I decided to start SP-RWM-HC from scratch once again, foundd some small loot with a random blizz sorc, and now i'm building a bowazon. I just reached nightmare and decided to use my only Lem to make treachery on some breast plate. I saw here and there it was the 2nd best armor for a bowazon after fortitude (I don't have any hr yet).
The problem is that it takes me like 2 minutes to trigger fade (and I MUST trigger it, else all my resists are all negative). Then it goes off, and I have to do it again. I end up spending 50% of my time in the blood moor running in front of fallens... It's funny but it's not, if you get my point. And it's not safe at all, I have to be really carefull cause their hits can get me down really fast.
I can handle it for now, I guess it will get safer once I'll level up a bit, but in hell it's going to be dangerous. +, I thought I could use this char to run the pit or maybe wsk, but this will take way too much time with that 5% ctc \:
So am I missing something ? Is there a place for fast and safe trigger of fade in hell ? If not, is there any nice aternative&cheap armor for a HC physical bowazon ? I really love the 45% ias, I have the last bp with my harmony-razor bow (75%) and it feels really great, but this just seems too slow OR too dangerous.
Thanks for reading.|||Copy and pasted from this thread: http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=546797
Getting Fade to trigger:
This can be an annoyance. You don't generally want you character to get hit, and it can take a fair number of hits to get the 5% CtC Fade to activate. One method is to just stand there when some non-dangerous monster swings at you and wait for Fade to activate. Or you can just play normally, and when Fade triggers, switch the armor back to the merc or switch to your usual armor. For a definite trigger on Fade, there is the "stand in fire" method. If you are in Act 5, you can step outside the town gate and look for one of those little bonfires on the ground and stand in it until Fade triggers. Even this can take a while and you'll endure some "ouch" noises and actually that fire can hurt. There are other places to stand in fire (Act 1 burning buildings, the fires near Andarial, ...) as well.
Emphasis mine.

This is nice, I really had no clue. Trying it asap, thanks.|||In HC particularly, sometimes it is worthing drinking red potions while waiting for those fires to trigger Fade, as those fires can indeed hurt. It would be a pretty embarrassing way to go, stepping into a fire on purpose and dying from it.
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