On the upside i sorted out a big computer screen and hooked it up too my laptop and it's really cool.
D2- Too busy babysitting so that the folks can work on the house
OVG - thinking of getting back into WoW. On second thoughts that is an extremely bad idea.. Ill forget about D2 if i do that.

( It's monday night here and i'm gonna makwe daily's for my time! )|||WoW!?!!? Don't do it!
RL: eh... still at work... have Celebrate Recovery tonight I need to go to, hopefully that will help me some...
D2: Getting kind of old. Did find a kelpie snare a little while ago! Sewers act 2 nm on my way to get that +1 skill book.
OVG: Dues Ex: Human Revolution. Watched the "Two Best Friends Play" and it looked pretty cool.|||Wow, eh? Come join the dark side!
RL: Just got back for the gym. Gonna meet with my brother in a bit for some late breakfast.
D2. No. That, I only read about.
OVG: World of Warcrack.|||RL: Just got off work, did a crazy cleaning session yesterday before work and enjoying the fruits of a amazingly spotless apartment... ahhhh... so nice
D2: Prob gonna play some here soon, sorc needs so much work before being very viable in hell diff, so I'm stuck kinda running some nightmare mephs and stuff like that to gear him up, and need to gear up the moron too he's just facepalming everytime I click on Hell
OVG: yep still waiting on my d3 beta invite, I know its coming darnit!|||RL: Going to go to the gym later, after doing the food shopping. Had a flat tyre yesterday so going to have to get that repaired tomorrow - everyone is shut on Bank Holiday.
D2: Some MP later with nulio. Maybe some LK runs, searching for those ROONZ!
OVG: Maybe some Fallout 3. When I can be bothered to play it I enjoy it, but the problem is being bothered to play it...|||RL: Back to work, looks like it should at least be a fairly busy day at work, which is good. Then dinner with some friends tonight.
D2: NM LK runs with my fashionable paladin.
OVG: nah...|||RL: Ugh the pain of going back to work

D2: Working on my sorc, running normal and getting a feel for spells/runs
OVG: Playing WoT and LoL on the side....just got my 5th T5...people say I do it the wrong way but not bum rushing a single line, I call it diversity.|||RL: Bank holiday Monday here, so a lot of places are closed.
I will be cooking a lamb shank later. Looking forward to it. Just hope I don't mess it up.
D2: Will do the Fashionata char a little more.
OVG: Playing Hellgate right now. Nice change of pace from CoX.

OVG: Playing Hellgate right now. Nice change of pace from CoX.

Hellgate London? I thought they shot those servers?!|||@Malevolent : I have played WoW only one time, it�s one of the greatest things I have done. So I decided to not do I again and have keept my promise to myself.
RL : Messing around with my web project, marketing is a hard one. I have runned some 2 x 3 km today, got to get my self going again after a really hard vacation
D2 : Maybe some Bul-Kathos/ Crushing blow Frenzy barbie Questing.
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