Monday, April 16, 2012

Hey, just thought I'd re-introduce myself

I was a member of this SP and playing over TCIP etc quite a long time ago.

I've returned! With nothing! lol but I'm workin on up.

Anyway I am playing a necro and plan to play some builds I've never played before this time around, I've never played a Amazon, or the Assassin, nor a Pally before, so will be fooling around.

I'm 100% legit when I play (not counting a simple mule program, atma, or whatever folks use nowadays) and despise all cheating/duping/botting/maphacks etc within the game... and I think that will make me fit in a bit!

Menomage!|||Atma is among the Forum Accepted Mods that you can find in the stickies, so yeah



*puts on my brand new safety shows*

*kicks shins*

|||If you are planning on staying in the current patch, most recommend GoMule.

Get something to Nm meph, run for mid level uniques, and enjoy making some characters!|||*Steals wallet*

Welcome! You still doing tcp/ip?

If you do HC 1.13c i'd be down to quest with you later later on this week.|||I'm doing SC 1.13c actually, since I'm just coming back and all I wanted to get back into the groove of things and have the lee-way of screwing up here or there hehe

But I'd love to play sometime, I'm not in any Hamachi networks or anything yet but I plan on it when I figure that whole thing out and what to join and stuff|||Hey, I have a question, but I didn't want to make a new thread and since I already have this one... could help me out with just putting questions I think might be kind of noob or silly here so I don't screw up anyones threads or put too many dumb questions around the forum... anyway....

first question... Are the runewords like "Spirit" and all that... they used to be ladder only... but are they still ladder only in 1.13c? Is there a new set of 1.13 runewords that are ladder only with all previous ones SP available now?

Sorry if dumb... but I searched for about 20 minutes now and couldn't figure this out in the FAQ thread and search feature..

I just got the last rune for spirit, and I'm severely lacking in some + to skills stuff and I think it would help my character a lot right now|||Those RW's won't work in regular 1.13. If you want to be able to make them, you'd have to install RWM (= RuneWord Mod -> see sticky for explanation on what exactly it does and how to install). This is a forum accepted mod so it's ok to use (you could still trade if you want, just declare that you're using it). With it you can make all the RW's (except a few that only work in really old patches like 1.07).|||Thanks that helps a bunch,

But once I install the RWM, is there any indication that it has worked?

I only have one Ort and one Amn rune, and I don't wanna waste them if it didn't take properly...|||Easiest way is backup before trying. If it doesn't work put the files back and try installing it correctly. If it does work you've got a RW. That is assuming you put the runes in the right itemtype and in the right order.|||Oh, somebody I haven't insulted yet.

You suck.

Welcome to SPF

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