TL,DR: No offline option at all for D3. Even for single player you need to be online 24/7.
I've seen a lot more d3 news today, about RL money being spent on auction house items (wtf), etc, but this probably breaks the game for me. Aside from the obvious issues with lag in HC, D3 just isn't the kind of game I want to play online. It's the kind of game I want to play when I *don't* have the internets. If I'm playing online, I'm playing something competitive. D3 is the kinda game I want to have a relaxing single player experience in.|||I noticed that the other day, and it's the main reason I cancelled my plans to pre-order D3. I want to play single player, I don't want the ability to trade with others on bnet, because that isn't single player... Effectively, there is no single player, it's just multiplayer except you make a private game. Pretty much.|||I just heard about this today myself, and I am quite distraught about it. My thoughts are that if we as a community can band together and express our disdain, perhaps Blizzard can reverse/change this standing. Does anyone know if that is possible/how we would go about this?
Because I too like the home play, which both D1 and D2 excel at, I do not understand why Blizz wants to change D3 and have apparently forgotten their roots. It will lose a huge following.
I also realize it will gain a following by doing this; however, before anyone goes there, I'm not saying that they can't keep what they are setting up now, just that housing our SP characters on our own machine should be offered so that solo play without an internet connection would be available.
EDIT: And for those that are unaware, since joining this forum a few months ago, I still do not have internet at home. Obviously, I would be left out of the D3 wave, which is extremely frustrating, and not going to be the reason I get an internet connection again.|||I read about that this morning. I actually considered posting a rant on the subject, as well as the complete lack of skill (except by rune), stat, and trait customization, but I figured I would wait until I could properly approach the issue with a calm demeanor. Alas, I think it will be a while before I can ponder these ridiculous design decisions without feeling either rage or despair. I think the following video sums up my current feelings best:
(Warning: Profane Language)
Click Here
While all of the nerfs to core gameplay mechanics annoy, I too feel that the removal offline SP is what truly eradicated my desire to purchase D3. I am extremely disappointed in Blizzard's handling of this product.|||I imagine they do this so they can post advertisements up in game and try and sell us stuff or something of that nature? I'll probably still buy the game because a lot of my friends will want to play it with me online, but this type of stuff irks me. I didn't play SC2, but isn't it pretty much the same way there? They want to control the entire experience; no freedom allowed apparently, we have to be logged in so we can see and do only what they want us to

The thing is, even though I am almost always online when I'm at home, I just don't want to play like this. One game I recently got had the same thing of "we keep your saves for you". Yea, guess what. My saves disappeared and "Sorry for the inconvenience but there is nothing we can do". Great guys. Just great. Screw that ****. If I lose my saves, can it please be my fault? And what about your servers going down? Can I please maybe play my ****ing singleplayer game ****ing offline? No? Well then you can not have my money. Not that they care but yea. I can at least do that much.|||Although I like that you are thinking Virgi, and your passion, they are the ones making the game. Killing them will only delay the release of the game we are seeking.
EDIT: Oh, and by the way, nearly all of the comments to that article are along the same lines as what we are saying here.|||Or... We can kill them anyway

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