1. I have the runes for Infinity. Actually I have managed to find 3 Ber, which could give me an Enigma but I decided (sort of...) to make an Infinity instead, save the one Ber and let a sorc run around until she finds the Jah. So I started an Orb-it-aller whose only purpose is to give me a 4os suitable poleaxe. She is now about to face Hell Ancients and she has found nothing that I find worthy of wasting my Bers to. At the same time, I know that the Bers are not worth anything sitting in my ATMA stash anyway... There are a lot of threads telling me exactly what I should use (calculating damage and speed and all kinds of things...) but if I can't find the perfect one, is that a waste then?
2. Smaller problem but still. I have a Tombreaver with 3 os that my oldest char is using. I have given it 2 Amn runes to give more life leech. But I cannot for the life of me fill the last spot. What if I find something better after that? Better to keep it open, right?
Anyone else have this problem?|||1. It really depends on how much time do you devote to rune-hunting and what runeword you want to make next. The Conviction Aura is never a waste, even if you make it in the first 4os scythe you find. But if I were you, I would wait to an eth elite pole other than colossus voulge to drop. I made mine in an Eth Great Poleaxe and never look back.
2. Just fill that last spot with a Shael, an Amn or whatever you want. You can always unsocket it with an Hel+TP Scroll in the cube.|||1. The above. I would stick it in the first eth elite polearm (other than CV) that you find. The DPS difference between bases is mostly academic and (unless you use it on a necro) the mercs main purpose isn't to kill stuff.
2. Ye, those runes are so common it really doesn't matter. Shael/Amn/Eth, whatever

As far as sockets of Tomby go, Amn is worth less than a flawless gem, it keeps dropping, I stopped picking them up. I would compliment it with a ~30-35ED jewel for extra damage, until you find something better. That way it's painless to empty the sockets.|||"Also, if you have any MF whatsoever, it will completely screw up your search for a base. Specific white/grey items hunting requires Zero MF, otherwise it's just not gonna happen. People usually run cows for that. "
What are you talking about?
queenEm, it is true that the more MF you carry, the fewer grey items will drop, so if you're specifically searching for grey bases, lowering your MF is a good idea. It doesn't have to be 0 though, just kill lots of (non-boss) monsters and lots of stuff will drop. An eth Thresher is still going to be reasonably rare though, of course.|||Well, I was trying to say what you said, Fabian, but I somehow managed to say something completely different.
I've run cows with 0 MF, 25 MF and 75 MF and between each of these I've noticed a noticeable jump in # magic items (which means decrease in white/grey items). I don't know the exact numbers though.
The point I'm trying to make is, if queenEm is playing a sorc, there's a pretty good chance she has some MF. (Like Tal's set or something, I don't know.) That's not the best way of looking for a base.|||I don't know the exact numbers either, but I sometimes do fullish clears in the Pit at p5 with 550+ MF, and I get more grey items than I know what to do with. Saying you can't wear 75 MF because you won't find any greys is super super untrue.|||She has 23 in MF so basically nothing but I was aware of that so I have chosen as little MF as possible.
Yeah, the tomby is less of a problem. But the infinity, it bothers me that I pick up and pick up and can't stop thinking that there might be something better in the next run. Also I don't play very much so the other high runes I have is an Ist. That's it, and after that 3 Ber which is just so not logical..
Well, I will run AT for a while and pick up anything of these kinds. I have the Larzuk quest to use in Hell as well so it does not have to be 4 os directly.
Thanks for the advice!!|||@Fabian:
You made me curious and I did some math
Percentage of white/grey Threshers dropped by a Cow, while wearing MF:
0 => 95.8%
100 => 91.86%
800 => 69.04%
So yeah, you're right.|||Ok, so the Hell cows are the best to drop a thresher? Hmm.. My 91 lvl necro is really good at that. I'll run him for a while
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