Zimran is a name of Hebrew origins; it means "holy". I wasn't inspired.
Strength: 81 (162)
Dexterity: 116 (133)
Vitality: 278 (321)
Energy: 15 (22)
Life: ~1.300 (~2.200 with Battle Orders); 75% block with holy shield
Resists: 75 all (heavy stacking)
FCR: 125%
Skills: 20 Blessed Hammer, 20 Blessed Aim, 20 Vigor, 20 Blessed Aim, 3 Holy Shield, 1 Redemption and prerreqs.
Weapon/Shield: 'Heart of the Oak' Flail/'Spirit' Sacred Targe (42 Res all/35% FCR)
Switch: 'Call to Arms' Flail/'Spirit' Sacred Targe
Helm: Harlequin's Crest (Um)
Armor: 'Enigma' Light Plate
Belt: Arachnid Mesh
Gloves: Magefist
Boots: Sandstorm Trek 14/14
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Rings: Stone of Jordan and a 10% FCR ring with 87 mana
Inventory: 1 FHR SC, 3 shimmering GC and 2 shimmering SC. I've yet to found a single pala combat skiller. +13 All skill was more than enough, though.
Act 2 Might. He was wearing Treachery eth bugged Dusk Shroud, Guillaume's Face (19% ED/15% IAS jewel) and Shaeled Eth The Reaper's Toll. He kills quite fast and didn't have a lot of problems surviving.
Notable Founds
Hell HF: Mal
Artic Furs (Normal Den of Evil)
Frosties (Normal Baal)
Goldwrap (NM Catacombs)
Wizard Spike (Hell Underground Passage)
Rixot's Keen (Hell Act2)
As ridiculously overpowered as I remembered. I won't comment the build because is a very well-know cookie cutter. I find it useful to reach 125 FCR/86 FHR breakpoints, even sacrifying a bit of damage.
Normal was easy with my 1.09 buggy ravenclaw, and Nightmare was a joke. The only dangerous situations came in Hell at the frozen passage, that was infested of souls, vipers and succubi. Redemption and a couple of purples were enough.
I was very pleased about how easily I was able to beat the council and clear the chaos sanctuary. I think he is a faster runner on those areas than my Infinizon, because the poor zon's FCR breakpoints. I have to fix her equipment to kill broken immunes faster, too.
Back to the hammerdin, he is a bit slower than I expected with bosses, at least compared to my sorcs or my Infinizon. But neither the Ancients nor Baal prove no problem to him.
Plans for the future
Running Chaos Sanctuary: I want to get some essences from Diablo just to have them. I don't think it's effective compared to my LK runner, but maybe I'll make a couple of Council Runs just for the heck of it.
Thanks for reading and sorry for all the grammar mistakes!|||Good work!
Man, Your really pumping out the mat/pats!
I have never much enjoyed Hdin, but I played one for leveling purposes on my PvP paladin. I find he does very well in Chaos, and he also did pretty good at pindle.|||Thanks, kestegs!
I don't enjoy Hammerdins that much, mainly because aiming it to a single target is a pain in the neck sometimes.|||Grats on the Pat!
Running CS with a Hammerdin? Don't be a wuss.

Why the Reaper's Toll? I'd think 'Insight' to be a better choice. After all, Paladins don't have Warmth.|||Thank you Greebo!
I don't see the point in using Insight when you can flash Redemption to regen all your mana bulb in a second :P.
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