Note: I'm bored of running pits, so I started running WSK. If you have another suggestions that can help me,you can tell me.|||For TC87s, no. The only monsters with a reasonable chance to drop those are the random uniques you encounter and they aren't greatly (or at all?) affected by an increase in player count. I've forgotten exactly how that works.
Have you tried CS? Similar drops but without any PIs to slow you down.|||I have tried CS but I've found nothing unfortunately. Sometimes I ran frozenstein and snapchip but they weren't effective either. I guess I'll go back to pit|||For TC87 items you never want to run areas above P1. Personally I don't think you want to run the WS K at all as a venomancer as half the enemies are immune to poison but CE can sort of level the field. Still, out of my 20-ish builds that *can* run the WS K, the venomancer is average at best.|||burning souls and specters can sometimes cause problems, but CE handles them. Idk maybe I should go back to LK and Travincal again to find an ohm for my cta

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