D2: Did a bit of zealot.
OVG: :P|||RL: lazy day

D2: mfo, although the pits have ceased to be my friend.
Ovg: maybe Monday.|||RL: Mowed. It was nice. Pizza, beer, watering plants. Basically honey-dos without the Honey... This saddens me.
D2: Did a lil MP today. Sadly, reminds me of bnet with the drop-clicking. I don't think these guys are SPF members. This also makes me sad.
OVG: May go to a friends and play some ps3. Depends on what I do in the next few minutes.|||I'm catsitting for my neighbour. You just made me realize that I haven't fed it for way too long..
RL: last day at work today. It's reeeaally early. Gonna take a nap when I get off at noon.
D2: Some MP with our zons later.|||lol at FoE! poor kitty. it will eat your soul.
@Virgait: whats wrong with your brother.
oh and FYI its sunday afternoon not saturday|||Well the "poor" kitty is so fat that it probably wouldn't be satisfied by just my soul..
It really does need to go on a diet. That makes me feel a bit less guilty

Edit: and this is Cliff..|||He got hit in Afghanistan.
And ye man, go zons. Just please don't die on me :P|||Why on earth would I die on you?

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