Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Helping Lagg

Hey folks

My comp is old and in dire need of upgrading

it can cope(just) with normal D2 but there are some things it just cannot live with

1- Summoners - a real shame as fishmancer is one of my favs

2- The Arcane Sanc- literally as soon as i enter it my comp goes sooooooo slow (5fps slow) and really laggy

are there any tried and true tricks to reducing this so that maybe i could play a sumoner once more


Yeah, surprised you're even here on that old thing!

You can try -w (window mode), Svens Glidewrapper, changing the video test to another setting, updating drivers...

I don't know of any tried and true tricks... I am firmly against lag.

Druid Summoner ftw.|||Assuming you've already turned Perspective off in settings and are running in 640x resolution when you enter Arcane, turning off all other applications that may suck up a little power and all the obvious stuff...

Like coju said running -w should help a bit, maybe switch out some RAM sticks for a little more boost there, or picking up an old 47xx or an nvidia 8700 8800 etc, since likely your older PC will have AGP slots (If it's old enough that it only has PCI then there are still some cards there as well you could run that would run D2 plenty well enough, I used to run D2 on a Voodoo5), you could upgrade the video/RAM for less than 50 bucks most likely, at least to good enough that D2 will run pretty flawless, it's not a very CPU intensive game so as long as the processor is at least something made in the last 10 years that shouldn't be much of a problem.|||I have this problem as well, but mostly with arcane/pindle/ anytime it rains or snows on screen. And I have a new computer.

The above mentioned fixes are the best place to start. Mine is always fine in windowed mode, but I hate playing that way. I will often turn my lighting quality (in options menu) down to low. This will clear everything up usually. I don't run it all of the time that way, because it makes monsters tough to see sometimes.|||ty i will play in windowed mode for the arcane sanc or if i want to play a summoner

needed to get that clear as i found an old tourny idea by handorman and am currently in the process of refining it and getting it started (fashonistas tournament) Wouldnt want to have all my chars dying in the sanc

ps- how do i start in windoewed mode?|||Quote:

ps- how do i start in windoewed mode?

If you've installed the RWM just add -w to the end of the string

-direct -txt

so that it reads

-direct -txt -w

If you have not installed the RWM you will need to right click on your shortcut and choose properties. In the first text box add -w to the end outside the quotes("")|||TY for that |||im having trouble installing the glide wrapper any tips?|||If this is a computing power problem, does the -lq switch still work to turn on lowquality mode?

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