Thursday, April 12, 2012

1.13 vs 1.09 WW Barbs - official project thread

[:1]I finished my 1.13 vs 1.09 Gunslinger (LF/Strafe) Zons, and posted plans for a similar project with WW Barbs - I've finally addressed my core gear needs (the last vexing issue was getting a non-eth TGod's for my 1.09 Barb, but a friend suggested an elegant solution - put the eth TGod's on my Necro, who is parked indefinitely, and take his TGod's for use on this Barb), so I'm ready to get this started.

This will be a comparison of Barbarians using WW for the main attack and Berzerk for situational use. In this case, I think the skill allocation may be identical (unlike my Zons, who had different balances due to significant differences in the bugs and skills between the patches).

I would like to put out a request for suggestions for names. My first idea was "BringerOfGrief" and "BringerOfDoom" as the 1.13 Barb will be dual-wielding Grief Phase Blades and I had originally planned on dual Doombringers for the 1.09 Barb, but WoRG pointed out that there is no way to get Doombringers to the last IASBP, which is a big deal for a WW Barb. So, WoRG was generous enough to craft some awesome 1.07 swords that beat the best you can get from the 1.09 3 chip recipes (and a sublime 23%ll ring for him). So now I'm not sure what to call them. What I'm thinking now is "NewSkool" and "OldSkool", but that's a tad generic.

For the 1.13 guy, I already made a Grief PB with a Lo that dropped for Gauss in the CS, which rolled a very nice +391 (in a superior PB no less, also dropped for Gauss in his questing from Tal Rasha's Tombs.

I've trade for enough Ohm runes (gogo overpriced 1.09 Raven Claws!) to make another Grief PB, and Greebo traded a Ber for the Cham that dropped for ShocknAwe, my 1.13 HybridZon, so I can make Chains of Honor. My 1.10a Andy runner got an Arreat's Face that he'll use, so with that and CoH and Nat Resists, he will have very little need for additional resists, which will alllow me to focus on other needs. So, the question is, what to carry on switch - a +3 Warcry shopped sword plus the other 1.10s CtA War Scepter? Am I right that the +2 skills will add to the capped +3 BO for a grand total of +8 BO from this setup? I'm thinking LoH will fit much better than Dracul's for this build (assuming I can get decent leech from jewelry and belt).

For the 1.09 guy, WoRG crafted some crazy 1.07 swords (one with 7% mana leech) that got 3 open sockets from Larzuk and a 23% life leech ring. I'll rely on the Eth Rune bug for these, so the CB will get EthShaelShael, and the HB will get Eth and a RJoF and a VJoF. I also have a Arreat's Face for this guy, and he'll also use LoH. I have some very nice ammy choices for this, along with the second ring slot, but armor choices are much more limited - my standard 1.09 armor is Skullder's Ire, but I'm also considering a Black Hades (I have a perfect +60 DtD) with 2 Um runes and a Diamond Jewel (or maybe Um + pTopas + Diamond Jewel). Maybe Naj's Light Plate? The belt will necessarily be TGod's and boots likely War Travs (though I'm considering Gore Rider since I FINALLY got a couple pair of those).

Planned skills are:

20 Sword Mastery

20 Shout

20 BO

20 WW

1+skillers in Iron Skin, Nat Resists, Increased Speed, Find Item

1+ late pumping of Berzerk since the returns are so awesome

Twinking will be identical (Swords only for levels 2+. Envy Crystal Swords to lvl 6, Full Death's to level 25, King's Grace Zweihanders to level 27, Honor Zweihanders to level 30, at which point I will compare and contrast Bloodletters versus Honor Zwiehanders as WW becomes available). Divergence will only occur as Oath becomes available (I think I have 2 eth 4os BBs for this).

So, what do you think about names? Another idea is Rulon (1.13) and Aleksandr (1.09) for the Greco-Roman olympic wrestlers.|||You've got some sweet gear going for these two guys. I can't wait to see what the results come out as. I can only think that the extra damage from the Grief's will make for some insane hidden damage in comparison.

As for names I can't help you much. Taz and Twister maybe? Not too original either, or profound and fancy like Rulon and Aleksandr. Spartacus and Maximus? That's the first two gladiators that come to my mind...

Best of luck to you!|||Fun project but if you want to feel bigger differences i recommend making one character either -

1.10+ CLASSIC ww barb: this has the insane 1 FPA whirlwind, for an insane 25 attacks per second. Something that cant be compared to anything else in the game to be honest.

1.00 ww barb: 60 mana cost and 15% ED per level WW, with weapon mastery multiplying TOTAL character damage? Insane damage output, 'nuff said. And the highest damage weapons in the game - rare ancient axes and partizans? Style galore.|||Well, Aleksandr and Rulon it is, then. We'll just see how they compare - I know from experience that my 1.13 Teslot dominated the game more than any 1.09 character I've played, so I won't be surprised if Rulon puts Aleksandr to shame, but I've done my best to give Aleksandr the best gear available. At the very least he will be unbelievably safe, sporting over 35% life leech in Hell.

@zrk: I'm sticking to the patches I have gear and experience in. I don't even have a 1.00 disc - my Diablo disc is 1.03.|||Ok. other patches available fwiw(so could run 1.00 etc)|||zrk, does that link mean i could play any patch as long as i have diablo on my computer?|||Quote:

zrk, does that link mean i could play any patch as long as i have diablo on my computer?

I'm not Zrk, but I'll answer anyway. ;p The link is for the files of TrenShadow's version switcher.

The answer is probably. If you have a set of older discs that on the back of the CD case says XP as the requirement and no where does it list Vista or win7 then you should be able to use TrenShadow's version switcher. You will need the disc to be in the drive for patches older than 1.12a. If your CD case says Vista or win7 then you probably will not be able to as those CDs are patched already to 1.12a iirc. Also if you downloaded the game from blizzard then the program will not work.

With TrenShadow's version switcher you can run any version on your computer without the need for a separate install.

The (Hopefully) Definitive TrenShadow Guide (1.00): (updated guide 2.00)|||I got my Zons' Mat Post done, so now I feel free to get started on this project.

Rulon and Aleksandr have been created. I made them both in 1.09 (via the game, not ATMA, since I found out that ATMA always uses the same map seed) so that I could load some twink gear on Rulon before moving him to 1.13. My MF Barb found a PERFECT 5os Superior (15%ED/3AR) Long Bow, so I now have Envy Long Bows for each Barb's level 1 (at level two, they put them away for the Envy Crystal Sword and will use nothing but swords from there on out).

Tonight, I hope to move Rulon to 1.13 and load his inventory with the remainder of his early twink gear, and take both Barbs out of the Rouge Encampment.|||I got Rulon converted to 1.13, and took both Aleksandr and Rulon out of the Rogue Encampment. Both have rescued Cain and are currently lvl 15.

I realized that I overplanned the very early levels, as on P8, 6 monsters get you to Lvl 2. However, I don't regret going through the trouble of getting another 5 JoE Long Bow for 1.13, as it's an awesome weapon to give the Rogue Merc.

So the Arctic + 6 JoE Crystal Sword did fine for both Rulon and Aleksandr. I took Aleksandr out first. Once to level 6, having pumped STR so he could carry the Death's sword, I realized that it has a DEX requirement as well, that I missed. So he was more like level 8 or 9 before he had the full Death's awesomeness, but then he was level 12 before I knew it, and I got the full Normal combo on him - Full Death's, Angelic Armor + Bling, and Sigon's boots + shield + hat. I plan to keep this on him throughout Normal (exluding the weapon). He also found an awesome Tangerine GC of something (greed?) - 15% LR at level requirement of... no level requirement! So he's running max resists at the moment.

So I took Rulon out, and having the benefit of knowing the requirement issues, had him in full death's at level 7. Otherwise, almost exactly the same experience (though I do like the much better Shout duration in 1.13 over 1.09).

At level 25 I plan on King's Grace Zwiehanders (then Honor for 27), which sport quite the hefty STR and DEX requirements, and I'll lose some resists from the full Death's bonuses, so I may have to adjust gear at that point, but I can probably address resists with just charms. But... there simply doesn't appear to be enough points to get both of those requirements met by level 25, so I may replace Sigon's hat and boots with a Mask of Horror and Cow King's Boots. I may even have to replace the Shield with Umbral Disc.|||Aleksandr took down Andy last night at level 19 running with Death's + Angelic + Sigons. No problems encountered, of course - the merc even survived. He'll be getting his Desert Merc (max level 13 in 1.09, so the irritation of gearing the merc with the level restrictions stikes again, but I'm getting that down to a science - Razortine, then Bloodthief, then Battlebranch, then Honor Partizan).

Rulon got to the Outer Cloister and is currently level 17 - I very much look forward to level 18 as I'll have many nice skills to invest in (I'll have 4 points to distribute). The duration on Shout is so nice in 1.13 that I actually use it for him while playing, so the Iron Skin will work nicely with that. And Concentrate is so much nicer than Bash. He'll be going down into the jails tonight. He's already gotten a decent drop - a pair of Death's Gloves.

After doing some math, I see that meeting the Str/Dex requirements of Zweihanders will be quite the challenge, so I went ahead and made a pair of King's Grace Rune Swords. Still, even at level 27, I'm going to have to do some tricky balancing to get the reqs for the Honor Zweihanders. I'll be pumping nothing but Str and Dex, relying on the Set bonuses for life (Angelic is excellent for that).

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