Monday, April 16, 2012

Maul progression for WW barb

I'm currently taking a barbarian through 1.09. I've just finished normal and I'm at level 44. I've been using Steeldriver, which was more than wonderful for p8 normal. I feel like in p8 nightmare I'll need a better weapon, but I have not found a good option, yet.

I want to keep using 2h mauls and my end game weapon will be the IK maul. But none of the unique exceptional mauls have any IAS in them (this hasn't changed in 1.10+). So my question is:

What weapons would you use for leveling with a 2h maul whirlwinder?

Bonesnap -> Steeldriver -> ??? -> ??? -> IK maul

Do I need to start looking for rare war clubs and martel de fers? Or does some runeword bend itself to a good twinking weapon before I can meet the level requirement of 76 that IK maul has.

Thanks in advance!|||How about an upped Steeldriver?

Can't think of a better option.|||Some IAS on the weap is going to be the best way to increase your damage so upping Steeldriver seems like the best option. If you're not completely against the idea wielding two maces opens up some options.|||Too bad upping isn't possible in 1.09. There propably isn't a good solution.

I have some distant recollection of making an IK maul whirler in 1.09 and using a shaeled Bloodtreestump. Haven't checked the breakpoints though, so you could be better of with a shaeled high end Steeldriver because it hits more often.

The runeword 'Black' in an ogre maul isn't any better than the bloodtreestump damagewise, and that was the only runeword I could think of with some ias.

The gavel of pain on switch for the 3 amp charges could be nice for running a quick target which gives a lot of exp since you propably have the strength to carry it.

edit: spelling and checked the brakepoints. If I got things right in the german weaponspeedcalculator, a shaeled Steeldriver hits 4.1 times / second and a shaeled Bloodtreestump 3.1 times / second. However all the damagebonuses on the Bloodtreestump (25 str, 5 to macemastery) makes it just a bit more effective and it has cb and resists.

edit2: Rares in 1.09 are generally crap.|||Well, if you already have other, higher level characters, you could try shopping for a Cruel Martel de Fer of Quickness...if you socketed it and it got 2, it would hit the LWBP w/2Shael. That is probably the very best option open to you in 1.09.

If you're open to acquiring gear from other patches, a 1.07 crafted Martel de Fer would fit the bill nicely. For example:
Hailstone Spawn
Martel de Fer
Two-Hand Damage: 164 to 267
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Strength: 169
Required Level: 25 <---46 ingame
Mace Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 61
Fingerprint: 0x4a45df36
+18 to Life
+170% Enhanced Damage
Adds 1-29 lightning damage
+29 poison damage over 2 seconds
2 seconds poison duration
2% Life stolen per hit
150% Damage to Undead
+1 to Mana After Each Kill
Socketed (3: 0 used)

With 1xShael+2xJoF(or 3xShael, but the jewels could have prefixes) you would hit the 6fpa breakpoint (great mauls are slow enough that you would need 80% total WIAS to hit the LWBP)

BTW, isn't the IK maul missing all the green bonuses in 1.09? I am absolutely certain that a 1.07 crafted Thunder Maul could easily surpass the damage of the IK maul, especially without the green bonuses! Granted, it wouldn't have crushing blow, but still...

WoRG|||Bloodtree Stump (Shael) would be my recommendation as that Shael takes it 2 breakpoints. You just can't expect to hit that last BP (even with that IK Maul) with a 2H club WW Barb in 1.09.

You could get that 1.07 craft from WoRG to the second last BP, though.

And to answer questions: No upping weapons/armor in 1.09, and no item-specific partial set bonues AND NO AUTOMATIC SOCKETS in the IK Maul in 1.09.|||Thanks for the many replies!

I'm not so sure of spending a larzuk quest on a twinking weapon, as I don't plan on using it ever again once I hit level 76 with this character. So socketing a bloodtreestump with a shael doesn't feel like such a good option. Shopping for martel de fers also involve using the socket quest.

WoRG: Thanks for the offer but I haven't traded, yet. I have nothing against trading from older patches but I like to be independent for now, at least.

Is rares really out of the question? I was thinking about trying to get lucky with the imbue quest or gambling. Bad idea?

But maybe I just need to accept the fact that if I'm sticking to a certain style, I can't have it all.|||Rare weapons really are pretty damn sad in 1.09...the highest +%ED affixes that can spawn on a rare are Merciless (+81-100%ED) and King's (+121-150AR/+81-100%ED)...and the highest +maxdam suffix is of Slaughter(+15-20 maxdam)...needless to say, the odds of getting all those on the same roll is virtually nil...

You might consider crafting War Clubs/Martel de Fers in 1.09...they will have the same limitations as rares, but at least the Hitpower recipe gives an additional +35-60%ED as an automod...For best results, roll them with the highest lvl character you have...Unless it spawns with IAS or sockets you can Shael, it will be really slow though...

WoRG|||Thanks, WoRG, you've been most helpful! I'll try crafting, as that is something quite new to me!

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