Monday, April 16, 2012

Grisu Thur-birthdaily

Happy birthday, Grisu

RL: Still trying to get rid of stuff in the house. Tired. Picked up new glasses yesterday, so I'm at the 'oh that looks odd' stage. See how today goes with them.

D2: Yes, I want to crack on the Fashionata character. Being HC I won't play him when I'm tired and unfortunately, that's quite a lot.

OVG: No.|||happy birthday grisu.

let's all go thy's place and rob the joint! stealing is ok when it's helping|||Happy birthday!

RL: Tired today. Drank a bit too much at the bar where we were watching CL last night (goddammit danish teams suck). The rest of the day seems a bit long - however they're serving pizza for lunch today! Too bad it's german pizza.. Seriously, what's up with putting a ton of cheese on top of the regular toppings?!

D2: Just learned that you can apparently get Tal Rasha's Adjudication in the tombs of act 2 Normal. Gonna put some effort in the minigrail tourney!

OVG: nope.|||Happy birthday, Grisu!! Hope you and the wife have a nice day in your new house. Did you move in yet?

RL: Maybe doing some gardening. Not sure. It rains which is a good excuse for D2...'

D2: I will find that darn 4os thresher!!! I will, I will, I will!!!!|||Happy Birthday my Grissuily friend!

RL: First counseling session in eight hours. Don't know whether I should try and sleep before for a few, or just stay awake...

D2: Trapsin made it to NM. Ran The Count a few times. Just got bored and checked the SPF. Going to keep trucking and hope for another amn to roll for a 4os sword and 4os polearm.

OVG(Other Various Goodies): BACON!|||Happy Birthday Grisu!

RL: Watching some football. Walking the dog. Staring at the storm going by. I like watching storms.

D2: Writing up my Teslot. My new amazon is in A3 Normal. Now I'm torn between doing a Freezing Arrow / Multiple Shot hybrid with my 'Faith' Mat Bow, or doing the 'Cham'ed Windforce Strafer. What to do, what to do... Remember when we had to decide these things before we got to level 42?|||Happy birthday grisu!

RL: still in the process of unpacking - my room here is 1/3 the size of the last one, and it's stubbornly refusing to accommodate my junk.

D2: spot of AT running with the blizzsorc - started yesterday, finding it a lot more satisfying than Meph so will probably continue with that|||Happy birthday Grisu!

RL: Some work, maybe I'll get a haircut today since I didn't get a chance yet. Acupuncture appointment later on as well.

D2: act 1 NM is almost done on my fashionable teslot.

OVG: no|||Happy birthday!

RL: Lots of work to do before classes start monday. Have a class tonight, too; big waste of time. Probably going shopping later, since hurricane Irene will be hitting us on the east coast soon.

D2: NM Diablo was a cinch on my LFzon, but the ancients are being a real pain to kill. Might do some Meph or Trav runs till he can get past them.

OVG: Eh, probably not.|||Hb !

RL: Some vacation on a cruice tomorrow, will be fun!

D2: Doing some massive trav-runs. Not much else.

OVG: Some CivIII yes.

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