I'm curious what you guys do in this situation. Keep rolling until it's a Tier1 or 2/41+ Life or be happy with the result as is.|||I would hate to re-roll a skiller with vita, but that's just me. Unless you don't have any other charms to re-roll, then I would recommend keeping it. I have a hard time even re-rolling a plain skiller. You can always trade for some re-rolling charms if you need more, they aren't but a few pgems each usually.|||Yeah, the thing is I have about 50 charms that I could re-roll in the iLevel range 70-90 but only 4 that are iLevel 91+ and thus at least potentially uber-charms. Aargh, I hate luxury problems...
Edit: Thought about it a bit more and decided to keep the charm. It would be kinda insane to re-roll a great charm as long as I have plenty of awful ones to spend Pgems on.|||Search the latest IFT for the results of rerolling Diablo/Baal charms (search my posts to hone in on the 3-4 pages and parties involved). There are a couple of us that showed what the expectations should be, for good or ill.
IMO, 30+ life charms can be had with a half a stash of pgems. Fine for ilvl <88 but a waste for 90+. Premium skillers (life, FHR, FRW) take some time, but can make a big difference to a build.
In short, collect 300+ pgems and reroll the Diablo charm...|||Are ilvl91+ grand charms THAT rare in 1.13? That's a very nice charm, and I'm stunned that you would even consider rerolling it. I mostly play 1.07, where you CAN'T reroll charms (well, you can, but ilvl=1), but ilvl91+ charms are NOTHING special once you get to Act5 Hell...ANY charm that comes from a chest or poppable past the bloody foothills is ilvl91+
I know you trade...PM me your email address and I'll send ya some...
Interesting. But it still depends. If you already have stashes full of average skiller's it's certainly worth it to spend 300Pgems to roll 1 outstanding one. If you have only a few skiller's on the other hand it's probably better to spend the 300Pgems to get stashes full of average ones in the first place. I think I'll hold onto the one I rolled and reroll it once it isn't one of the best I have anymore.
Thanks for the offer. I do think 91+ charms are very rare though. Even area level 85 superuniques can only drop iLevel 87. AFAIK Diablo (mLevel 94) and Baal (mLevel 99) are the only monsters capable of dropping these charms.|||And Nihilatak (mlvl 95 iirc)
While that 41-45 might be nice to look upon, it doesn't do anything too much comparing to 39-40. You should try to get many charms, and just like you say, better few decent ones then one outstanding (and you sure won't know if you will ever get this outstanding one).
That was always problem with rolling charms. I wouldn't reroll even good tier plain skiller because I'm pack rat

I took it for granted that you simply rolled a 39 life GC are were looking for advice whether to reroll it. If such was the case, do not hesitate.
Getting back to your original question. Keep it. Not the most ideal skill but at least its better than defensive pally.
For reference, Baal drops a grand charm once every 100+- runs. Not sure about Diablo/Nith.|||@ frozzzen
Right, Nilathak too. I don't run that creep though. I think he never dropped a single green/gold for me.
Lol! A plain 39life GC would've been neat!

Congrats on Level 99 btw!
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