Please don't use acronyms - I will not understand them. (I don't use forums/have familiarities with most D2 terms)
As of yesterday, I started a necromancer.. nothing specific, just a quick summoner. I hope to take him through hell mode and complete everything (my desired gear, stats, skills, etc)... Anyway, to the point.
I was having a chat with an old friend whom I played D2:LOD with many years ago, and he mentioned something that I've never heard of: /players 8.

After googling it, I quickly found out what it was while being a little confused. I understand that it simulates 8 players being 'online', but how exactly would that help me with magic finding?
One last question,
Do any of the brothers drop more/higher quality items than the other? I often get better drops from Mephisto, so that's why I was curious.
Any answers are appreciated.|||Welcome to the SPF. Hope you enjoy your stay here.
The /players 8 command simulates more players in the game. This makes monsters tougher. However they also generate more experience (for faster leveling) and more items will drop. With more items dropping the chance of you getting good items will also increase. So it doesn't increase your MF (= magic find) directly but indirectly.
As far as finding good items quickly goes Mephisto is a good target. Get a good map and you can run him relatively quickly (as far as fast MF runs are possible with a necromancer). It's best not to do this until NM (= nightmare) Mephisto. With a summoner necro you should have little to no problem getting there.
NM Mephisto can drop a lot of items that are very useful and quite a few are even endgame worthy. Next stop should be Mephisto, only in hell this time. He can drop most items that are in the game.
If you are looking for the highest TC (= treasure class) items in the game, you'll have to progress onto his brothers though. However that certainly won't be necessary to get a summoner through the game.
I've used a few acronyms but with the meaning behind them in brackets. It'll be much easier for you to read and understand other posts if you (slowly) start learning the most used ones.|||Welcome to the forums!
If there are more players in the game, on average the monsters drop more items. So for magic finding, if there are more total items that is a good thing since there are more chances at something decent dropping. The tradeoff is that the monsters are tougher, so it may take longer to kill them, canceling out the fact that on average they drop more.
Mephisto is a dependable dropper of many desirable items and generally a very quick run. He can't drop all the items in the game but he's a common target because he is quick, particularly in single player where the maps stay the same.|||Well, the players 8 command doesn't grant you better drops, but more drops in general. You see, regular monsters' and act bosses' chances to drop an item at all (or a certain amount of items in case of act bosses) increase with the player setting, albeit only in steps of every 2 players (i.e. players 1/3/5/7). So you'll simply find more items and thus have better chances of getting good items. The only way to increase the quality of an item (magical, set, rare, unique) is to stack more gear with "better chance to find magic item".
About the Act bosses question: well, it depends on the difficulty you're actually playing and what you mean by "higher quality items". E.g. Hell Mephisto can't drop every item in the game, but he's a superior target if you're looking for some of the best items in the game like Harlekin Crest, Arachnid Mesh etc. Baal on the other hand can drop every item, but has a worse algorithm for drops, so his drops are considered to be not so good.
So it really depends on what you're looking for: If you just started, then the first really good stop to look for better items is Nightmare (NM) Mephisto: He can drop items like Skin of the Vipermagi, Herald of Zakarum and other really useful stuff with which you can complete Hell difficulty.
That's it for now

Enjoy your stay at the SPF!

EDIT: double ninja'd!!! Have to pimp my post with links:
Wiki entry for player settings
Wiki entry for players x command|||Alternative source for drop chances: silo's calc. Choose "Boss" for monster type, Hell as difficulty.
In general, Nightmare Mephisto is the best source for popular mid-game items. Hell Mephisto is popular for good unique items that are not top-shelf. Those can only be dropped by Diablo (not all), Baal, Pindleskin (not all) and some other superunique monsters, and also monsters in a few select areas that are called A85, standing for Area Level 85, which is a much better source of top-end items than Baal. The 85 refers to the level of the monsters that spawn there.
If you check out the FAQ thread stickied in the Single Player Forum, it links to quite a few MF (Magic Finding) guides. It's a lot of info, but it's there if you're patient enough to read about it.
--Greebo|||Thanks for the links/information. Just getting familiar with silo's calculator.
Right now I'm debating different muling apps. Anyone know which would be ideal?|||ATMA is more intuitive. GoMule has search option but it takes a moment to get used to the method of transferring items.
I use both. They are fully compatible with each other.
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