Thursday, April 12, 2012

[B}How The Mighty Have Fallen[/B] Tournament Thread

[:1]How The Mighty Have Fallen


1. You may play in Hardcore or Softcore, retiring the character on their first death. If you S&E to avoid death, you are 'dead'. new character.

2. By your choice, you may quest in single-pass mode, or you may have unrestricted ability to run targets as you choose.

3 . All items used by your character must be found by your character during the gameplay of this Tournament, - there is no twinking, i.e., no bringing in items found by other characters.

4. You are permitted to use ATMA/GoMule as an extended stash for items found within the tournament gameplay.

5. It is assumed that V1.13 will be used by all players. The use of the RWM is allowed. Use of respecs is not allowed unless you gain it in a blessing or curse specifically stating so.

6. You are not restricted from returning to prior Acts for such reasons as shopping and gambling for items, retrieving a Wirt’s Leg, opening a Cow level or deferred use of the Charsi Imbue quest reward. After all, Warriv and Meshif are in the game specifically to support such travel within the framework of the story. However once an act is left no monsters from that act are to be killed. So if you plan to run andariel in act 1 finish up all your runs before sending in your score.

7. You may play at whatever /players setting you prefer and change it at any time

8. You are not required to complete every quest nor activate every waypoint.

9. At the end of every act immediately prior to heading to the next act character level and total exp earned need to be sent to the TO via a PM. These are your secret scores and determine if you receive a blessing or a curse.

10. You may not proceed in a new act until all other participants in your group are ready to begin the act too.

11. Characters will be split into groups of 3 based on how fast they finish each act(when i get the pm) so the first 3 to PM will be in a group, the next 3 and so on. The highest exp will be cursed and the lowest exp will be blessed. then you may continue on your way after receiving your blessing/curse

12. DO NOT post character level but you may freely post if you have been cursed or blessed.

YOU MAY NOT!!! DO THESE THINGS – until you get blessed and the TO informs you of the right to complete one chosen at random. The blessing only applies to the current difficulty, so if you gain the den of evil blessing in act 4 normal you may do the normal den but not the NM den unless another blessing is received of the same type.

Complete the Den Of Evil
Use the book of skill
Use the tome of knowledge
Kill Izual
Use the scroll of resistance
undo a single curse previously bestowed
Charsi imbue reward may not be used
One Respec allowed(per blessing received

Similar to Blessings you will receive a curse for being the highest experience char at the end of each act. Curse will be selected at random and PM'd to you by the TO

The next skill point you earn you may NOT spend ( EVER )
The next 5 stat points you earn you may NOT spend ( EVER )
Immediately Remove your boots ( you may not wear boots ever again )
Immediately Remove your gloves ( same as above )
Remove your Helm ( you get it )
You may only wear PLAIN WHITE BELTS from now on (yeah same again)
Gambler's Ruin (you may no longer gamble. at all)
Cain's Wrath (you may not use cain to identify items)
Potion Drought(you may only acquire potions from monsters, you may not shop for potions
Nihlathaks Wrath(you must kill nihlathak in current difficulty)

Good Luck!

If there is enough interest i may be inclined to split into 2 groups to have a fast group and a slow group. will see how numbers go.

Cheers to Mr Malevolent for actually doing all the work. well except the good bits.|||I'm in. It'll be the assassin that kept dying in the Fashionistas tournament coming back for more.


edit: perhaps as one of the curses you could have collecting the Gidbinn reward from Ormus- disappointment guaranteed!|||Sign me up. Going to properly create and name an Amazon "Aeris".|||Wow, interesting tournament, I'm also in, starting with Druid named "Zlax". |||I could be in as well..

However I'm gonna wait a bit to see if the slow/fast thing gets done, cause I really haven't got a lot of time due to IRL issues.|||This is very interesting. I really want to join but school starts really soon, and I've already started too many goals for D2.

I reallllllly like the idea, though!|||Of course im in a practically made it

FOR CORAX ONLY (not my level don't worry)


the idea was that you waited untill 1 other person funushed the act so that EVERBODY either got cursed or blessed EVERY act. that way you don't have to wait for ages

Ill make a table later

It didn't bold because one of the brackets it the wrong type!|||Is it allowed to S+E to avoid death if it isn't then I will have too restart because of this

I was obviously dead, stupid fanatic goatmen!

If i am allowed to S+E then i will continue, If not then ill make a new char your choice corax ( i was gonna allow it as evryone will die very fast otherwise! )

|||I'll be in. Sounds fun, but may I add a little to the rules. As usual, tourneys ban S&E to escape death. If you manage to run up stairs/flee to safety, you can restart, but S&E to escape certain death is usually banned.

With a tourney like this, there are many easy characters for multi-pass, untwinked HC, so I do think many could make it through into Hell.

I wouldn't mind some set time-limits to complete an act, or a penalty for not completing on time. That way, there is a known amount of time one must wait before being allowed to proceed. As tourney threads usually have a lot of sign ups who don't have time, or can't continue for one reason or another, updating the table to remove non-progressing characters to prevent waiting for them may be needed occasionally. (I would prefer a limited time with a small penalty for not completing, but there would be debate on how long is adequate for those who are studying/working/family full time.)

Also, one cursed/blessed per act seems a little bit too small. Some players may go through without a single restriction. I think the top 'x' be cursed, and the bottom 'y' be blessed, depending on how many contenders there are (this would mean we'd need an official signup end date.) That way, you have more of a chance to gain a bonus/penalty.

I like the blessings/curses, but part of me would like a little more variety (and story.) I don't really know - coming across a deserted caravan, and finding 'z' item (low-mid level unique - although many don't trade and HC/SC thing.) Or a thief comes and steals your potions and gold. I don't know...

I do like the idea, and will definitely join, but I do think a little more variety, story-telling and numbers of contenders who get cursed/blessed would do a lot. Definitely a big thanks for hosting and planning it guys!


~Dryst|||altered the rules slightly.

-No S&E to avoid death. although running to a safe spot to S&E to reset monster spawns is fine.

- Added some extra blessings and curses

- Respecs are not allowed unless blessed/cursed

- The big change is blessing and curses will be done in groups of 3. so the highest will be cursed and lowest blessed. this should speed up gameplay and help people play at their own pace.

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