I first played Diablo 2 an age or two ago, I used to play on battle.net but that became somewhat tiresome with people telling me how I should play my character, botters, dupes and whatnot. Now I play single player exclusively to get away from all these things. I am a casual player, I have never really had any high level uniques, although that could be because I keep restarting characters and not playing them through Nightmare. I think the best I have currently is a full set of Sigon's.
So, after a long break from playing, having found myself some other decent games to play, I am playing again and I am enjoying playing in the Fashionista Tournament currently. I think this may help me keep a character longer, by adding a social element to single player and to keep me focused on a character.
So, hello, I can't wait to join in with everyone. I don't know how often I will be posting, but I will try to get some in around work, life and other games.|||Hey Garai! Welcome to the SPF!
Drop by the EMB for a drink or chat, be nice to EU's, and don't mind the shin-kickers or wallet-stealers! They mean well. Enjoy yourself!
Best of luck with your Fashionista's character!|||Welcome!
I will kick your butt in that tourney... However, that will have to wait cause now it's shin time:
*kick kick kick*.|||Since I just stole a nice pair of "Trousers..."
*Steals wallet*
I will enjoy being a Fasionista with you Garai!
Glad you came to the SPF! It's loads of fun here!|||I can already tell it will be fun. What is an EU, by the way? I am guessing you don't mean European Union.
Without my wallet and with a sore shin I already feel like part of the family. And a little violated.|||Welcome!
The entire thread is great, but The Community part of the FAQ answers such questions.
EU = Elite Uniques = Ladies of the SPF|||(Just be glad I already have pants

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