As I started playing again a few days ago after a long break, I decided I wanted to try a restart as I felt like all my goals were finished in my last batch of characters. Therefore I archived my old savefiles and stashes.
Thus Matriarch Acake, the meteorb sorceress turned full blizz sorc, was born.
In the early days acake was just a wizards apprentice thrown out into the world with little more than her walking stick, without having really learned any spells of her own, she started out using brute force for the most part during her early encounters with the beasts of this world. Whacking stuff with whatever suitable stick, sword or club she could get her hands on. This went on for a good 14-15 years, it was very challenging for the sorceress, as she was not well suited for such combat, but her earlier spells was sadly no match for her foes.
In Lut Gholein she met Pratham, a young lad, son of one of the city guardsmen. He was eager to see the world and experience the life of the adventurer. Acake was more than glad to accept his proposal as she was still struggling, without sufficient knowledge of the arcane and the elements. Pratham was a natural with the spear, and soon the sorceress found that she did not have to do all that much herself. It was a few lazy years for the sorceress, as Pratham thrived in combat like no other man.
She specifically remembered one time in Kurast where Pratham was badly poisoned by some grotesque monster, he was close to death and Acake wanted to seak out a medicine man for a cure, but Pratham refused and continued fighting his way through the ruins. It was a wonder to behold for Acake, a man close to his death fighting hordes of enemies, and seemingly coming out of it more envigorated and alive than before. Pratham almost cleared out the entire ruins under the effect of the poison, before it finally wore of.
It wasn't long after that Acake made her first break through in her magical abilities. She could now make ice hail from the sky devastating all in its impact. That gave new hope and courage to the still young sorceress as she made her way through the world quickly and killing anything that crossed her path. That breakthough was just the first of many to come, as she quickly became a master of not only ice, but of fire aswell.
The years passed quickly and acake grew drastically in power each one. Pratham eventually decided to walk his own path, he made arrangements for Alhizeer, an old friend of his, to take over as the guardian of the sorceress. Acake and Alhizeer spent a long time fighting the monster named Mephisto, as he seemingly escaped death each time they thought they had slain him, eventually they figured there had to be another way to end this and decided to seek out his brethren to end it once and for all.
As they went on, feeling they where getting closer to the end, the evil forces grew dramatically in power crippling the sorceress and spearman many times. It was then that acake decided to put her quest aside for a while, to refine her already powerful spells. She spent a long time fighting the evils in the ancient tunnels below the desert surrounding Lut Gholein. There she trained and fought for what seemed as long years compared to her younger days, but it was necesarry. She even decided to abandon her teachings of fire, and focus purely of the magics of frost and ice, she slew hundreds maybe thousands of foes while preparing for what she hoped would be the final battle versus Mephisto, Diablo and Baal.
The time had come, when she could no longer wait, and had to face her enemies. Mephisto was first in line, and fell quickly. Then came Diablo, he was better prepared than his brother, in that he had magically shielded some of his minions from cold damage, but Alhizeer stood stout in battle and handled them by himself while Acake killed what she could. Diablo was fiercly mad, and struck hard, but he eventually succumbed to the icy death at the hands of Acake.
After Diablo they raced as fast as they could to worldstone keep to end it once and for all, only to find the entrance blocked by three ancient guardins of what Acake only could imagine was sent there from the gods them self. They where strong, stronger than anything they had ever faced before. But Acakes cunning use of her magic kept them both alive while she slayed two of them. The last one could not be harmed by her spells, she quickly realized, so Alhizeer bravely stepped forward and managed to bring him down all by himself.
They soon after found Baal sitting in his throne, laughing at them, as if they had stepped right into his trap. His laughter quickly turned into yells of anger however, when his trap failed and all his minions lay slain before his throne. None of them could ever match the strenght of acake and Alhizeer combined. Baal escaped to his chamber, but were followed by the sorceress and her guardian. Baal wrecked havoc onto the sorceress and the warrior, Acake even stated that there was two of the hellish fiend at one point of the battle. But eventually Baal aswell fell to the might of Acakes icy magic, as everyone before him.
The journey of acake was finally at an end, she had become more powerful than she had ever dreamt, and finally she could sit back, relax, and reflect.
Name: acake
Class: Sorceress
Experience: 1021970499
Level: 84
Strength: 156/158
Dexterity: 25/35
Vitality: 294/353
Energy: 35/57
HP: 751/937
Mana: 201/475
Stamina: 441/441
Defense: 6/677
AR: 75/199
Fire: 139/99/39
Cold: 140/100/40
Lightning: 200/160/100
Poison: 155/115/55
MF: 111
GF: 12
FR/W: 10
FHR: 55
IAS: 0
FCR: 105
Block: 5
Ice Bolt: 18/26
Frost Nova: 1/9
Ice Blast: 20/28
Glacial Spike: 20/28
Blizzard: 20/28
Cold Mastery: 12/20
Static Field: 1/9
Telekinesis: 1/9
Teleport: 1/9
Final Items:
Harlequin Crest
The Occulus
Skin of the Vipermagi
Gloom's Trap
35FCR Spirit
Rare Gloves w/FR & PR
Rare Boots w/LR & FR
Rare Ring w/FCR CR & FR
Rare Ring w/ LR & FR
Rare Amulet w/@20
Merc (A2NM) items:
Duriel's Shell (eth)
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
Battle Scythe Insight
Notable Finds:
Nm HF: Lem
Hell HF: Io
Titan's Revenge (eth)
Griffon's Eye (-20 +13)
Highlord's Wrath
Stealskull (eth, 50MF)
Biggin's Bonnet
Final thoughts/Notes:
This one started out as untwinked, but I traded for some equipment, for the runes and Pgems I had scraped together. Untwinked play is really not my cup of tea, so I decided to bring back my old saves and stashes once I had matted this one, mostly because I cannot begin to imagine all the work it took to get all those runewords I have there, to do that again seems not so appealing at the moment. It was fun though, as I have only played through untwinked once before it was a good way to start back up again, gave me some ideas for projects to continue on on my old saves aswell.
Future plans for this sorc will probably be an full time AT runner as I have a very good map, 3 tp away from WP.
Only regret on this one is naming her acake <.< using my own nick sounds silly in the writeup but alas... Oh I wish I took more screens =\
If you made through the whole post, thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed it.|||Very nice, book-like, write up!
Didn't read anything about meteor. Did you start out as fire then 'spec to Blizz?
In Lut Gholein she met Pratham, a young lad, son of one of the city guardsmen. He was eager to see the world and experience the life of the adventurer. Acake was more than glad to accept his proposal as she was still struggling, without sufficient knowledge of the arcane and the elements. Pratham was a natural with the spear, and soon the sorceress found that she did not have to do all that much herself. It was a few lazy years for the sorceress, as Pratham thrived in combat like no other man.
Especially like this part. All my magicladies feel that way! Nothing like a sun-kissed-spearman to accompany them!|||Thank you coju

I started out as frost maxing FO and CM to 17, with 1 in prereqs, then branching out into fireball and meteor after. I didn't write much about the experiences of her fire spells, for I didn't use them much. Personally I prefer a Blizzballer as a dual specc, as I being able to cast fireballs during blizzards up time is a much better synergy. But Frozen Orb was absolutely amazing during the questing part.|||Ditto's on the FO!
I keep trying to shy away from FO, but the shear killing power of it for soso's is unmatched on my end!
Eh, if you trade something great or another, you can personalize it with "acake's Awesome Item."|||Haha, loved the write-up. It's great when people take the time to make entertaining mat/pat guardian threads. Great work finishing with a single-tree character.
Any particularly hard areas or monsters?|||I have the amazing "acake's Crystal Sword" :P where I got my first spirit back in normal :P
I am glad you appreciated it Maltatai

The young lad Pratham and his old friend Alhizeer, what kind of magical auras did they possess?|||Grats, acake!

Both Pratham and Alhizeer was were both defensive of nature, although I never knew what Pratham's aura did. Alhizeer had a freezing aura, chilling the enemies to their bones.
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