Hi there,
I would love to know how was your best "Andariel Map" ever. How low was the number of teleports you needed?

|||This might be totally off because it's been a while since the sorc was even in my character list, but I remember counting the number of teleports and I think it was 10 or 12 until I hit the 'safe barrel corner' just before Andy. More if I teleported there casually, not like stretching the teleport range to its maximum.
It wasn't the best map, but pretty close anyway.|||When I was running for beta BKWBs I had at some point 4 teleports on both levels (~8 total before I hit lvl 4 catacombs). Hated to reroll this map... I suggest you take nothing less at your quest

Or very close to this

|||Same as frozzzen. 8 teleports to level 4.|||When I ran for beta BKWBs I still collected and muled off all uniques, and without ATMA this meant that I had to reset my map every 5-10 runs. I just rolled with whatever map showed up, but I had some nice ones along the way. I believe I had something like a 2 + 4 teleport map once, maybe 2 + 6.
If you are looking for a perfect map I guess that you will need to keep rolling until you get a 2 + 2.

|||Yeah, I guess I'll have to get a major in rolling Andy maps

Thanks all for the quick feedback

|||I'm doing my bkwb hunt now. Like Pyro, I'm keeping anything that is remotely useful, so I have to keep resetting my map.
I did get one that was 2 + 3. Ridiculously good map. I kept putting off resetting the map, but eventually I did.
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