Saturday, April 14, 2012

New to the forum, an introduction :)

[:1]Hey guys and girls, just thought I'd make a quick post to introduce myself as I have recently come over from the dark side and starting playing single player legit, and am finding it quite fun but also enough of a challenge to last me a while, as it's the first time I've ever played through the game without anything but what I find.|||Quote:

Hey guys and girls, just thought I'd make a quick post to introduce myself as I have recently come over from the dark side and starting playing single player legit, and am finding it quite fun but also enough of a challenge to last me a while, as it's the first time I've ever played through the game without anything but what I find.

Welcome! Most certainly some of the most fun experiences in Diablo II come from overcoming terrible odds (bad gear usually) and coming out on top thinking outside the box. Have fun! |||Wecome! Congrats on taking the leap! What kind of character are you playing?

*kicks shins*

*steals wallet*

*runs away laughing manically*|||Hello - welcome to the forum.|||*shoots lightning out of hands*

welcome to the forums.

may all your drops be green and gold|||Welcome to the forum! The great people here definitely enhance the joy of single player D2. |||"Steals pants"


Drop by the bar and order a drink (kestegs pays for it)

Have fun!

( i jig, get over it)|||*steals trousers*

Welcome Spim!

*hands over Durf's CC number*

Have a couple of drinks or what-have-you's over at the EMB! Everything's on Durf!

Nice pants btw

WHAT"!?S?S NINJA"d BY A JIG!?!!!!?!?!?! !!!!????????

Heh heh heh... You didn't put the right emote around your stealing of pants!!!! ASTRIX FTW!|||Ha Ha I ninja'd you!

asterix isn't an emote!

|||*steals sneakers*

Thanks for coming by, iamspim! So, do you have a favorite hero class?

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