Thursday, April 12, 2012

Paladin aura switching.

[:1]I can't seem to find an answer to this anywhere...

Been playing a paladin lately. I notice sometimes that his aura on the rmb will randomly change sometimes. It seems to happen most often when fighting Baal, but it has happened several times in other places as well.

Is this a known issue? Is there anything to be done about it?

I've used zeal and vengeance with holy shock and conviction, and it seems to do it for both of them, if that matters.|||First time I hear about this. Perhaps you've assigned them to some funny shortcuts you keep pressing by accident? Maybe a mouse wheel? No clue. Shortcuts is the only idea I've got.|||I agree; the mouse wheel is the most likely culprit. Mine doesn't work in D2 anymore, but I used to have a mouse with a wheel which let me cycle through my skills. A rather handy function, once you got used to it.

Slightly on but off topic: remember when Paladin auras stuck for a little bit (few seconds), and you could rock multiple auras on your character? This was way before runewords. When I read the thread title that's what popped in to my head.|||You guys could be right, maybe because a paladin used the lmb for attack I am hitting the wheel on accident.

But now that I think about it...

I know that I am holding down the lmb when attacking Baal, and it will switch when the lmb is just being held down.|||Could be a computer shortcut type deal... somehow entering itself into D2...

Ahh aura stacking... Makes me want to MAKE other versions work on my win7....|||My current cheap-o mouse does some glitchy things concerning the wheel.

It can get into a touchy state where I will scroll away, then once I'm done it'll scroll down once without me touching it. It's like its sensor is misaligned with the rolling click sound so I can imperceptibly touch the wheel and it'll scroll down without it ever moving.

Also, I've noticed on a couple of occasions that my cell phone can interfere with my mouse. I tend to keep my phone within twelve inches (33cm) of my mouse pad, and the signals can cause my mouse to do things I didn't do myself.

I've never seen anything in-game where the game itself is responsible for skill switching. Blame it on the mouse. I'd suggest getting a cheap replacement to see if it solves your problem, and if so you can invest in a more expensive mouse for long term use.

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