Thursday, April 12, 2012

Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

[:1]With the forum crash of course the prior EMB thread vanished into the ether, so here's a new one.

Please leave any items which may attract Squids in the safe lockers in the lobby, and free Squid Repellent is available if required.

*uses claw machine to nab a miniature Diablo, which is promptly set up outside to Pink-Lightning-Bolt-of-Death any cephalopods*|||*Walks in smoking slightly*

Damn, that new bouncer is vicious. Tried to show him my ID and he almost vapourised me.

*Grabs a coffee and sits down to study for a while*|||*sighs wistfully* The forum crash reminds me of B.Net. Those were the days - the excitement of wondering if you could play today, and if you could, if you would be lagged out in front of an MSLE. Ah, the good old days!

Barkeep, a double vodka, neat. Thank you, my good man!

*sips slowly, contemplating the many-tentacled havoc which has been wreaked on our beloved SPF*

*toasts to Borlag, Redeemer of Lost Posts* :drink:|||I'll have something alhoholic please..

I need to forget about all of my lost posts!! ><|||*Strolls in with freshly burnt hair and very attractive pink hue all over*

Ahhhhh,, dont shake hands with the bouncer... Hey Bartender I need a drink! Something along the lines of a Fire Extinguisher..|||*walks in unscathed*

Hey! Uh, there seems to be some sort of big puddle outside. Looks like a hell of a battle went on. Pretty sure that the fire-using guy lost, though, judging from all the water. Anyone know what went on?

Anywho, just wanted some Mt. Dew to drown away my sorrows. Forum crashes are bad...

Porius|||*steps over bits of charred doorway* Damn, who hired the bouncer? *sits at the bar* Got anything in a nice Root Beer? I'm driving tonight.|||Hmm - nasty smell outside - like burned furry crossed with brimstone... and a mess outside the door. And where's the bouncer?

Anyways - things are a little stressful today... My wife had a job interview yesterday at a hospital out of town for a job as a Paediatric Occupational Therapist (She's just graduated varsity). So if she gets it (we don't find out till alter today at the earliest) We'll be moving town just as my new year at varsity starts up... bit stressful as I said - moving house - trying to find a nice house in a good area we can afford on a single income - moving my degree to a new school and trying to bully the new dean into cross-creditting my existing papers... sheesh!

So 'keep - slide me over something soothing - I'm thinking Glen might be nice - Glenmorangie, 18 yo, double shot, straight up, a single cube of ice please.

oh - and make it a Black Mac chaser.

PapaBear|||Hi everybo--

*slips in a puddle outside the door, falling on a mangled (and very annoyed) Diablo doll, receiving a swift slap to the head*

... I never should've mentioned that claw machine...

Anyway, how's about a mountain dew. I need a pick-me-up (and a miracle) to get my comic book thingy completed on time.|||Quote:

Anyway, how's about a mountain dew. I need a pick-me-up (and a miracle) to get my comic book thingy completed on time.

Argh! I just realised - with the forum crash the tales of Darken Rahl are <gollum>lost LOST!!!!!! Poor Preciousssssssssssss</gollum>

KP - please tell me you have them somewhere offline? *grin*

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