Saturday, April 14, 2012

Armor suggestions for a bowazon(strafezon)

[:1]In these days, I really got bored of MFing and runehunting, so I decided to make a strafezon. I know how to skill her, but I need some items suggestions for the game process.( I won't make her untwinked btw.) I'm playing /p8 from the start.

For the start, I gave her arctic gears set for act1 & act2. As the game progresses, I think I may give her an "edge" bow until I get my witchwild string.Then I'll up it. For second weapon, I have a "harmony" ceremonial bow with +3 bow skills and +6 valk. If I get lucky enough to find Jah and Ohm I can give her a faith gmb in hell.

I have lots of rings and ammy's for her like raven's frost, crescent moon, hlord's etc.,but I have some troubles with choosing an armor for her.What would you think about shaftstop, duress runeword, fortitude?|||I think Fortitude is the clear winner, if you have one. The %ED is just too hard for me to pass up for any physical damage-oriented build. If that's not an option, then I would go with either Duress or Treachery.|||I'm planning to get fortitude but I need to do some LK runs for Lo rune(or trade it). I have a good 4socketed archon plate but HRs are such a pain to find ^^. Actually I've never thought about treachery. Fade can help much in hell.|||Duress and Treachery are your next best options if you don't yet have Fortitude. Both help your resists (Duress directly, Treachery via Fade - which can be a pain to trigger for a ranged character).

Duress aids your damage with Crushing Blow and Open Wounds, as well as a small amount (10-20%) of off-weapon ED. It also adds a nice bit of Cold Damage (0.5 secs duration on hell), which is always useful on a Strafer, especially if you have another source of Cold somewhere to bump the duration up to 1-2 seconds on Hell. The 40% FHR is also useful (FHR is help0ful for any character).

The main benefit of Treachery is not the resists, but the 45% IAS. The Venom also helps to add a nice bit of extra damage, and is a help against PIs. There is also 20% FHR.

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