in light of the fact that the original question has already been answered.|||Quote:
Seriously balanders: TLDR

I read English very quickly, so it sometimes does not occur to me that something I write is long enough that it might take a while to read for a non-native speaker, even if their English is otherwise excellent. I should probably be more aware of that, as I read a few foreign (to me) languages to one degree or another.
On the other hand, I promise that I won't insist that you read anything I post if you find it overly wordy

Concerning this you should read the last two posts of this thread.
I think you might have borked a URL here. I'd be interested to see the thread in question. As my post (hopefully) made clear I'm not going to be looting any stashes, regardless of what the forum rules say, but I would rather not give someone bad information even if I note that it might be bad information. So I'd be all ears (or eyes, I guess) if you fixed the link.
Sorry for taking so long to respond. Had some internet problems over the weekend- swapping out the cable modem seems to have fixed them though.
The wine helps too!

I'm not so sure about that, for me at least. I'm, generally, a very easy-going guy, but I can get irritable after a few glasses. I was pretty irritated about losing that character, even though it was entirely my fault- I should never have died in that situation. I'll admit that I steamed about it for a while- it was at least two hours before I started another character

I've actually played more DII than my post-count might indicate. Nothing compared to the forum veterans, but enough to have found a few HRs in pre-1.13. But it was almost all SC. I am pretty new to HC, and I'm enjoying it, more than I ever enjoyed SC. Anyway, thanks for the kind words.
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