I�m not sure how long ago the journey started but I guess it�s somewhere shortly after the intro of the 1.11 patch. Having many different characters I played her on and off, lvling her until she was 90 or 91. After a while I started thinking how nice it would be to get her to the higher lvl�s, with 99 being the ultimate dream and utopia. So in between other playing I started to casually run Baal with her. Got her to 95 or 96. Then the 1.13 patch made its appearance. Shortly after that I got the ingredients to make the infamous infinity. Runtimes dropped a lot and the real high lvl�s suddenly started to transform from being a dream to becoming a real possibility.
Leveled her a bit more until she was 97. She then made a brief appearance in the MFO league running Tal�s tombs. Even though I had fun and she did win that round the victory was bittersweet. She died once or twice which is not amusing at those lvl�s to say the least.
After getting her to 98 the real pain started. I thought I knew how bad the experience penalty was. I was wrong. Very wrong. To get a bit of white on the experience bar was a feat in itself. Imagine my despair when I died no less than 3 (!) times shortly after that. I lost all the experience I had. Devastating. That caused me to give up my dream of getting to 99 and focus on my other projects.
After a while I got the itch to play her again. Not with the intention of continuing the journey but just for fun and casual playing. With that, I rediscovered the fun I had with her and started playing with a bit more focus. Still the journey was tough and long. It seemed to take forever to get about � of the way and another eternity to get halfway.
As this story is getting a bit long I�m gonna introduce a twist to keep you guys interested

By that time we were �only� a little over 100M away. The finish was getting in sight. Keeping motivated became easier and the daily number of runs was increased. Getting to the point where only 30M was needed I got a decent lead. Also I got into 'the zone'. Runs weren�t hard or a chore anymore, they just happened. I realized victory was within reach. With getting so close to 99 I upped the runs once more, doing as many as I could. Nothing could stop me now. Except for one thing, death. Got a close call with a doll exploding right in my face with ~20M to go. And the first run on the final day also was almost too much. Got in the throne tele�d around, see a monster, shoot at it and I'am 2 inches away from death. Apparently a stygian doll was hiding behind the pillar I tele�d next to and my lightning went right through him, killing him in the process while I was cursed. My heart almost stopped. Quick a juvie and luckily no others around to finish the job. Phew

Morale of the story: Good always triumphs over evil

As this thread is growing to be much larger than I anticipated, let�s shorten it a bit. They say a picture says more than a thousand words so the vid I made should shorten this considerably. It�s the last two runs I did.
If you watched this you probably noticed the same thing I did when I watched it back for the first time. I totally forgot to open the character screen upon lvling

For those interested here�s the GoMule dump with stats and gear:
Name: Chainlightning
Class: Sorceress
Experience: 3520485254
Level: 99
Strength: 156/186
Dexterity: 35/51
Vitality: 359/391
Energy: 35/35
HP: 896/971
Mana: 231/354
Stamina: 521/571
Defense: 8/1751
AR: 125/208
Fire: 183/143/83
Cold: 185/145/85
Lightning: 194/154/94
Poison: 185/145/85
MF: 87 Block: 7
GF: 8
FR/W: 34
FHR: 60
IAS: 0
FCR: 140
Fire Bolt: 0/0
Warmth: 7/19
Inferno: 0/0
Blaze: 0/0
Fire Ball: 0/0
Fire Wall: 0/0
Enchant: 0/0
Meteor: 0/0
Fire Mastery: 0/0
Hydra: 0/0
Charged Bolt: 20/42
Static Field: 1/23
Telekinesis: 1/23
Nova: 20/42
Lightning: 20/42
Chain Lightning: 20/42
Teleport: 1/23
Thunder Storm: 0/0
Energy Shield: 0/0
Lightning Mastery: 20/42
Ice Bolt: 0/0
Frozen Armor: 0/0
Frost Nova: 0/0
Ice Blast: 0/0
Shiver Armor: 0/0
Glacial Spike: 0/0
Blizzard: 0/0
Chilling Armor: 0/0
Frozen Orb: 0/0
Cold Mastery: 0/0
Sparking Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x2d3ef9e7
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
+26 to Life
Sparking Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x1ea9060b
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
Sparking Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x27222c73
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
Amber Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x746b9952
Item Level: 64
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +10%
Amber Small Charm of Inertia
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0xf99c6df6
Item Level: 82
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3% Faster Run/Walk
Lightning Resist +10%
Tome of Town Portal
Fingerprint: 0x79106854
Item Level: 10
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Shimmering Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 25
Fingerprint: 0x3b3d3c5
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +5
Ruby Small Charm of Blight
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x9d4614f3
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 6 Poison Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames)
Fire Resist +11%
Sparking Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0xb8cecbf9
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
Ruby Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0xc3db1b18
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +11%
Griffon's Eye
Defense: 151
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Level: 76
Fingerprint: 0xba93d0a7
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Chance to cast level 47 Chain Lightning when you Die
+1 to All Skills
+25% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 1 - 74 Lightning Damage
-24% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+20% to Lightning Skill Damage
+101 Defense
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Rainbow Facet
Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x3823b9f0
Item Level: 94
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Chance to cast level 47 Chain Lightning when you Die
Adds 1 - 74 Lightning Damage
-4% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+5% to Lightning Skill Damage
Powered Amulet of Fortune
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0x86a39382
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
19% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
The Stone of Jordan
Required Level: 29
Fingerprint: 0xc9e99a09
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
Adds 1 - 12 Lightning Damage
+20 to Mana
Increase Maximum Mana 25%
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
Required Level: 58
Fingerprint: 0x410cfb03
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
4% Life stolen per hit
+49 to Life (Based on Character Level)
+50 Maximum Stamina
Arachnid Mesh
Spiderweb Sash
Defense: 135
Durability: 12 of 12
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0x89c43a2d
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Slows Target by 10%
+115% Enhanced Defense
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
Level 3 Venom (11/11 Charges)
War Traveler
Battle Boots
Defense: 139
Durability: 48 of 48
Required Level: 42
Required Strength: 95
Fingerprint: 0x3dd1b6f3
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+25% Faster Run/Walk
Adds 15 - 25 Damage
+190% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Strength
+10 to Vitality
40% Slower Stamina Drain
Attacker Takes Damage of 10
43% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+30 Maximum Durability
Chains of Honor
Superior Archon Plate
Defense: 960
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 103
Fingerprint: 0x15815d73
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+200% Damage to Demons
+100% Damage to Undead
8% Life stolen per hit
+83% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Strength
Replenish Life +7
All Resistances +65
Damage Reduced by 8%
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Dol Rune
Socketed: Um Rune
Socketed: Ber Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Sapphire Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x8a5eb318
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Cold Resist +11%
Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia
Small Charm
Required Level: 27
Fingerprint: 0x5e6538a2
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3% Faster Run/Walk
All Resistances +4
Emerald Small Charm of Balance
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0xa7676b6a
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5% Faster Hit Recovery
Poison Resist +11%
Ruby Small Charm of Inertia
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x74051a9a
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3% Faster Run/Walk
Fire Resist +11%
Sparking Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x6fc11b4f
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
Battle Gauntlets
Defense: 70
Durability: 18 of 18
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 88
Fingerprint: 0x74fb04bd
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Fire Skills
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 1 - 6 Fire Damage
+28% Enhanced Defense
+10 Defense
Regenerate Mana 25%
Required Level +5
Ruby Small Charm of Greed
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x3c82e218
Item Level: 83
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +11%
8% Extra Gold from Monsters
Sparking Grand Charm of Dexterity
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x1484f3cc
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
+6 to Dexterity
Sparking Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0xe986e750
Item Level: 73
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
Horadric Cube
Fingerprint: 0x4097eeeb
Item Level: 13
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Sparking Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x2edabf68
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
Call to Arms
Crystal Sword
One Hand Damage: 19 - 58
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Level: 57
Required Strength: 43
Fingerprint: 0x4cd121e3
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+40% Increased Attack Speed
289% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
7% Life stolen per hit
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Battle Cry
+6 to Battle Orders
+5 to Battle Command
Replenish Life +12
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
5 Sockets (5 used)
Socketed: Amn Rune
Socketed: Ral Rune
Socketed: Mal Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Ohm Rune
Defense: 144
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 86 of 86
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 156
Fingerprint: 0xf53f8f1e
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+34% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+22 to Vitality
+94 to Mana
Cold Resist +35%
Lightning Resist +35%
Poison Resist +35%
+7 Magic Absorb
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune
Socketed: Ort Rune
Socketed: Amn Rune
Heart of the Oak
Superior Flail
One Hand Damage: 1 - 24
Durability: 30 of 30
Required Level: 55
Required Strength: 41
Required Dexterity: 35
Fingerprint: 0x30f2b3c
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to All Skills
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+3 to Attack Rating
+75% Damage to Demons
+100 to Attack Rating against Demons
+150% Damage to Undead
Adds 3 - 14 Cold Damage Over 3 Secs (75 Frames)
7% Mana stolen per hit
+10 to Dexterity
Replenish Life +20
Increase Maximum Mana 15%
All Resistances +35
Level 14 Raven (60/60 Charges)
Level 4 Oak Sage (25/25 Charges)
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ko Rune
Socketed: Vex Rune
Socketed: Pul Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune
Defense: 140
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 86 of 86
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 156
Fingerprint: 0x2d01d2fc
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
+35% Faster Cast Rate
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense vs. Missile
+22 to Vitality
+103 to Mana
Cold Resist +35%
Lightning Resist +35%
Poison Resist +35%
+5 Magic Absorb
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Tal Rune
Socketed: Thul Rune
Socketed: Ort Rune
Socketed: Amn Rune
Name: Pratham
Race: Desert Mercenary
Type: Def-Nightmare
Experience: 114097748
Level: 98
Dead?: false
Strength: 209/209
Dexterity: 169/169
HP: 2287/2287
Defense: 1671/3957
AR: 2066/2066
Fire: 192/152/92
Cold: 192/152/92
Lightning: 192/152/92
Poison: 192/152/92
Guardian Angel
Hellforge Plate
Defense: 2006
Durability: 32 of 60
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 186
Fingerprint: 0x98fe13bc
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Paladin Skill Levels
+30% Faster Block Rate
20% Increased Chance of Blocking
+247 to Attack Rating against Demons (Based on Character Level)
+192% Enhanced Defense
+15% to Maximum Poison Resist
+15% to Maximum Cold Resist
+15% to Maximum Lightning Resist
+15% to Maximum Fire Resist
All Resistances +15
+4 to Light Radius
Required Level +7
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Um Rune
Vampire Gaze
Bone Visage
Defense: 280
Durability: 37 of 40
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 106
Fingerprint: 0xe59a0643
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 7 - 27 Cold Damage Over 6 Secs (150 Frames)
6% Mana stolen per hit
8% Life stolen per hit
+100% Enhanced Defense
15% Slower Stamina Drain
All Resistances +15
Damage Reduced by 20%
Magic Damage Reduced by 14
Required Level +7
1 Sockets (1 used)
Socketed: Scintillating Jewel of Frigidity
Scintillating Jewel of Frigidity
Required Level: 26
Fingerprint: 0xcb4c7f8f
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 1 - 5 Cold Damage Over 2 Secs (50 Frames)
Cold Resist +15%
Lightning Resist +15%
Fire Resist +15%
Poison Resist +15%
Two Hand Damage: 71 - 835
Durability: 33 of 33
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 142
Required Dexterity: 108
Fingerprint: 0x66fde9ea
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
50% Chance to cast level 20 Chain Lightning when you Kill an Enemy
Level 12 Conviction Aura When Equipped
+35% Faster Run/Walk
296% Enhanced Damage
-50% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
40% Chance of Crushing Blow
Prevent Monster Heal
+49 to Vitality (Based on Character Level)
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Level 21 Cyclone Armor (30/30 Charges)
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Ber Rune
Socketed: Mal Rune
Socketed: Ber Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Chainlightning retirement plan:
For the moment I�ve had enough of her. In the future I might do some running with her. Especially in the MF league since she�s defending champion of 1 of the rounds there. If there�ll ever be a next edition that is (I really hope so as I do have the time to enter now

Plans for myself:
Picking up a variety of projects I�ve put on hold. This includes some running of different targets, but also trying some new (wacky) builds.
Also with D3 being a no-no for me since NF�s post (thanks for that

It�ll be casually at first since I need to get some gear to transform him from good to great and create time to do some of the aforementioned projects.
Thanks go to:
- Tweety for creating the 99 thread.
- LD50 for racing me and thus keeping me motivated to keep going. And also for (involuntary) playing the role of the evil counterpart in my story. I hope you can forgive me

- The SPF for the great amount of knowledge that�s amassed here, the inspiring builds and ditto people. This is a huge part of what keeps Diablo interesting.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Until the next time.|||Wow n00b way to copy my thread title.
I mean, uh, grats. Yeah, that's it. And good luck on your next one if you're actually mental enough to go for it!|||Wow, nicely done! And that is a very nice set of WSK maps! I did feel a little sorry for your merc in the first run- you had antidotes on your belt and you couldn't spare one for him?|||Quote:
Wow n00b way to copy my thread title.
You're kidding right? *goes checking DC's 99 threads* Oh crap you're not kidding. And here i am thinking i'm being original

And good luck on your next one if you're actually mental enough to go for it!
How do you dare question my insanity! *feels Virgaits spirit leaving his body*
And that is a very nice set of WSK maps! I did feel a little sorry for your merc in the first run- you had antidotes on your belt and you couldn't spare one for him?
Actually i felt the maps weren't that great. I've been wanting to reroll them a number of times. Since they were both decent i kept them because i was afraid i'd end up with 1 good and 1 bad map.
I did feel a little sorry for your merc in the first run- you had antidotes on your belt and you couldn't spare one for him?
In the beginning i did feed him potions. However that often meant i needed to visit Malah every other run (1 antidote merc and 1 for me = belt empty fast). So after a while i started feeding him healingpots from the ground instead. They dropped plenty and it also cleared up the floor which made it easier for me to spot any interesting drops.|||Nice work. Interested why you didnt go for 200 fcr for this job? Given the otherwise excellent gear setup it would seem to have made sense.|||Congratulations Hero!
Impressive as always! And it almost make me want to make a run for 99 myself....almost.|||Way to go cyrax!!! DC was just bagging you out man!
And a mention of virgi in a 99 thread! He better get off my moon and make a 99er!
At the first of the video, I was beginning to wonder if you even used CL with her! All I saw were static and Lightning, then the CL mayhem began.
Really enjoyed those quick runs. I was looking forward to watching you make another game, run a while, then remember you just hit 99! (Or did you say that was 90-91? I didn't quite get that part)|||Huge congrats! There have been quite a slew of 99's lately but that doesn't make any single one less of a battle getting there.
Good luck finding another build for another go. You know what you're getting into now we can skip the usual warnings.|||As they say in Korea: gg-yo ^^
Another one for the madhouse -^|||Quote:
Nice work. Interested why you didnt go for 200 fcr for this job? Given the otherwise excellent gear setup it would seem to have made sense.
It would've taken some gearsacrifices. Ditching CoH and one or two of the rings in favor of FCR rings. I'd be losing both skills and resists. Maybe it could've been worth it, but to be honest the current breakpoint was fast enough for me to teleport without trouble and i've never got around to swapping gear and comparing the runs.
At the first of the video, I was beginning to wonder if you even used CL with her! All I saw were static and Lightning, then the CL mayhem began.
In hindsight i had better chosen a different name. When i started her i didn't realise how much easier it is to use lightning instead (in most cases). It does more damage and chainlightning quickly burns through your mana. Somewhere in the early 90's i did consider a namechange however i already have a LF amazon named Lightningspeed which would've been a better choice for the sorc as well. As i couldn't think of a better name i decided she started out as Chainlightning and would remain to be called that.
Really enjoyed those quick runs. I was looking forward to watching you make another game, run a while, then remember you just hit 99! (Or did you say that was 90-91? I didn't quite get that part)
Allright i'll try to explain it a bit better this time. The video was made when she lvl'd from 98 -> 99. Instead of not realizing i finished and quickly starting another run i did just the opposite. I should've opened the characterscreen so everybody would've had a clear look at it and see that this was the run that made her 99. Because i quit taping before that i thought it now to be impossible to tell the difference between this run and a randomly taped run from a sorc that lvl'd from 90 -> 91 (or 87 -> 88 for that matter). Which in my eyes would mean a big drop in value of the video. I mean, i know this was THE run, but there was no way of proving it. Until the thought occurred to me that i did open the screen during runs a lot to check the current experience. I watched to tape again and at the beginning of both runs i briefly open the characterscreen. So if you pause the game there you can clearly see i'm at the end of lvl 98 at the time of making the video. Thus proving i did tape the final few runs.
I know trust is a big thing here and maybe my reputation here is good enough that people would believe it without proof anyway. But personally i feel a lot better now that there can't be any doubt about it.
@the people i didn't quote: also thanks for your congratulations!
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