I'm trying to optimize my whirler a bit and there's a couple of points on which i'm not sure which is the way to go.
His current gear is:
highlords wrath
arreat's face
grief BA
oath colossus sword
2x rare rings with dualleech and other mods.
As you can see the weapon choice is a bit unusual. That's because he started out with dual swords and swordmastery. A long time after that he got the grief and the plan is to replace the second sword with a beast BA. When that happen's i'll switch from swordmastery to axemastery.
The plan is to run CS with him and maybe later also Baal.
So now you all know a bit more about the char here's the questions:
1) What to socket the arreat's with. Would some ED jewel do me any good? Other options i've been thinking about are a jewel with AR as i'm currently not happy with it. Problem is that could be because my mastery only supports 1 of my weapons so that may be solved when i go all out on axes. Also some resists look good as that means i can go for more damage, AR or life via charms.
2) That brings me to my second question. What to do with charms? Skiller's could help with combat masteries or combat skills, boosting either my whirlwind skills or weapon mastery (and also natural resist). However i'm not sure that is the best way to go. Another thing i've been considering is gc's with lots of AR and possibly some vita if i get lucky. Or some dam/ar sc's. Those would boost my AR less, but i'd gain some damage (i rolled a very nice 3/16/20 last night).
What also may be an option is to do some searching in 1.07 for charms, but what should i be looking for in that case, the min or the max dam charms?
As for this question i hope to get both 1.13 and 1.07 answers as i don't play much 1.07 so getting those charms would be more of a long term goal. The 1.13 kind would be the more shortterm solution.
That's it for my questions (for now), however any other tips to improve him are welcome too.|||Here's my favourite setup:
Guillaume's socketed with Ruby(40%) jewel of hope
Angelic ring & amulet + rare dual leach ring
dual grief BA
dual Hoto on switch
inventory filled with SCs of vita
skills: max WW, BO, mastery, find item, rest in NR, 1 pt BC and prereq
stats: dex enough for equiping weapons, rest in strength|||Why not get another Grief?
see below
The ITD (which works against most stuff) and Eth will more than make up for the AR from Beast's Fanat.
A 40 ED jewel adds a good amount of damage but if your light/fire isn't maxed an Um/Ort/Ral is probably the better option for now. Whether you should get more more res from the socket or charms depends on just how good the charms are. Some of those +min 1.07 charms are amazing D:|||You can put an um rune or a ber rune for that arreat's face if you want some defensive tools like All Resist or Physical resist.Otherwise, put an ED or AS jewel. For weapons, eth Death BA and Grief BA are good but dual Grief is better as zgpmf pointed. For charms, you don't need skill charms that much.|||Barbarians don't need res beyond 1 pt natural res and Malah scrolls.|||Quote:
Barbarians don't need res beyond 1 pt natural res and Malah scrolls.
This guy looks legit

90% of times you will use HLW, LoH and Areat's so your resists are pretty much fixed already. CR and PR are not important at all.
I tried setup with 1.07 maxers and then I returned to max/ar/life and ar/life charms. They work much better then plain 1.07 maxers.|||Thanks for the answers so far. Here's some thoughts of mine about it:
I've tried guillaume's a few runs on trav and it seemed like i was actually slower than with arreat's. Don't know if it's because of the loss of AR or that maybe things would be different on higher p-setting (i was running on p3). I think for now i'll be sticking with arreat's. Maybe i'll give guillaume's another chance when the rest of the gear has been sorted out.
I was thinking of going for beast because it gives me some better AR and also helps the merc some. However if the minus target defense more than makes up for that i guess grief is the better option (provided i get one with enough IAS). Good thing i didn't already make that beast.
The angelic combo seems a nice way to improve AR however i have some doubts about it. First of all i'd be losing both deadly strike and LR. I'm not sure how much i'd miss DS but i'd need to make up a bit for the LR to keep it maxed (even more so if i'd go with guillaume's instead of arreats). Secondly i've been thinking about switching out one of my current dualleech rings for one with FCR. If i take that and dual wizzies on switch i'd be teleing as fast as a sorc. I think that would save me some time to get to the CS. If i do this that'd mean i also can't keep enchant charges on switch.
Another thing i've been thinking about is switching out the highlords for a metalgrid. I'd still be losing the deadly strike, however it'd be good for resists and i'd gain a lot of AR. Any thoughts about that?
Edit: Another thing i forgot to ask. Are gores really the best option or is goblintoe better? I thought that less FRW is good for WW and goblintoe has none and also has more CB. I would be losing open wounds and deadly strike though.|||Well, strictly looking gores would be best, but I personally use WTs. 15-25 dmg shouldn't be ignored, and you get nice MF on top of it. 10str 10 vit can also be transferred to dmg.
One thing also. Don't swap HLW. Get a way of improving ar without ditching it. Your comment about LR > DS made me laugh

Areat's and Guil's are comparable in terms of offense, but I areat's has a bit deffensive mods as well. I'd stick with it.
In weapon slot Grief is just too strong. You can't miss going with it...|||frozzzen, dual Grief doesn't mean 40 DS, it means 20 DS per weapon.
Cyrax, use HLW unless you have an extremely good reason not to (and I don't think you do). Deadly strike is very very good for a WW Barb, which is also why I think Gore Riders is the best option for boots. Grief is better than Beast, but Beast is alright.
hubb, I don't know what those damage comparisons are based on, but they look off to me. With all setups I've ever played/compared, the difference between 2 PB Griefs and 2 BA Griefs has been more like 12-14% in DPS. Unless you're talking about non-eth 1.13c BA's or something, but I'm assuming you're not since that's a ridiculous weapon.|||Goblin Toe (edit: Gore Rider, not goblin toe) is great because of Deadly Strike, not Crushing Blow. CB is worth way less than deadly strike on a Barbarian like that.
The 10% of CB is worth 1/80th of a Unique monster, if it's at full life. With maximum life spawn of Ismail Vilehand, that's 511 life taken, on average, when he's full health. 15% Deadly Strike, well, that depends on your gear, but it should be worth at the very minimum this much. My 'Grief'/'Beast' WW Barb was doing over 8.8k per hit against Demons before DS. That meant that 15% DS was worth 1.2k. Over twice more. And it works at full effectiveness no matter how much life a monster has.
So yeah, 15% Deadly Strike >>>>> 10% Crushing Blow. As a matter of fact, Gore's would be better than Goblin Toe without any CB, in my book.
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