Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Hunt for SoJ (Running Andy i NM)

[:1]Hello SPF

I don�t come here so much anymore, my return here to post this kind of remindes me I should do a bit more often. This is a crazy game and we need eachother to keep the crazyness up!

I have just finnished of 2k Andy runs i Nightmare looking for my secound SoJ. I can�t say my lot has been bad 3 x Tal's Amy and 4 x Skin of the Vipermagi is really nice in this amount of runs.

However I�m checking this of with you before taking on another batch of 2 k runs.

Questions :

1) I do a run in 20~ s with 450% MF is that average or should I go up in MF a bit? (I go with /p 5)

2) I hit andy with Lightning Level 30 is that a "good" choice? I�m thinking of changing to Fire Ball would she go down faster with Level 30~ Fireball?

Best of luck to all of out there


I ran on some 900 runs without any luck, I thought I needed some more help. So I went in to the closest church and lit a candle asking for the ring. After that I didn�t run for some days and went to New York City and saw lots of nice buildings. I woke up some nights after I got back home with this really strange/nice feeling. Did some 23 runs and found the SoJ. This story makes it hard for me to not believe in something...

However : Many thanx to all of you!

M666 - retired(will return one day) LK Wonderchild|||Andariel's fire resist is always the lowest, so the fireball will melt her face pretty much faster :P|||Quote:

Andariel's fire resist is always the lowest, so the fireball will melt her face pretty much faster :P

Yes it seems much better with fireball, nice splash damage which takes out the crowd, better rate of fire and aiming I belive.

Thanx for droping by!|||I would second the fire suggestiong, that said most of the time is probably just the teleport to lvl 4 and hence your best bet is to have 200%fcr|||If you are averaging 20 secs over 2k runs I think it would be hard to improve very much. But if you were to improve it a 200 FCR fire sorc with an Infinity merc would be the deal.|||Quote:

I would second the fire suggestiong, that said most of the time is probably just the teleport to lvl 4 and hence your best bet is to have 200%fcr


My Computer stalls some 3-4 s after each run

so I think much time is spent on that, how much MF can you keep up having with 200 FCR? feels hard to reach as low as 100% MF with 200 FCR , aleast with my gear.

thanx for droping by!


If you are averaging 20 secs over 2k runs I think it would be hard to improve very much. But if you were to improve it a 200 FCR fire sorc with an Infinity merc would be the deal.


I tried out Infinity first but my mana got depleted so fast using it, again isn�t MF critical here?|||its only critical if it doesnt limit your killing speed because of diminishing returns... ^^|||I second the Fireball suggestion. Works like a charm against her.

Other than that I'd suggest you stop worrying too much. With the diminishing returns there is basically no difference between 350, 450 or 550 Mf. If it doesn't affect your kill speed, go for it of course, but don't expect tremendous results. Same for fcr. 20 seconds per run is great, so even if you manage to shave off a second, thats 2000 seconds for 2000 runs, or approx 30 minutes. If you're after a record that may be worth it, but other than that?|||Infinity is almost of no consequence, because Andy is already at -50 anyway and the majority of time is not spend killing her. I'd rather have the mana from Insight. 200 FCR might help but you have to see how much faster it makes your runs in comparison to the lower chance of a SoJ dropping.

Good luck. This was the way I found my SoJ and Tal's amus as well. |||Quote:

its only critical if it doesnt limit your killing speed because of diminishing returns... ^^

By "Diminishing" you mean doing a more or less fixed amount of runs before a ring drops at all?


I second the Fireball suggestion. Works like a charm against her.

Yes I�m totaly with you, I blast here down much faster now! I have made some 50 runs with new setup and am happy with results.


Other than that I'd suggest you stop worrying too much.

Thanx for the calm down, I tend to rush away


With the diminishing returns there is basically no difference between 350, 450 or 550 Mf. If it doesn't affect your kill speed, go for it of course, but don't expect tremendous results.

I reach over 500% MF now also, so a regear was totaly worth it!


Same for fcr. 20 seconds per run is great, so even if you manage to shave off a second, thats 2000 seconds for 2000 runs, or approx 30 minutes. If you're after a record that may be worth it, but other than that?

No you are right, I only want the ring no records to beat here! However this Fire Ball setup is much funnier to play, I where so irritated that I had to aim so much bfore, made runs harder and I had to sta more focust. Fire Ball hits the mobs around here and seems to stun her a bit to.


Infinity is almost of no consequence, because Andy is already at -50 anyway and the majority of time is not spend killing her. I'd rather have the mana from Insight. 200 FCR might help but you have to see how much faster it makes your runs in comparison to the lower chance of a SoJ dropping.

I REALLY like have inifity on my merc, even when is not the optimal solution just because it reminds me of the 10 weeks I was "lost" to LK running and found the runes for it. But this time it�s insight for "unlimited" mana.

Maybe I start exploring 200FCR solution, but I hope not to, need to craft ammy for that and my char is only level 92 and crafting for 20 FCR and +2 skills ammy should start at level 93 right?


Good luck. This was the way I found my SoJ and Tal's amus as well.

Thanx alot, nice to see your still around!

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